Wanna go to a prom for seriously ill teens? We'd luv to have you!


New member
Hey! I have a great friend with CF who was really bummed about not getting to go to a high school prom because of her CF problems. So, for my graduation project, I've decided to get my community involved (TUCSON, AZ) and host an all out FABULOUS prom for kids with serious or long term illnesses! It so rocks! Tux shops have donated tuxedos, we have formals that have been donated, corsages, food, DJ's, professional photographers, decorations...just about anything imaginable...even 'dates' or escorts if anyone doesn't want to come alone or just wants someone to hang out with them.

People go through tough times. I know...my dad died from cancer when I was 10...then I had surgeries for pre-cancerous melanoma...and my mom has had 4 different cancers since. Sometimes were pretty rough, but God and generous, kind people always came through and made the difference. Now, I'd like to do something nice for someone else. And I hope that can be YOU! My friend, Caitlin, is trying to fly out from Calif. for the prom and a van-load of kids from the Phoenix, AZ area are coordinating coming...it looks like we even may have resort accomodations donated for them to stay at! So, if you are interested ....or know of anyone (esp. in Tucson)....or have ideas of things I could do to make things better practically with suggestions on foods, to do's or not to do's...what would be helpful....please contact me and I'd love to chat with you! My IM is on aol..."flair4snare" and my email is ....carina_groves@yahoo.com

Well, I hope you can help me and make some dreams come true!

<3 Carina