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Thursday morning I got a phone call from my publisher, Joyce. It was so great to hear from her. As the release date for <i>Dear Future Husband</i> draws ever closer, my excitement about the whole thing just keeps growing. Joyce has been wonderful about keeping me in the loop about everything that's going on in the formatting process, as well as what she's doing on her end of things to promote the book.
When I was first introduced to the concept of having my work published as an eBook, I wasn't overly enthusiastic about it. I worried that my work would become nothing more than a piece of cyber junk. As I've learned more about it and about the ways Shulamite Publishing is working hard to ensure that they put together a quality product, I've changed my opinion.
By going the eBook route through a professional publishing house (as opposed to a do-it-yourself eBook publishing site like LuLu) I'll have the best opportunity to connect to my target audience. People spend so much time in front of their computers these days. True, some people do venture in to actual bookstores, but by and large people obtain their information online. I stand a greater chance of connecting with my readers by bringing my book to them where they are: online.
I'm praying for continued patience as I wait for <i>Dear Future Husband</i> to be a finished product. Sometime next week I'll have the opportunity to see how all the formatting has come together. I'm especially looking forward to seeing how the letters themselves have been formatted within the text.
In case you haven't heard about my book before now, allow me to share a little bit about it with you.
It is a collection of letters I wrote starting from the age of 14. They are my thoughts and promises about how I was going to make sure that I was allowing God to shape my heart into that of a godly wife. Each letter is addressed to Dear Future Husband. I wrote them for 8 years. When God brought the man who is now my husband into my life, I knew my prayers were answered. God had fulfilled the desire of my heart. He had been working in my life and Brad's all that time to prepare us for one another.
The book is more than just the letters, however. I have also written about how God answered those prayers I had been praying. I reflect on the letters and write about how God used different situations to teach me more about Him. Dear Future Husband presents a compelling testimony of faith, hope and love. It reinforces the Biblical roles of men and women in marriage, which is something young Christians today don't always see modeled for them. Whether you're single, married, dating, waiting, guy or gal, there's something in this book for you.
When I was first introduced to the concept of having my work published as an eBook, I wasn't overly enthusiastic about it. I worried that my work would become nothing more than a piece of cyber junk. As I've learned more about it and about the ways Shulamite Publishing is working hard to ensure that they put together a quality product, I've changed my opinion.
By going the eBook route through a professional publishing house (as opposed to a do-it-yourself eBook publishing site like LuLu) I'll have the best opportunity to connect to my target audience. People spend so much time in front of their computers these days. True, some people do venture in to actual bookstores, but by and large people obtain their information online. I stand a greater chance of connecting with my readers by bringing my book to them where they are: online.
I'm praying for continued patience as I wait for <i>Dear Future Husband</i> to be a finished product. Sometime next week I'll have the opportunity to see how all the formatting has come together. I'm especially looking forward to seeing how the letters themselves have been formatted within the text.
In case you haven't heard about my book before now, allow me to share a little bit about it with you.
It is a collection of letters I wrote starting from the age of 14. They are my thoughts and promises about how I was going to make sure that I was allowing God to shape my heart into that of a godly wife. Each letter is addressed to Dear Future Husband. I wrote them for 8 years. When God brought the man who is now my husband into my life, I knew my prayers were answered. God had fulfilled the desire of my heart. He had been working in my life and Brad's all that time to prepare us for one another.
The book is more than just the letters, however. I have also written about how God answered those prayers I had been praying. I reflect on the letters and write about how God used different situations to teach me more about Him. Dear Future Husband presents a compelling testimony of faith, hope and love. It reinforces the Biblical roles of men and women in marriage, which is something young Christians today don't always see modeled for them. Whether you're single, married, dating, waiting, guy or gal, there's something in this book for you.