Update on Trizanne74 (Tricia)



This was in Nate's blog today: (I thot of placing it in my blog again, but thot more people might see it here.)

<i>Friday, January 4, 2008
Friday Update
(I left my Mac with Tricia last night, so I haven't been able to update)

Tricia's CO2 levels went down from 59 to 54 last night. 60 is the danger zone when they would be forced to place her on the ventilator. Thanks you for your prayers!

They're checking the baby's heartbeat twice a day, and everything looks great!

They're having problems getting a "central line" in Tricia's body, so please pray that they can figure that out today.

We have lots of family here and coming. Tricia's parents, my parents, Tricia's two sisters (Janet and Megan), and my sister Sarah and Terry are all here. Two of Tricia's brothers, by grandparents and some uncles and aunts are all headed into town the next few days. It's wonderful to have family around.

Some friends have come by and are coming as well. Thank you!

Tricia does not like the ICU room. This is her first visit there, and it's very different than her normal hospital rooms. The security is much tighter, and she can only have a few visitors at a time, and no visitors at certain times. It's much more sterile, and it's very cluttered with all the equipment they'll need for an emergency. She's got at least 6 different tubes and lines running into her arms, chest and tummy.

Some specific prayer requests for today:

> Her CO2 levels need to stay down, and as long as they do, they can keep her off the ventilator. Being intubated to place the ventilator will put her at risk of needing an emergency c section.
> Her central line to be placed soon. This will be a semi-painful procedure, so she's hoping to get it over with soon.
> The baby to stay healthy and kicking.
> Her oxygen level (breathing) to stay above 95.
> Her stress and anxiety to remain low.

Thanks to everyone who has helped to spread the word about Tricia. This blog had almost 3000 hits yesterday (compared to the previous high of 900). I would love to respond to each post individually, but I simply can't, so whether you're a stranger or a close friend, thank you so much! We love you all!

If you are in or close to Durham, feel free to come by the hospital, but let us know in advance. You may not get to see Tricia, but just being here will mean so much to her and our family. Thanks!


If you want to keep updated personally, you can go to Nate's blog
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.
">"><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.
<br ">http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.

I cried when I saw that her CO2 was down some. What an answer to prayer and how great for them, a step towards keeping her off the ventilator and giving the baby more time to grow and get stronger!!!

Thanks for praying for them!


<b>Sunday, 1/6: Nate has a brief update this evening as follows:

I'm at the hotel while Tricia's mom, Agnes stays with Tricia tonight. Tricia just called me to ask that we pray...her heart rate is very high. If you read this tonight, please pray that is drops soon. Thanks.

There have been some other blogs by him recently, especially a moving one yesterday and this AM, so if you haven't seen them go check them out.

<i>PRAY her heartrate will go down!</i>


This was in Nate's blog today: (I thot of placing it in my blog again, but thot more people might see it here.)

<i>Friday, January 4, 2008
Friday Update
(I left my Mac with Tricia last night, so I haven't been able to update)

Tricia's CO2 levels went down from 59 to 54 last night. 60 is the danger zone when they would be forced to place her on the ventilator. Thanks you for your prayers!

They're checking the baby's heartbeat twice a day, and everything looks great!

They're having problems getting a "central line" in Tricia's body, so please pray that they can figure that out today.

We have lots of family here and coming. Tricia's parents, my parents, Tricia's two sisters (Janet and Megan), and my sister Sarah and Terry are all here. Two of Tricia's brothers, by grandparents and some uncles and aunts are all headed into town the next few days. It's wonderful to have family around.

Some friends have come by and are coming as well. Thank you!

Tricia does not like the ICU room. This is her first visit there, and it's very different than her normal hospital rooms. The security is much tighter, and she can only have a few visitors at a time, and no visitors at certain times. It's much more sterile, and it's very cluttered with all the equipment they'll need for an emergency. She's got at least 6 different tubes and lines running into her arms, chest and tummy.

Some specific prayer requests for today:

> Her CO2 levels need to stay down, and as long as they do, they can keep her off the ventilator. Being intubated to place the ventilator will put her at risk of needing an emergency c section.
> Her central line to be placed soon. This will be a semi-painful procedure, so she's hoping to get it over with soon.
> The baby to stay healthy and kicking.
> Her oxygen level (breathing) to stay above 95.
> Her stress and anxiety to remain low.

