VERY happy about Cf Fundraising


New member
Hi. This is my first year participating in the Great Strides Walk. (My 10 yr old step daughter has CF) I've been raising money via a letter campaign. I mailed letter to family, friends and clients. Also, I've gone to many of our local businesses and left them with the letter. I've mailed/given out about 115 letters. I am soooo HAPPY and can't beleive the response. I've received $2000.00 so far!!! My drive is my step daughter as well as all of you. I found this site in February and have been faithfully reading it ever since. I am hopeful for the CF Foundation to find a cure, new treatments, drugs and care to help all people with CF.


New member
Way to go! This was my third year in the walk 9I am 23 with CF). I didn't raise as much as I'd hoped because I had a cold that held me down for about 3weeks! Yuck. Hopefully next year will work out better.


New member
Well done Angie, you must have written a terrific letter and obviously people understood that you are very genuine. Your step daughter is a lucky girl!!