UPDATE on Josh


Digital opinion leader
Hi everyone,
I was just able to snag a laptop from the activity lady. Everything was shut down for the long weekend.

Josh was admitted to Children's on Saturday. Being the long holiday weekend(two holidays), all of the computer areas were closed. Talk about being out of touch!!! here's an update...

Josh is a bit of a mystery. He feels yucky and is still having fevers although not as high as before. His x-ray showed no pneumonia but some atelactasis (sp). They will do a CT scan today for further inspection. And they may do a bronch if necessary later in the week. His sputum showed a fungus, probably the cause of the fevers. His blood showed low hematacrit (25) which was very perplexing. He has no active bleeding and they are guessing it it due to multiple infections.

They are checking with infectious disease today and waiting for the culture of the fungus, so they can start an antifungal med. He is on vancomycin and merapenum IV. He's pretty worn out from all of this. He also got "red man's syndrome" from the first dose of Vanco (which he's been on before with no problem), so he getting benadryl IV before each dose. Because of that he's been extra sleepy.

AND to top it all off, Jesse is suppose to come in next week for a routine clean-out. Because Josh will be here for a while, they want Jesse to come now. Its actually easier on us for scheduling purposes if they are together. Poor Jess, tomorrow is his birthday. Hopefully they can wait to bring him in until Thursday. Josh's birthday is next week.

That about it for now.

I'll let you know.



New member
Jane, Im so sorry they have to be in there on their b~days. What a bummer<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">. Reece got red man syndrome also!! Praying all goes well and you get to come home soon!!!!

It seems your boys and Reece have alot in common....sinuses...mickey button....red man syndrome...etc. Hang in there...Hopefully they will be all ready for ya'lls summer vacation!!!


New member
Thanks for the update, Jane.
Sounds like you're in the right place -- and probably easier to cleanout 2 at once (fingers crossed for waiting till after b-party tho').
Hope they get a handle on things soon.

Don't forget to take care of yourself a bit too. (Isn't there a manicurist around the corner from there?)

Keeping you all in my heart,


New member
poor guys!
Maybe being in there together will be better for all concerned? For them, for you, the docs...trying to think of a postive. Hang in there-I'm sure your worn out and frustrated, and just want to rest. This will eventually pass too, and then you can enjoy your summer!


Jane, thanks for the update. Sorry that your boys are going through this and so close to their birthdays! I hope they are doing better soon. Keep us posted.


New member
Aww Jane. How crummy for all of you! I'm so sorry! If the boys do have to be in on thier birthdays, can they at least have a whole day of video games until thier thumbs bleed? Or something that they enjoy? HEEHEE! Hope all goes well. Poor guys!


New member
a Cat scan....
I've heard of those...

<img src="http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f160/LisaV2/cattscan.jpg">


Digital opinion leader
LOVE that. I'm going to print it and bring it up to the clinic!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Jane</b></i>

AND to top it all off, Jesse is suppose to come in next week for a routine clean-out. Because Josh will be here for a while, they want Jesse to come now. Its actually easier on us for scheduling purposes if they are together. Poor Jess, tomorrow is his birthday. Hopefully they can wait to bring him in until Thursday. Josh's birthday is next week.

</end quote></div>


Jesse will be admitted on Thursday, so he's having his birthday AT HOME!!!!!

The boys usually share a room when they go in, more convenient for me and more fun for them. But they don't have a double room open so they'll each have a single. I'll be running between rooms- craziness!!! I hope at least we get permission to have them visit each other- usually a hospital cf no-no, but in this case, I think it will be ok.


New member
Great news about Thursday!
Happy Birthday, Jesse!!
Happy Birthday, Jane (big deal hugs ((((jane)))) ).

How about buying yourself roller skates?
I like the "picture" of you skating between rooms...
if any hospital could handle that, it would be Childrens.;-)