Thanks to everyone who has helped to spread the word about Tricia. This blog had almost 3000 hits yesterday (compared to the previous high of 900). I would love to respond to each post individually, but I simply can't, so whether you're a stranger or a close friend, thank you so much! We love you all!

If you are in or close to Durham, feel free to come by the hospital, but let us know in advance. You may not get to see Tricia, but just being here will mean so much to her and our family. Thanks!


If you want to keep updated personally, you can go to Nate's blog
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.
">"><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.
<br ">http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.

I cried when I saw that her CO2 was down some. What an answer to prayer and how great for them, a step towards keeping her off the ventilator and giving the baby more time to grow and get stronger!!!

Thanks for praying for them!


<b>Sunday, 1/6: Nate has a brief update this evening as follows:

I'm at the hotel while Tricia's mom, Agnes stays with Tricia tonight. Tricia just called me to ask that we pray...her heart rate is very high. If you read this tonight, please pray that is drops soon. Thanks.

There have been some other blogs by him recently, especially a moving one yesterday and this AM, so if you haven't seen them go check them out.

<i>PRAY her heartrate will go down!</i>


This was in Nate's blog today: (I thot of placing it in my blog again, but thot more people might see it here.)

<i>Friday, January 4, 2008
Friday Update
(I left my Mac with Tricia last night, so I haven't been able to update)

Tricia's CO2 levels went down from 59 to 54 last night. 60 is the danger zone when they would be forced to place her on the ventilator. Thanks you for your prayers!

They're checking the baby's heartbeat twice a day, and everything looks great!

They're having problems getting a "central line" in Tricia's body, so please pray that they can figure that out today.

We have lots of family here and coming. Tricia's parents, my parents, Tricia's two sisters (Janet and Megan), and my sister Sarah and Terry are all here. Two of Tricia's brothers, by grandparents and some uncles and aunts are all headed into town the next few days. It's wonderful to have family around.

Some friends have come by and are coming as well. Thank you!

Tricia does not like the ICU room. This is her first visit there, and it's very different than her normal hospital rooms. The security is much tighter, and she can only have a few visitors at a time, and no visitors at certain times. It's much more sterile, and it's very cluttered with all the equipment they'll need for an emergency. She's got at least 6 different tubes and lines running into her arms, chest and tummy.

Some specific prayer requests for today:

> Her CO2 levels need to stay down, and as long as they do, they can keep her off the ventilator. Being intubated to place the ventilator will put her at risk of needing an emergency c section.
> Her central line to be placed soon. This will be a semi-painful procedure, so she's hoping to get it over with soon.
> The baby to stay healthy and kicking.
> Her oxygen level (breathing) to stay above 95.
> Her stress and anxiety to remain low.

Thanks to everyone who has helped to spread the word about Tricia. This blog had almost 3000 hits yesterday (compared to the previous high of 900). I would love to respond to each post individually, but I simply can't, so whether you're a stranger or a close friend, thank you so much! We love you all!

If you are in or close to Durham, feel free to come by the hospital, but let us know in advance. You may not get to see Tricia, but just being here will mean so much to her and our family. Thanks!


If you want to keep updated personally, you can go to Nate's blog
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.
">"><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.
<br ">http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.

I cried when I saw that her CO2 was down some. What an answer to prayer and how great for them, a step towards keeping her off the ventilator and giving the baby more time to grow and get stronger!!!

Thanks for praying for them!


<b>Sunday, 1/6: Nate has a brief update this evening as follows:

I'm at the hotel while Tricia's mom, Agnes stays with Tricia tonight. Tricia just called me to ask that we pray...her heart rate is very high. If you read this tonight, please pray that is drops soon. Thanks.

There have been some other blogs by him recently, especially a moving one yesterday and this AM, so if you haven't seen them go check them out.

<i>PRAY her heartrate will go down!</i>


This was in Nate's blog today: (I thot of placing it in my blog again, but thot more people might see it here.)

<i>Friday, January 4, 2008
Friday Update
(I left my Mac with Tricia last night, so I haven't been able to update)

Tricia's CO2 levels went down from 59 to 54 last night. 60 is the danger zone when they would be forced to place her on the ventilator. Thanks you for your prayers!

They're checking the baby's heartbeat twice a day, and everything looks great!

They're having problems getting a "central line" in Tricia's body, so please pray that they can figure that out today.

We have lots of family here and coming. Tricia's parents, my parents, Tricia's two sisters (Janet and Megan), and my sister Sarah and Terry are all here. Two of Tricia's brothers, by grandparents and some uncles and aunts are all headed into town the next few days. It's wonderful to have family around.

