I need to vent, Yesterday I called my cf coordinator to ask her questions about my kids because they were sick. We talked for about 45 mins. I told her what was going on with my kids, they both had really bad colds, constant coughing and gagging, snezzing. They looked miserable. Anyway she said they needed to be on something, she was going to page the doctor and call something in to the pharmacy. This was at 1:30p.m. at 4 I call the pharmacy no medicine. I call the office back to see what the hold up is, vociemail goes on, which says its full and I can't leave a message. 6 o'clock comes and goes to medicine. So I page my ped. to try to get medicine from her, by this point Gabrielle is laying on the couch barely moving she fels so bad, All she says is please get my doctor I feel so sick. The doctors service calls back about 30 mins later. They take all the info on the kids and whats going on with them. I tell them about talking with Maureen cf coordinator, The nurse on the phone says that I have to go through the cf team because i already spoke to them earlier. I told her I couldn't get a hold of them I tried. She say she was going to get them paged. It's now 8'oclock. The get Maureen, she says the doctor just called her 5 mins before with the presciption. So I get the meds give to the kids when they go to bed. At 2:30 a.m. Zacharys wakes up from his sleep vomiting all over my floor as I walk him to the bathroom he starts vomiting all over the floor on the way, get to the bathroom she vom iting all over it. Sits on the toilet it starts coming out both ends. I call the sevice tell them all the info give them my number, the lady on the phone says hold on. 2 mins later she hangs up on my. Now I really beyond mad. 5mins later they call back with the doctor. She is half asleep and barely making sense. She tells my call your ped this isn't her problem she only tells with lung issues, he has the flu call the ped not her. Well if I'm not mistaken a lung issue started the whole thing earlier in day, am I not right. Anyhow to make a long story short she was doing anything for him. Last time I checked she was his doctor and told me to call when ever I neede anything, that I should call them first when the kids are sick because of the cf. which is what I did. But no , no help at all. Now I am fuming mad I am so pissed off. Sorry I needed to vent.