Wow so here it goes.. the last year has been a trial of ups and downs for my Family. Our 7year old cfr has not been allowed in our house due to his 1 year old Step-Brother having cf. This week was a year that we have been dealing with this and praying that one day we could live together as a normal family. . . Today our world has came crashing down as a third party got to decide the future of our visitation. It was decided at this time our 7 year old is not allowed in our home neither with or without Step-Brother present. We are completely devestated and have no clue what a future together as a family holds. This year has been the toughest of our life and thinking this lifestyle is NOW our lifestyle indefinately in order to be together is hard to fathom. Please keep our Family and I in your prayers that we make the right decision as to what to do with our family. We really do not have many options but its all in Gods hands. I am broken crushed and completely overwhelmed.