Some friends have come by and are coming as well. Thank you!

Tricia does not like the ICU room. This is her first visit there, and it's very different than her normal hospital rooms. The security is much tighter, and she can only have a few visitors at a time, and no visitors at certain times. It's much more sterile, and it's very cluttered with all the equipment they'll need for an emergency. She's got at least 6 different tubes and lines running into her arms, chest and tummy.

Some specific prayer requests for today:

> Her CO2 levels need to stay down, and as long as they do, they can keep her off the ventilator. Being intubated to place the ventilator will put her at risk of needing an emergency c section.
> Her central line to be placed soon. This will be a semi-painful procedure, so she's hoping to get it over with soon.
> The baby to stay healthy and kicking.
> Her oxygen level (breathing) to stay above 95.
> Her stress and anxiety to remain low.

Thanks to everyone who has helped to spread the word about Tricia. This blog had almost 3000 hits yesterday (compared to the previous high of 900). I would love to respond to each post individually, but I simply can't, so whether you're a stranger or a close friend, thank you so much! We love you all!

If you are in or close to Durham, feel free to come by the hospital, but let us know in advance. You may not get to see Tricia, but just being here will mean so much to her and our family. Thanks!


If you want to keep updated personally, you can go to Nate's blog
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.
">"><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.
<br ">http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.

I cried when I saw that her CO2 was down some. What an answer to prayer and how great for them, a step towards keeping her off the ventilator and giving the baby more time to grow and get stronger!!!

Thanks for praying for them!


<b>Sunday, 1/6: Nate has a brief update this evening as follows:

I'm at the hotel while Tricia's mom, Agnes stays with Tricia tonight. Tricia just called me to ask that we pray...her heart rate is very high. If you read this tonight, please pray that is drops soon. Thanks.

There have been some other blogs by him recently, especially a moving one yesterday and this AM, so if you haven't seen them go check them out.

<i>PRAY her heartrate will go down!</i>


This was in Nate's blog today: (I thot of placing it in my blog again, but thot more people might see it here.)

<i>Friday, January 4, 2008
Friday Update
(I left my Mac with Tricia last night, so I haven't been able to update)

Tricia's CO2 levels went down from 59 to 54 last night. 60 is the danger zone when they would be forced to place her on the ventilator. Thanks you for your prayers!

They're checking the baby's heartbeat twice a day, and everything looks great!

They're having problems getting a "central line" in Tricia's body, so please pray that they can figure that out today.

We have lots of family here and coming. Tricia's parents, my parents, Tricia's two sisters (Janet and Megan), and my sister Sarah and Terry are all here. Two of Tricia's brothers, by grandparents and some uncles and aunts are all headed into town the next few days. It's wonderful to have family around.

Some friends have come by and are coming as well. Thank you!

Tricia does not like the ICU room. This is her first visit there, and it's very different than her normal hospital rooms. The security is much tighter, and she can only have a few visitors at a time, and no visitors at certain times. It's much more sterile, and it's very cluttered with all the equipment they'll need for an emergency. She's got at least 6 different tubes and lines running into her arms, chest and tummy.

Some specific prayer requests for today:

> Her CO2 levels need to stay down, and as long as they do, they can keep her off the ventilator. Being intubated to place the ventilator will put her at risk of needing an emergency c section.
> Her central line to be placed soon. This will be a semi-painful procedure, so she's hoping to get it over with soon.
> The baby to stay healthy and kicking.
> Her oxygen level (breathing) to stay above 95.
> Her stress and anxiety to remain low.

Thanks to everyone who has helped to spread the word about Tricia. This blog had almost 3000 hits yesterday (compared to the previous high of 900). I would love to respond to each post individually, but I simply can't, so whether you're a stranger or a close friend, thank you so much! We love you all!

If you are in or close to Durham, feel free to come by the hospital, but let us know in advance. You may not get to see Tricia, but just being here will mean so much to her and our family. Thanks!


If you want to keep updated personally, you can go to Nate's blog
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.
">"><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.
<br ">http://cfhusband.blogspot.com.

I cried when I saw that her CO2 was down some. What an answer to prayer and how great for them, a step towards keeping her off the ventilator and giving the baby more time to grow and get stronger!!!

Thanks for praying for them!


