Update on the babies-New belly pictures on website


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We had a long appointment yesterday and everything looks well!

Baby A (Cassandra) weighs 2lbs 11oz and is the chunkiest of all
Baby B (either Tristan or Ryland) is 2lbs 5oz
Baby C (either Tristan or Ryland) is 2lbs 4oz

This is good news because two weeks ago the boys were in the 16th and 11th percentile, respectively. and now they are in the 21st and 16th percentile, respectively so they have done some catching up.

I on the other hand, have had a week from hell. They started me on terbutaline last week and the nasty side effects of that medication reared it's head x100 for me. Irritability, drowsiness shortly after the medication kicked in and then wired for hours a few minutes later, jittery and physically shaky (to the point that I couldn't even type on the computer), inability to sit still or get comfortable, no appetite whatsoever, crying because I was so frustrated with no appetite, not being able to sleep (about 1 hour each night for the past 6 nights and cat naps here and there throughout the day) even what I would consider depression and just being sick of all this and wanting to give up-which isn't exactly an option... Poor Mark has had quite a time dealing with me, what a man though!

So I talked to my doc. yesterday about how unhappy I am and I realize that I'm nearing the end of this pregnancy and in talking to other triplet moms, there is something about the 27,28,29th week of a triplet pregnancy where most of them got to the "I just want to give up point" like I did the other day. But that I'm not sure what to do to get myself through it. I've lost 2lbs, and I should have gained about 3lbs and I'm upset with myself about that, I'm exhausted and snappy with my husband because no matter how much I try to sleep, I don't get much more than a 30-60 minute stretch before I just can't sleep anymore because I'm so uncomfortable, my hips have sores on them from laying on my sides and the weight finally taking it's toll on my poor hips (they are bruised now) and all the above I already mentioned.

So, he suggested a Terbutaline holiday, even though I've only been on it for 1 week, and to try Motrin every 6 hours for the contractions. Last week my cervix had shortened a lot, down to 2.9cm long. Now this week it is up to 5.3cm. Not sure how it "grows" but the doc says he thinks it was either a fluke last week OR, I was having a lot of contractions last week and it could have shortened with a contraction. And they measured it 2x just to be sure. So that's good news in all of this.

I'm actually feeling better since I'm off that awful drug, it's been 24 hours since my last does. Definately not 100% like I was 3 weeks ago, but I'm getting to that "rough patch" as other triplet moms have told me, and so I guess it's kind of expected for me to feel much more exhausted and bored, frustrated and such.

Just wanted to give you guys an update, sorry it's so long and whiney.

I will try to do a belly picture today, I know I mentioned it last time but I just didn't feel up to it.

7 weeks to go and counting, although at this poit I'm just looking to make it through each day!!!

Thanks to all of you for the continued support, the Pm's and emails. This website is a wonderful family and I am so glad to be a member. Thank you!!!


Update on the babies

Oh, Julie! That sounds so miserable. I felt so great my first pregnancy, up to the last day, which was two weeks past my due date. Second pregnancy, totally different story ... so uncomfortable, so hot, so tired ... and that was only ONE baby!!!

I hope you get some sleep soon. With sleep, I think we can handle almost anything.

I'll be thinking of and praying for you. (and Mark too!)


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Update on the babies

Congrats!! Its good to see those boys are catching up. I'm sure their sister will let them live it down. I totally understand about the nasty medication, I had to take an antispasm drug several years ago and it was hell. I literally had to moan, rock myself, and bang my head on the wall just to get some relief. Horrible! It will be over soon, keep telling yourself that.

I saw my baby's heartbeat for the first time the other day!!!


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Update on the babies

Congrats on the boys catching up! Sorry to hear that you are so misserable, but just think, before no time you'll be delivered and back at home with the triplets!


