Update on my brother...



So my brother didn't get into surgery until 8am instead of the 430am like we all thought. My mom was fumin...as no one had told her so she yelled at everyone that was involved with the surgery. She could have had an extra 4 hours to spend with my bro. Any how, surgery lasted about 8 hours or so, it took a lil longer than usual because the donor lungs were full with mucus because they were on the lung machine for awhile so b4 putting them into my bro they had to clean his new lungs. Well he is now in ICU and is hooked up to more machines than he has room, he has more machines than he has room! He supposedly is doin ok as well as can be exspected. But doing OK! The docs say he'll be in the hospital for about 2-3 weeks.
I am still prayin for him and I am hoping I can go and see him after Christmas! I would go now but being Christmas time plane fares are wayyyyyyyy out there, they start at $1200.00 and go up for round trip.
So please keep prayin for my brother and thank you!


So my brother didn't get into surgery until 8am instead of the 430am like we all thought. My mom was fumin...as no one had told her so she yelled at everyone that was involved with the surgery. She could have had an extra 4 hours to spend with my bro. Any how, surgery lasted about 8 hours or so, it took a lil longer than usual because the donor lungs were full with mucus because they were on the lung machine for awhile so b4 putting them into my bro they had to clean his new lungs. Well he is now in ICU and is hooked up to more machines than he has room, he has more machines than he has room! He supposedly is doin ok as well as can be exspected. But doing OK! The docs say he'll be in the hospital for about 2-3 weeks.
I am still prayin for him and I am hoping I can go and see him after Christmas! I would go now but being Christmas time plane fares are wayyyyyyyy out there, they start at $1200.00 and go up for round trip.
So please keep prayin for my brother and thank you!


So my brother didn't get into surgery until 8am instead of the 430am like we all thought. My mom was fumin...as no one had told her so she yelled at everyone that was involved with the surgery. She could have had an extra 4 hours to spend with my bro. Any how, surgery lasted about 8 hours or so, it took a lil longer than usual because the donor lungs were full with mucus because they were on the lung machine for awhile so b4 putting them into my bro they had to clean his new lungs. Well he is now in ICU and is hooked up to more machines than he has room, he has more machines than he has room! He supposedly is doin ok as well as can be exspected. But doing OK! The docs say he'll be in the hospital for about 2-3 weeks.
I am still prayin for him and I am hoping I can go and see him after Christmas! I would go now but being Christmas time plane fares are wayyyyyyyy out there, they start at $1200.00 and go up for round trip.
So please keep prayin for my brother and thank you!


New member

I will be praying for your brother. I highly doubt that your brothers new lungs were filled with mucus. Possibly fluid. If there were mucus they would not be acceptable donor lungs.


New member

I will be praying for your brother. I highly doubt that your brothers new lungs were filled with mucus. Possibly fluid. If there were mucus they would not be acceptable donor lungs.


New member

I will be praying for your brother. I highly doubt that your brothers new lungs were filled with mucus. Possibly fluid. If there were mucus they would not be acceptable donor lungs.


New member
I'm so glad the surgery went well. I'm sure everything will continue fine. Keep us updated. Sending warm thoughts to you and your brother.


New member
I'm so glad the surgery went well. I'm sure everything will continue fine. Keep us updated. Sending warm thoughts to you and your brother.


New member
I'm so glad the surgery went well. I'm sure everything will continue fine. Keep us updated. Sending warm thoughts to you and your brother.


I am praying for your brothers quick and good recovery! Have a wondeful holiday! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


I am praying for your brothers quick and good recovery! Have a wondeful holiday! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">