<b>Sunday, 1/6: Nate has a brief update this evening as follows:

I'm at the hotel while Tricia's mom, Agnes stays with Tricia tonight. Tricia just called me to ask that we pray...her heart rate is very high. If you read this tonight, please pray that is drops soon. Thanks.

There have been some other blogs by him recently, especially a moving one yesterday and this AM, so if you haven't seen them go check them out.

<i>PRAY her heartrate will go down!</i>


New member
Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

Oh, that's good. Thanks so much for the update, and I will keep praying. Do you know how many weeks she is now? I've lost track, I 'm afraid. I don't remember how long ago it was that she was 21 weeks-2? 3? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> ...


New member
Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

Oh, that's good. Thanks so much for the update, and I will keep praying. Do you know how many weeks she is now? I've lost track, I 'm afraid. I don't remember how long ago it was that she was 21 weeks-2? 3? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> ...


New member
Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

Oh, that's good. Thanks so much for the update, and I will keep praying. Do you know how many weeks she is now? I've lost track, I 'm afraid. I don't remember how long ago it was that she was 21 weeks-2? 3? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> ...


New member
Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

Oh, that's good. Thanks so much for the update, and I will keep praying. Do you know how many weeks she is now? I've lost track, I 'm afraid. I don't remember how long ago it was that she was 21 weeks-2? 3? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> ...


New member
Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

Oh, that's good. Thanks so much for the update, and I will keep praying. Do you know how many weeks she is now? I've lost track, I 'm afraid. I don't remember how long ago it was that she was 21 weeks-2? 3? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> ...


Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

Ohhhh Thats great news!!! Thank you so much for posting this update! I will keep them in my prayer <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

Ohhhh Thats great news!!! Thank you so much for posting this update! I will keep them in my prayer <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

Ohhhh Thats great news!!! Thank you so much for posting this update! I will keep them in my prayer <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

Ohhhh Thats great news!!! Thank you so much for posting this update! I will keep them in my prayer <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

Ohhhh Thats great news!!! Thank you so much for posting this update! I will keep them in my prayer <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>

Oh, that's good. Thanks so much for the update, and I will keep praying. Do you know how many weeks she is now? I've lost track, I 'm afraid. I don't remember how long ago it was that she was 21 weeks-2? 3? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> ...</end quote></div>

She is 24 weeks.

They said she's just at the point where the baby could survive out of the womb, thus the reason for the drs. meeting yesterday morning. They went over various scenarios that could arise, to determine what actions would be taken. (They met with Tricia and Nate first for their input.)


Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>

Oh, that's good. Thanks so much for the update, and I will keep praying. Do you know how many weeks she is now? I've lost track, I 'm afraid. I don't remember how long ago it was that she was 21 weeks-2? 3? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> ...</end quote></div>

She is 24 weeks.

They said she's just at the point where the baby could survive out of the womb, thus the reason for the drs. meeting yesterday morning. They went over various scenarios that could arise, to determine what actions would be taken. (They met with Tricia and Nate first for their input.)


Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>

Oh, that's good. Thanks so much for the update, and I will keep praying. Do you know how many weeks she is now? I've lost track, I 'm afraid. I don't remember how long ago it was that she was 21 weeks-2? 3? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> ...</end quote></div>

She is 24 weeks.

They said she's just at the point where the baby could survive out of the womb, thus the reason for the drs. meeting yesterday morning. They went over various scenarios that could arise, to determine what actions would be taken. (They met with Tricia and Nate first for their input.)


Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>

Oh, that's good. Thanks so much for the update, and I will keep praying. Do you know how many weeks she is now? I've lost track, I 'm afraid. I don't remember how long ago it was that she was 21 weeks-2? 3? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> ...</end quote>

She is 24 weeks.

They said she's just at the point where the baby could survive out of the womb, thus the reason for the drs. meeting yesterday morning. They went over various scenarios that could arise, to determine what actions would be taken. (They met with Tricia and Nate first for their input.)


Update on Trixanne74 (Tricia)

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>AnD</b></i>

Oh, that's good. Thanks so much for the update, and I will keep praying. Do you know how many weeks she is now? I've lost track, I 'm afraid. I don't remember how long ago it was that she was 21 weeks-2? 3? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> ...</end quote>

She is 24 weeks.

They said she's just at the point where the baby could survive out of the womb, thus the reason for the drs. meeting yesterday morning. They went over various scenarios that could arise, to determine what actions would be taken. (They met with Tricia and Nate first for their input.)