Vest + port + mickey button?


New member
Just wondering if yall use the vest with the mickey button? Reece has not been using the vest since Feb. 24 when he first went in for a tune up. While we were there they deceided to put in a port AND a mickey button......that was March 2nd. Since then Ive been doing CPTs. Last night I tried to put his vest on and he said it hurt his button.....Im wondering if it did or he is just use to the CPTs now. We had NO problems before with the vest....he loved it!!! If you do use the vest w/ a port and a button, how soon did you go back after surgery? He really didnt complain about the port ( no needle now) Thanks for the replies in advance!


Digital opinion leader
Hi Leah,

My kids both have Bard buttons (lower profile than the Mickey). Although we don't do the vest, they don't like anything touching it. Its not so much that it hurts, but its sensitive. Plus just having a tube in your tummy isn't natural, so you'd tend to be extra careful. Maybe Reece just doesn't like the feeling. What if you wrapped it or put something soft (stuffed animal) over it during PT?

Ask the PT at your hospital, they might have a good idea.

Good luck!