ways to get it though to people


New member
hey i got this idea the other day while my siblings were giving me all kinds of hell aobut my meds. when someone just isn't getting it about your meds and things like that, try and give them a dose of what you have to go though with your meds.

Make a bet with them that they couldn't go though what you have to go though the rest of your life for a month, have them nebulize however many ccs of basic saline that you have of medicine that you have to neb. and have them use your vest for the time you have to use it if you have one, give them different sizes of candy (gummy bears, m&ms, skittles, red hots, etc.) corralating to the pills you have to take and keep them in an organizer so you can keep track of it. make some kind of bet with them about if they can do what is the equivalent to your meds for a month without missing any doses you will give them something, and if they don't do it they have to give you something. be prepared to lose this bet because doing it for a month for a reward isn't that bad in most cases but that way they will have an idea of what you go though and they will probably leave you alone about your meds. i dunno it might just be a problem i have with my siblings but i thought i would throw this out there.


New member
hey i got this idea the other day while my siblings were giving me all kinds of hell aobut my meds. when someone just isn't getting it about your meds and things like that, try and give them a dose of what you have to go though with your meds.

Make a bet with them that they couldn't go though what you have to go though the rest of your life for a month, have them nebulize however many ccs of basic saline that you have of medicine that you have to neb. and have them use your vest for the time you have to use it if you have one, give them different sizes of candy (gummy bears, m&ms, skittles, red hots, etc.) corralating to the pills you have to take and keep them in an organizer so you can keep track of it. make some kind of bet with them about if they can do what is the equivalent to your meds for a month without missing any doses you will give them something, and if they don't do it they have to give you something. be prepared to lose this bet because doing it for a month for a reward isn't that bad in most cases but that way they will have an idea of what you go though and they will probably leave you alone about your meds. i dunno it might just be a problem i have with my siblings but i thought i would throw this out there.


New member
hey i got this idea the other day while my siblings were giving me all kinds of hell aobut my meds. when someone just isn't getting it about your meds and things like that, try and give them a dose of what you have to go though with your meds.

Make a bet with them that they couldn't go though what you have to go though the rest of your life for a month, have them nebulize however many ccs of basic saline that you have of medicine that you have to neb. and have them use your vest for the time you have to use it if you have one, give them different sizes of candy (gummy bears, m&ms, skittles, red hots, etc.) corralating to the pills you have to take and keep them in an organizer so you can keep track of it. make some kind of bet with them about if they can do what is the equivalent to your meds for a month without missing any doses you will give them something, and if they don't do it they have to give you something. be prepared to lose this bet because doing it for a month for a reward isn't that bad in most cases but that way they will have an idea of what you go though and they will probably leave you alone about your meds. i dunno it might just be a problem i have with my siblings but i thought i would throw this out there.


New member
Here's a link to something similar to what you're describing.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.helium.com/tm/113796">Coping With Chronic Illness</a>

The real bummer is that a lot of people, no matter how sincere their intentions, will never truly "get it". Teens especially are so caught up in their own world that unless something directly affects them personally, they really don't bother to understand it.


New member
Here's a link to something similar to what you're describing.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.helium.com/tm/113796">Coping With Chronic Illness</a>

The real bummer is that a lot of people, no matter how sincere their intentions, will never truly "get it". Teens especially are so caught up in their own world that unless something directly affects them personally, they really don't bother to understand it.


New member
Here's a link to something similar to what you're describing.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.helium.com/tm/113796">Coping With Chronic Illness</a>

The real bummer is that a lot of people, no matter how sincere their intentions, will never truly "get it". Teens especially are so caught up in their own world that unless something directly affects them personally, they really don't bother to understand it.


New member
i am 13 and i have a great support group of friends. this year in school we are studying about genetic disorders and CF keeps coming up cause it is one of the most common genetic disorders in the US. I told my class that I have CF and everyone became very interested. I told them all about CF and the everyday life of having it. whenever i tell someone that i have CF they always follow up by saying are you ok or is it hard?
at times it is hard but it is what it is and god gave us CF for a reason. we need to deal with it the best we can. i believe that we do a whole lot better if we stop feeling sorry for ourselves anddo the treatments that are required to help us stay healthy but live an as normal life as possible.

