Vitamin K???


New member
Hi Everyone but I was wondering if anyone has had trouble with there vitamin K level? My level have been low for the last year and the doctor started me on medication then. Now even though I am still taking the medication my level is still continuing to drop. I was wondering if anyone could tell me why? And I was wondering what exactly does it mean if my vitamin k level is low?


New member
Hi Everyone but I was wondering if anyone has had trouble with there vitamin K level? My level have been low for the last year and the doctor started me on medication then. Now even though I am still taking the medication my level is still continuing to drop. I was wondering if anyone could tell me why? And I was wondering what exactly does it mean if my vitamin k level is low?


New member
Hi Everyone but I was wondering if anyone has had trouble with there vitamin K level? My level have been low for the last year and the doctor started me on medication then. Now even though I am still taking the medication my level is still continuing to drop. I was wondering if anyone could tell me why? And I was wondering what exactly does it mean if my vitamin k level is low?


New member
Hello Amy. As to what a lower level of Vitamin K can do, here is a nice resource:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I am perfectly fine with all my vitamins. I take a Source CF vitamin that contains 800 micrograms of it- more than enough. As to why your levels keep dropping even though you keep dosing with it, IDK. I'd first say that you need to give us a little more info, like what other drugs are you taking, like a lot of antibiotics or anything such as Lyrica or Mysoline or any other drugs that can effect the nervous system?


New member
Hello Amy. As to what a lower level of Vitamin K can do, here is a nice resource:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I am perfectly fine with all my vitamins. I take a Source CF vitamin that contains 800 micrograms of it- more than enough. As to why your levels keep dropping even though you keep dosing with it, IDK. I'd first say that you need to give us a little more info, like what other drugs are you taking, like a lot of antibiotics or anything such as Lyrica or Mysoline or any other drugs that can effect the nervous system?


New member
Hello Amy. As to what a lower level of Vitamin K can do, here is a nice resource:
<br /><a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a><br />
<br />I am perfectly fine with all my vitamins. I take a Source CF vitamin that contains 800 micrograms of it- more than enough. As to why your levels keep dropping even though you keep dosing with it, IDK. I'd first say that you need to give us a little more info, like what other drugs are you taking, like a lot of antibiotics or anything such as Lyrica or Mysoline or any other drugs that can effect the nervous system?


New member
Just looking at CF here, in many cases people with CF can have difficulty absorbing the fat-soluble vitamins, which are A,D,E, and K. For that reason, I am on the ADEK vitamin, even though I am pancreatic sufficient.
One of the important uses of vitamin K is for its blood clotting factor. I am not exactly sure what the mechanism is, but if I have a patient who has coagulation levels that are very high, which can be a very high risk for bleeding out, the doctor will order an injection of vitamin K.

Marisa RN, 22w/CF


New member
Just looking at CF here, in many cases people with CF can have difficulty absorbing the fat-soluble vitamins, which are A,D,E, and K. For that reason, I am on the ADEK vitamin, even though I am pancreatic sufficient.
One of the important uses of vitamin K is for its blood clotting factor. I am not exactly sure what the mechanism is, but if I have a patient who has coagulation levels that are very high, which can be a very high risk for bleeding out, the doctor will order an injection of vitamin K.

Marisa RN, 22w/CF


New member
Just looking at CF here, in many cases people with CF can have difficulty absorbing the fat-soluble vitamins, which are A,D,E, and K. For that reason, I am on the ADEK vitamin, even though I am pancreatic sufficient.
<br />One of the important uses of vitamin K is for its blood clotting factor. I am not exactly sure what the mechanism is, but if I have a patient who has coagulation levels that are very high, which can be a very high risk for bleeding out, the doctor will order an injection of vitamin K.
<br />
<br />Marisa RN, 22w/CF


New member
Thanks for you reply's. I am not currently taking anything for my nervous system. However, I am taking 81mg of aspirin a day for my port. I also take a maintenance does of Azirithomycin 500mg every M-W-F. Other than that I am just on creon, nexium, multi-vit, 3000units vit D, and my nebs.


