

New member
Madison had her check up yesterday and everything went well.. We talked about the vest and her dr said by the time she comes back in three months her chest should be big enough for one.. I was just wondering when you guys go on vacation do u take it with you or just use your hand while away.. How id big is it.


New member
We bring ot w/ us. It comes with a duffle bag for easy carry and storage..although its pretty heavy....but we still take it. Its not that bad. You will love the vest..glad your getting it soon!


New member
We just recently got a vest for our 3 year old son. It's the newest model from HillRom and comes in a carrying case that holds the machine, vest, hoses. The carrying case is about the size of a standard dufflebag: about 18" long and 10 or 12" square. It's maybe 15-20 pounds. We've not yet traveled with it, but my sense is that if we were going away for more than a day or two we'd take it along. Now that we've started using the vest, he does not really like to do manual CPT.


New member
We take the vest with us when we travel. Like Amy we always carry on, I would hate for it to get lost. Ours came with a duffel bag for the hoses, etc., and the machine has a carrier with wheels. It's great.


New member
Hi guys,
Can any of you help? We are living in the UK and have been told that the vest is not worth the money we will have to pay for it (£12,000) yet as our little girl is not producing much mucus (she is 16 months). We have been told it will be more worthwhile when she is a teenager. Any thoughts on this?




New member
Our clinic here in Cleveland recommends starting at 2. Ben is now 22 months and will be getting fitted next visit in June. They do it hands down for all cfer mucus our not (he has none either so I asked the same question). The head doctors started using vest a long time ago and feel it is the single most valuable thing you can do in terms of prevention. I say, okay, lets get it going!


New member
Hi all,

I am new to the board...but not new to CF. I have been 'lurking' for some time. Just to give you a little history. My daughter Amanda is 11 and was diagnosed at 1 year. I have to say, as a parent, the Vest is probably one of the single most valuable tools. We love, love, love our vest. I felt like we had won the lottery when we got ours. Unfortunately, we do have the old model and it is very heavy. We still take it with us every where we go. My husband is in the USAF and we do travel quite a bit...but I just creative in my packing and off we go. My advice, if you are able to get the vest, get it. You will not regret it, especially when your child is older. We are very disciplined about doing our treatments and having the Vest helps us with that in so many ways. The younger your child establishes the habit...the better off they will be...good luck with your decision.

Mom to Amanda--11/CF


New member
Our doctor suggested age 4 for us. And while it'd be an nice convenience for times when DH or I have meetings or are out of town. I kinda like hanging out with DS doing cpt and pulmozyme. We watch dvds or cartoons, snack, chat, sing silly songs, cuddle --- he's usually going full tilt from sun up to sun down and it's about the only time we get to spend time cuddling.

Liza aka ratatosk mom to an almost 3 year old wcf


New member

Are you saying if you started the vest after your lungs were producing mucus than it doesn't do much good? I've never found the vest to work much for me, and I wonder if it is because I started it a few years to late? I don't remember exactly when, but I was probably 16-18 year old. A couple years after I had started producing mucus. It never really has done much for me but I use it now, as lately I've felt like crud, 3-4 times a day. I figure it can't hurt.

John, 26


New member
My daughter has the old vest too. Can you tell me how to pack it for a flight? Do you check it in on hand-carry it?