Stay strong
caroline w/cf


New member
i am 13 and i have a great support group of friends. this year in school we are studying about genetic disorders and CF keeps coming up cause it is one of the most common genetic disorders in the US. I told my class that I have CF and everyone became very interested. I told them all about CF and the everyday life of having it. whenever i tell someone that i have CF they always follow up by saying are you ok or is it hard?
at times it is hard but it is what it is and god gave us CF for a reason. we need to deal with it the best we can. i believe that we do a whole lot better if we stop feeling sorry for ourselves anddo the treatments that are required to help us stay healthy but live an as normal life as possible.

Stay strong
caroline w/cf


New member
i am 13 and i have a great support group of friends. this year in school we are studying about genetic disorders and CF keeps coming up cause it is one of the most common genetic disorders in the US. I told my class that I have CF and everyone became very interested. I told them all about CF and the everyday life of having it. whenever i tell someone that i have CF they always follow up by saying are you ok or is it hard?
at times it is hard but it is what it is and god gave us CF for a reason. we need to deal with it the best we can. i believe that we do a whole lot better if we stop feeling sorry for ourselves anddo the treatments that are required to help us stay healthy but live an as normal life as possible.

Stay strong
caroline w/cf


New member
hey thanks for the replys, i looked at that website and it was pretty good.

I agree w/ you caroline, God isn't gonna give us something we can't handle but it is tough sometimes. we studied genetics last year in biology and cf came up a lot there too but just about everyone already knew i had cf so after everyone shut up with their questions (which got annoying fast because they were dumb ones like when did you catch it, and things like that, it wouldn't have been that annoying but they kept asking the same questions over and over) it was pretty cool because my teacher didn't make me do most of the work because she knew i already knew it all and would get a 100 anyway so she just gave me the 100.

i have a dr appointment monday (jan28) and my pfts are down and i'm probably gonna get chewed out for that and maybe put in the hospitol (that sucks) but if i do get in the hospitol i'll have a chance to catch up on sleep. ::makes bad attept to be positive::


New member
hey thanks for the replys, i looked at that website and it was pretty good.

I agree w/ you caroline, God isn't gonna give us something we can't handle but it is tough sometimes. we studied genetics last year in biology and cf came up a lot there too but just about everyone already knew i had cf so after everyone shut up with their questions (which got annoying fast because they were dumb ones like when did you catch it, and things like that, it wouldn't have been that annoying but they kept asking the same questions over and over) it was pretty cool because my teacher didn't make me do most of the work because she knew i already knew it all and would get a 100 anyway so she just gave me the 100.

i have a dr appointment monday (jan28) and my pfts are down and i'm probably gonna get chewed out for that and maybe put in the hospitol (that sucks) but if i do get in the hospitol i'll have a chance to catch up on sleep. ::makes bad attept to be positive::


New member
hey thanks for the replys, i looked at that website and it was pretty good.

I agree w/ you caroline, God isn't gonna give us something we can't handle but it is tough sometimes. we studied genetics last year in biology and cf came up a lot there too but just about everyone already knew i had cf so after everyone shut up with their questions (which got annoying fast because they were dumb ones like when did you catch it, and things like that, it wouldn't have been that annoying but they kept asking the same questions over and over) it was pretty cool because my teacher didn't make me do most of the work because she knew i already knew it all and would get a 100 anyway so she just gave me the 100.

i have a dr appointment monday (jan28) and my pfts are down and i'm probably gonna get chewed out for that and maybe put in the hospitol (that sucks) but if i do get in the hospitol i'll have a chance to catch up on sleep. ::makes bad attept to be positive::


New member
hey i'm kenzi and when people annoy and ask awhole bunch of questions kinda hard not to tell them but just don't tell them to much but i like to tell my friends because they need to know about the cf and how i take care of myself and they really help me get right threw with my cf!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
hey i'm kenzi and when people annoy and ask awhole bunch of questions kinda hard not to tell them but just don't tell them to much but i like to tell my friends because they need to know about the cf and how i take care of myself and they really help me get right threw with my cf!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
hey i'm kenzi and when people annoy and ask awhole bunch of questions kinda hard not to tell them but just don't tell them to much but i like to tell my friends because they need to know about the cf and how i take care of myself and they really help me get right threw with my cf!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">