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Update on the babies

Feel better soon. Before you know it you will be holding them in your arms and the pain will be gone. Take some nice slow deep breaths and do this for a few minutes. IT should have some calming affect on you. No matter how I feel when I pay attention to my breathing it always slows down and I feel better.


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Update on the babies

Glad to hear they are giving you a holiday on the med! Hope you feel better. Good for the babies-they are growing!


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Update on the babies

HANG IN THERE. i would love to see new pics if you feel up to it <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Update on the babies

Just gotta say, my VIBES are going to MARK!! Poor guy, has to go through all that!!
Julie, just glad you both survived three weeks of that, and are still on speaking terms (LOL!)
I hope after the drugs are run through your body, you can go back to a happy last seven and a half weeks, and name a movie to that!! (more LOL!!)
Glad to hear the 'gang' is doing well...can't quit now on us, Jul! Hang in there!


Update on the babies

Sorry to hear you are having so many troubles. I can only imagine how hard it is. It is bad enough carrying one child, let alone carrying 3. But it will all be worth it once they arrive. Hang in there!


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Update on the babies

Sorry to hear about the miserable time you're having, hope it gets better. Hang in there--the journey will be worth it!


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Update on the babies


Thankyou for sharing how you are doing. I was worrying about you this week...after reading your last post.....knowing you were having a tough time. I am so sorry you are suffering so much. I cannot imagine how it is for you. I am glad to hear that you were taken off that awful med that made life practically impossible for you. You just keep venting because we are all about support here. You have totally earned the right to complain all you want. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> You hang in there and just keep thinking about when you can hold those babies. When things get tough for me, I just think, it is all a means to an end. You are totally going through a labor of love for those little babies. A means to an end. <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

Much Love
Hugs and Encouragement
<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


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Update on the babies

Thanks so much to everyone for the encouragement and support! I absolutely love all of you and am so thankful for this site. It's such a refresher sometimes and I'm so glad I have all of you!

yesterday was a much better day for me. I was still a bit sleepy in the AM (right after I posted my update) but I hadn't taken the terbuteline evening dose, just the AM dose the day before so it should be all out of my system. The advil worked pretty well for me yesterday. I did have to take 1 dose of terb. in the evening and had a hard time with it, but the effects seem to be gone today. I took it because the advil can take 8-12 hours to "kick in" and the contractions were getting stronger and more frequent.

Mark has had a lot of patients with me, so glad I have him. For everything I go through with this pregnancy, he goes through it too, and then some. Because for him, he has no control. He just has to watch me have a hard time and can't help out. SO you are right Fred, Mark deserves a huge pat on the back <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">!!!
He's getting so excited though, he keeps asking, "are they here yet, are they here yet?" like a little kid. I ask him if he's still nervous and he says yes, but that he's more excited everyday.

Amy, when Mark gets home this afternoon I'll ask him to take a belly shot and I'll put it up today. Sorry, I know I promised yesterday but I was enjoying my bit of normalcy and Mark insisted I get out of the house and accompany him on a trip to get dog food <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">. It's actually an adventure because the pet store that carries their food is about 45 minutes away from our house. So it was nice to get outside and he made sure to just take his time and have a relaxing drive for me.

Thanks so much to everyone for the support. I/we really really appreciate it.
I hope everyone is doing well!!!


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Update on the babies

Ok Amy, I posted a picture for you on the website <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> And for the others who requested!! I like to put it there, vice here, so people can see the growth. Here's the direct link to the page <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com/Mark_and_Julies_BellyPictures.html">http://www.cysticfibrosismalei...ies_BellyPictures.html</a>


New member
YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is one big belly!!!!!! you take it easy now.


New member
well, Julie, it looks like those babies are really growing! congrats to you. I'm glad you are off the Terbutaline - I've heard that it is hard to take - and I hope you can stay off it for a while, at least. Your belly photos are stunning!


New member
Those 3-d ultrasound pics are amazing! And that is one big belly!
And you look great by the way! Pretty soon...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">