Wait Times in Clinic


New member
Hey everyone i posted on the adults thread also but thought i would post here to.

Everytime we go to any Dr appointment whether it be the surgeon the pulmo or the GI we end up waiting 15-20 min after we get there and we are told to get there 10 min early usually.

does anyone else have wait time problems.. We go to the pulmo on CF clinic day so it really bothers me i would prefer to wait back in the room.

My peds Dr (not CF) gets us straight into a room when we walk in the door!!

Ashton 5 mo with cf
Abbi 5 yo withou cf


New member
Our local clinic has a community waiting room and patients are given a choice as to whether they want to sit in their own room or out in the waiting room and socialize. They also still have toys and books, which really creeps me out.

We're not supposed to wait anymore 'cuz we WON'T wait-- we'll walk out if it's too excessive The waiting room is too small and too crowded and we're too concerned about cross contamination. What really bugged me the day of the 45 minute wait was the number of people coughing... and not covering their faces. We usually hang out in the hallway away from everyone. Was easier in the past 'cuz we had DS in his carseat carrier. Now that he's a toddler, one of us usually hold him and tries to prevent him from touching anything.

Last week we waited 10 minutes in the waiting room, but we were the only ones there. But after we got put in a room, a new nurse tried to move us into a different room that another CFer was occupying. We refused, so I think she was sulking and we got left in an exam room for an hour and 15 minutes before anyone came to see us.

The clinic in the city, DS rarely has to wait in the waiting room. I've only ever seen one other cfer at that clinic when we've been there and the nurse introduced us from down the hall about 10 feet away.



New member
We usually have to wait about 20-25 minutes, sometimes longer. They give us a pager so we go to another floor where there aren't any people.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf


Digital opinion leader
At our clinic all CF patients have to wait in separate exmaining rooms. The nurses, PFT people, doctors, nutritionists, social worker, blood people all come to us. We only leave for x-rays.

We usually wait about 15 minutes before seeing someone, but its private.


New member
Before we were given a choice regarding community waiting room or private room -- everyone would sit in the waiting room and would take turns going into whatever exam room the doctor or health care person was in. Because DS was a newborn and the youngest at the clinic -- we were given our own room with a crib in it 'cuz clinic days we'd be there for 4-6 hours. Last year the nurse told us that pretty soon we wouldn't get our own room, so we asked the doctor about it and stated concern with cross contamination.

We were told that they don't have cepacia at their clinic so not to worry. Plus, we send DS to daycare so we shouldn't worry about germs. There were so many patients from out of town that they felt it was more important to get some social support. And finally, they didn't have enough rooms to give each patient a private room. Things changed a little bit once on of the doctors attended a CF conference.



New member
I usually get to my appts about 5-10 mins before hand. I sit in the waiting room for about 5 mins after the time of my appt. Whenever I'm there, there are always seniors and no younger patients. I don't think there have ever been CFers around when I go in to clinic.


New member
Thanks everyone! I jsut wanted to see what everyone elses experiences were!! I was worried with the at least 2 or 3 other people sitting out there on Wednesdays which is supposably CF Clinic day with the pulmo that they might all be Cf'rs and cross contamination bothers me!! SO i wanted to see where evryone else waited!!



New member
the CF clinic at our hospital has us all in different rooms and all
the docs come round and see us.Not only that but the timing of
appointments coincides with what bugs the CFer's may have
father to 10mth boy with CF


New member
One reason I see a private pulmo instead of a CF clinic. Hardly any wait at all when I see my pulmo

The CF clinic I used to go to however...it wasn't unusual to wait atleast an hour to see the doctor. The last time I went and why I don't go anymore, my appointment was at 9:30AM and it was 1:30PM before I saw the doctor. Half the wait time was in the waiting room that was shared by the CF, hematology/oncology, spina bifida clinics and the other half in a very small exam room. And yes this was a CFF clinic


New member
Just wanted to add that there often 2 or 3 other CF kids in the waiting room as well as a handful of cancer kids, not a good combo!


New member
Our wait times in the exam room arent usually long at all before we see the Dr. but in the waiting room our wait time suck like 20-30 min and i get so frustrated due to everyone telling me that cf kids shouldt be in close quarters together



New member

Have you ever asked to doctor about this or expressed your concerns? When DS was a baby, I didn't worry as much because he was confined to his car seat carrier, but now that he's a busy toddler, it's become increasingly harder to keep him in one place.



New member
Our CF doc is really great. He wants to see the younger ones before they get busy so we always have a early appt and usally we are in before we get the paper work done. They are really good like that and we see everyone right after each other so we never really wait for anyone.