

New member
Okay, My husband has been itching to get out of town. I have spent the afternoon planning a trip to Hawaii for 4 nights in Hawaii for next month. Our baby would stay with my sister, she offered to keep him. She has had asthma her entire life so she was the one who showed me how to work the nebs/inhaler spacer. So, I'm confident with leaving him with her. He is only 7 months old, I know I would be scared even if he didn't have CF..But the extras that come along with him, makes me very scared. How do you moms and dads deal with taking time out for eachother. Thanks


New member
Okay, My husband has been itching to get out of town. I have spent the afternoon planning a trip to Hawaii for 4 nights in Hawaii for next month. Our baby would stay with my sister, she offered to keep him. She has had asthma her entire life so she was the one who showed me how to work the nebs/inhaler spacer. So, I'm confident with leaving him with her. He is only 7 months old, I know I would be scared even if he didn't have CF..But the extras that come along with him, makes me very scared. How do you moms and dads deal with taking time out for eachother. Thanks


New member
Okay, My husband has been itching to get out of town. I have spent the afternoon planning a trip to Hawaii for 4 nights in Hawaii for next month. Our baby would stay with my sister, she offered to keep him. She has had asthma her entire life so she was the one who showed me how to work the nebs/inhaler spacer. So, I'm confident with leaving him with her. He is only 7 months old, I know I would be scared even if he didn't have CF..But the extras that come along with him, makes me very scared. How do you moms and dads deal with taking time out for eachother. Thanks


New member
Okay, My husband has been itching to get out of town. I have spent the afternoon planning a trip to Hawaii for 4 nights in Hawaii for next month. Our baby would stay with my sister, she offered to keep him. She has had asthma her entire life so she was the one who showed me how to work the nebs/inhaler spacer. So, I'm confident with leaving him with her. He is only 7 months old, I know I would be scared even if he didn't have CF..But the extras that come along with him, makes me very scared. How do you moms and dads deal with taking time out for eachother. Thanks


New member
Okay, My husband has been itching to get out of town. I have spent the afternoon planning a trip to Hawaii for 4 nights in Hawaii for next month. Our baby would stay with my sister, she offered to keep him. She has had asthma her entire life so she was the one who showed me how to work the nebs/inhaler spacer. So, I'm confident with leaving him with her. He is only 7 months old, I know I would be scared even if he didn't have CF..But the extras that come along with him, makes me very scared. How do you moms and dads deal with taking time out for eachother. Thanks


Well, I haven't been anywhere alone with my husband for more than one night since my 6 year old was born. Its not that we didn't want a vacation, but over those years I either had a newborn or was pregnant. My daughter is the first baby to turn 2 and my not being pregnant. But she's the one with CF and handing her and 2 other kids over to someone for a vacation hasn't seemed reasonable.

BUT that all being said, if you can trust your sister, and she gets all the stuff he needs. DO IT!!! It will be good for your marriage and that is always good for your kids. My hubby and I are planning a trip for fall and I can't wait!!!


Well, I haven't been anywhere alone with my husband for more than one night since my 6 year old was born. Its not that we didn't want a vacation, but over those years I either had a newborn or was pregnant. My daughter is the first baby to turn 2 and my not being pregnant. But she's the one with CF and handing her and 2 other kids over to someone for a vacation hasn't seemed reasonable.

BUT that all being said, if you can trust your sister, and she gets all the stuff he needs. DO IT!!! It will be good for your marriage and that is always good for your kids. My hubby and I are planning a trip for fall and I can't wait!!!


Well, I haven't been anywhere alone with my husband for more than one night since my 6 year old was born. Its not that we didn't want a vacation, but over those years I either had a newborn or was pregnant. My daughter is the first baby to turn 2 and my not being pregnant. But she's the one with CF and handing her and 2 other kids over to someone for a vacation hasn't seemed reasonable.

BUT that all being said, if you can trust your sister, and she gets all the stuff he needs. DO IT!!! It will be good for your marriage and that is always good for your kids. My hubby and I are planning a trip for fall and I can't wait!!!


Well, I haven't been anywhere alone with my husband for more than one night since my 6 year old was born. Its not that we didn't want a vacation, but over those years I either had a newborn or was pregnant. My daughter is the first baby to turn 2 and my not being pregnant. But she's the one with CF and handing her and 2 other kids over to someone for a vacation hasn't seemed reasonable.

BUT that all being said, if you can trust your sister, and she gets all the stuff he needs. DO IT!!! It will be good for your marriage and that is always good for your kids. My hubby and I are planning a trip for fall and I can't wait!!!


Well, I haven't been anywhere alone with my husband for more than one night since my 6 year old was born. Its not that we didn't want a vacation, but over those years I either had a newborn or was pregnant. My daughter is the first baby to turn 2 and my not being pregnant. But she's the one with CF and handing her and 2 other kids over to someone for a vacation hasn't seemed reasonable.
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<br />BUT that all being said, if you can trust your sister, and she gets all the stuff he needs. DO IT!!! It will be good for your marriage and that is always good for your kids. My hubby and I are planning a trip for fall and I can't wait!!!


Active member
I would have to totally agree with Heather. Go for it. My husband and I are taking our first vacation together with out children since our honeymoon 5 years ago in June. I can't wait. He's spending this weekend with his folks and the girls and will "train" them on what to do for Abby while we are gone.

Get away, even if it is just for a day or two. 4 nights in Hawaii. I would say it is TIME to go and enjoy yourself.



Active member
I would have to totally agree with Heather. Go for it. My husband and I are taking our first vacation together with out children since our honeymoon 5 years ago in June. I can't wait. He's spending this weekend with his folks and the girls and will "train" them on what to do for Abby while we are gone.

Get away, even if it is just for a day or two. 4 nights in Hawaii. I would say it is TIME to go and enjoy yourself.



Active member
I would have to totally agree with Heather. Go for it. My husband and I are taking our first vacation together with out children since our honeymoon 5 years ago in June. I can't wait. He's spending this weekend with his folks and the girls and will "train" them on what to do for Abby while we are gone.

Get away, even if it is just for a day or two. 4 nights in Hawaii. I would say it is TIME to go and enjoy yourself.



Active member
I would have to totally agree with Heather. Go for it. My husband and I are taking our first vacation together with out children since our honeymoon 5 years ago in June. I can't wait. He's spending this weekend with his folks and the girls and will "train" them on what to do for Abby while we are gone.

Get away, even if it is just for a day or two. 4 nights in Hawaii. I would say it is TIME to go and enjoy yourself.



Active member
I would have to totally agree with Heather. Go for it. My husband and I are taking our first vacation together with out children since our honeymoon 5 years ago in June. I can't wait. He's spending this weekend with his folks and the girls and will "train" them on what to do for Abby while we are gone.
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<br />Get away, even if it is just for a day or two. 4 nights in Hawaii. I would say it is TIME to go and enjoy yourself.
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<br />Em