
What does anyone know so far about this oral pill? I recently participated in Great Strides Walk for CF and was told about this new therapy which recently entered a Phase 2a clinical trial. They say is could be one of the most promising drugs yet. Just wandering what others had to say about it. Anything to possibly cure this awful disease.

19 yr old/ Female
w/ CF
What does anyone know so far about this oral pill? I recently participated in Great Strides Walk for CF and was told about this new therapy which recently entered a Phase 2a clinical trial. They say is could be one of the most promising drugs yet. Just wandering what others had to say about it. Anything to possibly cure this awful disease.

19 yr old/ Female
w/ CF
What does anyone know so far about this oral pill? I recently participated in Great Strides Walk for CF and was told about this new therapy which recently entered a Phase 2a clinical trial. They say is could be one of the most promising drugs yet. Just wandering what others had to say about it. Anything to possibly cure this awful disease.

19 yr old/ Female
w/ CF
What does anyone know so far about this oral pill? I recently participated in Great Strides Walk for CF and was told about this new therapy which recently entered a Phase 2a clinical trial. They say is could be one of the most promising drugs yet. Just wandering what others had to say about it. Anything to possibly cure this awful disease.

19 yr old/ Female
w/ CF
What does anyone know so far about this oral pill? I recently participated in Great Strides Walk for CF and was told about this new therapy which recently entered a Phase 2a clinical trial. They say is could be one of the most promising drugs yet. Just wandering what others had to say about it. Anything to possibly cure this awful disease.
<br />
<br />Casey
<br />19 yr old/ Female
<br />w/ CF


New member
Hey Casey. I was on the Phase II part of this study drug. The data from that phase was very very hopeful. The pill will help treat the 'cause' of CF instead of the 'symptoms'..like Tobi treats psuedomonas, pulmozyme thins the mucus. VX-770 will help alleviate those symptoms.

Read up on it in the adult section or google it. Could be huge my friend!

Rock CF,


New member
Hey Casey. I was on the Phase II part of this study drug. The data from that phase was very very hopeful. The pill will help treat the 'cause' of CF instead of the 'symptoms'..like Tobi treats psuedomonas, pulmozyme thins the mucus. VX-770 will help alleviate those symptoms.

Read up on it in the adult section or google it. Could be huge my friend!

Rock CF,


New member
Hey Casey. I was on the Phase II part of this study drug. The data from that phase was very very hopeful. The pill will help treat the 'cause' of CF instead of the 'symptoms'..like Tobi treats psuedomonas, pulmozyme thins the mucus. VX-770 will help alleviate those symptoms.

Read up on it in the adult section or google it. Could be huge my friend!

Rock CF,


New member
Hey Casey. I was on the Phase II part of this study drug. The data from that phase was very very hopeful. The pill will help treat the 'cause' of CF instead of the 'symptoms'..like Tobi treats psuedomonas, pulmozyme thins the mucus. VX-770 will help alleviate those symptoms.

Read up on it in the adult section or google it. Could be huge my friend!

Rock CF,


New member
Hey Casey. I was on the Phase II part of this study drug. The data from that phase was very very hopeful. The pill will help treat the 'cause' of CF instead of the 'symptoms'..like Tobi treats psuedomonas, pulmozyme thins the mucus. VX-770 will help alleviate those symptoms.
<br />
<br />Read up on it in the adult section or google it. Could be huge my friend!
<br />
<br />Rock CF,
<br />Emily