New member
Thanks for you reply's. I am not currently taking anything for my nervous system. However, I am taking 81mg of aspirin a day for my port. I also take a maintenance does of Azirithomycin 500mg every M-W-F. Other than that I am just on creon, nexium, multi-vit, 3000units vit D, and my nebs.


New member
Thanks for you reply's. I am not currently taking anything for my nervous system. However, I am taking 81mg of aspirin a day for my port. I also take a maintenance does of Azirithomycin 500mg every M-W-F. Other than that I am just on creon, nexium, multi-vit, 3000units vit D, and my nebs.


Staff member
DS takes two source CF chewables daily, additional Vitamin E & A, as well as a Vitamin K tablet once a week. And his vitamin levels have been average.


Staff member
DS takes two source CF chewables daily, additional Vitamin E & A, as well as a Vitamin K tablet once a week. And his vitamin levels have been average.


Staff member
DS takes two source CF chewables daily, additional Vitamin E & A, as well as a Vitamin K tablet once a week. And his vitamin levels have been average.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>a</b></i>

Thanks for you reply's. I am not currently taking anything for my nervous system. However, I am taking 81mg of aspirin a day for my port. I also take a maintenance does of Azirithomycin 500mg every M-W-F. Other than that I am just on creon, nexium, multi-vit, 3000units vit D, and my nebs.</end quote></div>

I highly doubt that Vit D is the culprit, and nebs certainly are not. Azirithomycin is an antibiotic, and all antibiotics destroy the healthy bacteria that is required to produce Vitamin K. Nexium reduces stomach acid, and Vit k requires an acidic digestive environment to thrive. It seems that aspirin destroys vitamin k: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I so don't want to sound like a broken record here, but It would definitely be beneficial to you to take a good probiotic daily. And especially since you consume antibiotics so often.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>a</b></i>

Thanks for you reply's. I am not currently taking anything for my nervous system. However, I am taking 81mg of aspirin a day for my port. I also take a maintenance does of Azirithomycin 500mg every M-W-F. Other than that I am just on creon, nexium, multi-vit, 3000units vit D, and my nebs.</end quote>

I highly doubt that Vit D is the culprit, and nebs certainly are not. Azirithomycin is an antibiotic, and all antibiotics destroy the healthy bacteria that is required to produce Vitamin K. Nexium reduces stomach acid, and Vit k requires an acidic digestive environment to thrive. It seems that aspirin destroys vitamin k: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
I so don't want to sound like a broken record here, but It would definitely be beneficial to you to take a good probiotic daily. And especially since you consume antibiotics so often.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>a</b></i>
<br />
<br />Thanks for you reply's. I am not currently taking anything for my nervous system. However, I am taking 81mg of aspirin a day for my port. I also take a maintenance does of Azirithomycin 500mg every M-W-F. Other than that I am just on creon, nexium, multi-vit, 3000units vit D, and my nebs.</end quote>
<br />
<br />I highly doubt that Vit D is the culprit, and nebs certainly are not. Azirithomycin is an antibiotic, and all antibiotics destroy the healthy bacteria that is required to produce Vitamin K. Nexium reduces stomach acid, and Vit k requires an acidic digestive environment to thrive. It seems that aspirin destroys vitamin k: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
<br />">http://www.associatedcontent.c...ting_colds.html
<br /></a>
<br />I so don't want to sound like a broken record here, but It would definitely be beneficial to you to take a good probiotic daily. And especially since you consume antibiotics so often.


New member
Are you on a probiotic? It's very important to replace the good bacteria that the abx is killing. If you don't have the good bacteria, your body won't work properly. You can take all of the vitamins in the world, but if your body isn't absorbing them, they will just pass through in your urine.



New member
Are you on a probiotic? It's very important to replace the good bacteria that the abx is killing. If you don't have the good bacteria, your body won't work properly. You can take all of the vitamins in the world, but if your body isn't absorbing them, they will just pass through in your urine.
