Update to CF male infertility website


New member
Hey everyone,

I've updated my CF male infertility site with some new info and a procedure Mark recently had done.

Also, one of the people who generously shared their IVF/ICSI stories with me (they have their own website and it is linked from my site) has given birth to a little boy. I am still scrounging around for more IVF success stories involving males with CF-names, locations, pictures can be included or excluded, you can remain anonmyous if you wish, I just want more stories to share!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would be grateful for anyone who wants to check out the site and give me feedback. My main concerns are that the navigation of the site makes sense, that the steps for an infertility evaluation are clear and a couple knows where they should start. I also want to hear feedback on the layout of the site, is it too cluttered, should I add or remove things from the site, are there any quesitons you have that are not addressed on the site????

I can be reached at <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="mailto:division902@hotmail.com">division902@hotmail.com</a> or at <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="mailto:cystic_fibrosis_male_infertility@yahoo.com">cystic_fibrosis_male_infertility@yahoo.com</a>

The website address is <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com">www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com</a>