Vitamin E supplementation levels


New member
Hi - I know that people with CF need to supplement with fat-soluble vitamins. What is the recommended dosage of Vitamin E? I'm sure this is sometimes done on a case by case basis, but I've read that a child my son's size (18kg or 40 lbs) would need around 100-200IUs per day to correct Vit E deficiency. Is that consistent with what the children here get?

I'm not asking to get a guideline on how much to give me son. I give him many more times than that daily to keep his Vit E deficiency symptoms at bay. I'm just thinking there is way more going on with him re: his Vit E status than his malabsorption and CF carrier status.


New member
Hi - I know that people with CF need to supplement with fat-soluble vitamins. What is the recommended dosage of Vitamin E? I'm sure this is sometimes done on a case by case basis, but I've read that a child my son's size (18kg or 40 lbs) would need around 100-200IUs per day to correct Vit E deficiency. Is that consistent with what the children here get?

I'm not asking to get a guideline on how much to give me son. I give him many more times than that daily to keep his Vit E deficiency symptoms at bay. I'm just thinking there is way more going on with him re: his Vit E status than his malabsorption and CF carrier status.


New member
Hi - I know that people with CF need to supplement with fat-soluble vitamins. What is the recommended dosage of Vitamin E? I'm sure this is sometimes done on a case by case basis, but I've read that a child my son's size (18kg or 40 lbs) would need around 100-200IUs per day to correct Vit E deficiency. Is that consistent with what the children here get?

I'm not asking to get a guideline on how much to give me son. I give him many more times than that daily to keep his Vit E deficiency symptoms at bay. I'm just thinking there is way more going on with him re: his Vit E status than his malabsorption and CF carrier status.


New member
Hi - I know that people with CF need to supplement with fat-soluble vitamins. What is the recommended dosage of Vitamin E? I'm sure this is sometimes done on a case by case basis, but I've read that a child my son's size (18kg or 40 lbs) would need around 100-200IUs per day to correct Vit E deficiency. Is that consistent with what the children here get?

I'm not asking to get a guideline on how much to give me son. I give him many more times than that daily to keep his Vit E deficiency symptoms at bay. I'm just thinking there is way more going on with him re: his Vit E status than his malabsorption and CF carrier status.


New member
Hi - I know that people with CF need to supplement with fat-soluble vitamins. What is the recommended dosage of Vitamin E? I'm sure this is sometimes done on a case by case basis, but I've read that a child my son's size (18kg or 40 lbs) would need around 100-200IUs per day to correct Vit E deficiency. Is that consistent with what the children here get?

I'm not asking to get a guideline on how much to give me son. I give him many more times than that daily to keep his Vit E deficiency symptoms at bay. I'm just thinking there is way more going on with him re: his Vit E status than his malabsorption and CF carrier status.


New member
Hi - I know that people with CF need to supplement with fat-soluble vitamins. What is the recommended dosage of Vitamin E? I'm sure this is sometimes done on a case by case basis, but I've read that a child my son's size (18kg or 40 lbs) would need around 100-200IUs per day to correct Vit E deficiency. Is that consistent with what the children here get?

I'm not asking to get a guideline on how much to give me son. I give him many more times than that daily to keep his Vit E deficiency symptoms at bay. I'm just thinking there is way more going on with him re: his Vit E status than his malabsorption and CF carrier status.


New member
Prior to my taking ABDEK I used a multi vitamin and a seperate Vitamin E. The vitamin E was 400 IUs per day.

I no longer take that. The ABDEK seems to be enough.


New member
Prior to my taking ABDEK I used a multi vitamin and a seperate Vitamin E. The vitamin E was 400 IUs per day.

I no longer take that. The ABDEK seems to be enough.


New member
Prior to my taking ABDEK I used a multi vitamin and a seperate Vitamin E. The vitamin E was 400 IUs per day.

I no longer take that. The ABDEK seems to be enough.


New member
Prior to my taking ABDEK I used a multi vitamin and a seperate Vitamin E. The vitamin E was 400 IUs per day.

I no longer take that. The ABDEK seems to be enough.


New member
Prior to my taking ABDEK I used a multi vitamin and a seperate Vitamin E. The vitamin E was 400 IUs per day.

I no longer take that. The ABDEK seems to be enough.


New member
Prior to my taking ABDEK I used a multi vitamin and a seperate Vitamin E. The vitamin E was 400 IUs per day.

I no longer take that. The ABDEK seems to be enough.


New member
Emily (age 20 months, 22 lbs) takes one ABDEK + zinc tablet a day. The doseage of Vitamin E in that tablet is 200 IU. 667% the RDA, accirding to the label on the bottle.


New member
Emily (age 20 months, 22 lbs) takes one ABDEK + zinc tablet a day. The doseage of Vitamin E in that tablet is 200 IU. 667% the RDA, accirding to the label on the bottle.


New member
Emily (age 20 months, 22 lbs) takes one ABDEK + zinc tablet a day. The doseage of Vitamin E in that tablet is 200 IU. 667% the RDA, accirding to the label on the bottle.


New member
Emily (age 20 months, 22 lbs) takes one ABDEK + zinc tablet a day. The doseage of Vitamin E in that tablet is 200 IU. 667% the RDA, accirding to the label on the bottle.


New member
Emily (age 20 months, 22 lbs) takes one ABDEK + zinc tablet a day. The doseage of Vitamin E in that tablet is 200 IU. 667% the RDA, accirding to the label on the bottle.


New member
Emily (age 20 months, 22 lbs) takes one ABDEK + zinc tablet a day. The doseage of Vitamin E in that tablet is 200 IU. 667% the RDA, accirding to the label on the bottle.


New member
Thank you. These are the levels I was expecting to hear about. You see, in order to keep my son's Vit E-related sensory issues under control, I have to give him 2400IUs d-alpha tocopherol and 1200mg d-gamma tocopherol daily (yes, you read that correctly). I spread it out in 3 doses through the day. These are HUGE amounts for a small fellow and yet he will begin to regress within the hour if a dose is not given on time (5 hours between doses). We are at those levels now after slow increases given over the past 9 months (beginning with 200 IUs).

I keep reading that 100-200IUs is recommeded for CF malabsorption issues. I posted on another thread that I think he has another gene mutation going on beside his one delta F508 - only this time it is hetero or homozygous with the alpha tocopherol transfer protein gene (aTTP). The amount of Vit E I have to give him is within the range that the literature indicates is needed for people who have a defective aTTP gene. I'm having his blood drawn on Monday to find out.


New member
Thank you. These are the levels I was expecting to hear about. You see, in order to keep my son's Vit E-related sensory issues under control, I have to give him 2400IUs d-alpha tocopherol and 1200mg d-gamma tocopherol daily (yes, you read that correctly). I spread it out in 3 doses through the day. These are HUGE amounts for a small fellow and yet he will begin to regress within the hour if a dose is not given on time (5 hours between doses). We are at those levels now after slow increases given over the past 9 months (beginning with 200 IUs).

I keep reading that 100-200IUs is recommeded for CF malabsorption issues. I posted on another thread that I think he has another gene mutation going on beside his one delta F508 - only this time it is hetero or homozygous with the alpha tocopherol transfer protein gene (aTTP). The amount of Vit E I have to give him is within the range that the literature indicates is needed for people who have a defective aTTP gene. I'm having his blood drawn on Monday to find out.