WE WON!!!!!!!


New member
Some of you might recall me mentioning on occasion how I was fighting Tricare (our insurance) for them to cover boost shakes for Mark.

The initial deinal was back in September of 2004. Since then I have appealed 6 times and finally, because we paid out of pocket over $50.00, we could have a hearing.

So, back in January we had a hearing with a federal judge. He represented nobody, but rather heard the case I presented to him and submitted a transcript of the hearing to Tricare and to Tricare's lawyers. I had 2 months to submit a written closing arguement (I could have done a closing argument at the hearing, or submitted one in writing, so I choose the latter) which I did. Then All of that was sumitted to Tricare and their lawyers. They were going to have until August 18th to have their argument/closing statement submitted and then I'd have 1 week to rebuttal their statement(s) if necessary.

The judges place in this whole hearing is to look at my side of the arguement, and Tricare's side of the arguement and then make an educated and legal recommendation to Tricare. Tricare does not have to do what the judge recommends (hence "recommendation") but it is advisable in most cases.

Well.... I just got THE phone call this morning from one of Tricare's lawyers. He said, "we've decided to allow cost-sharing of this Boost shake for your husband and you should recieve our letter of appoval by the COB next week". (cost share means we'll have a copay, but they will pay the rest!!!!). He also told me they were notifying the judge.

I am so excited, absolutely thrilled. After almost years of fighting this, WE WON!!!! I'm really proud and happy too because I have worked by butt off on this case. My closing statement was 4 pages, but then had 82 pages of enclosures and 5 letters from Mark's various CF doctors and dieticians and I even got the CF foundation to help me out with this one, they wrote a letter (not included in the 82pages) and submitted some information on CF and malnutrition and supplements.

I have 2 gigantic binders FULL of correspondence/appeals over the last 2 years, plus all of this stuff for the hearing and the closing argument.

<b>I remember a while ago some other Tricare people were asking me to let them know if we won, We've kind of set a presedence for this kind of coverage for CFers with pancreatic insufficency with this insurance company. If anyone wants a copy of our closing argument so they too can fight Tricare, just email me. </b>

I've changed my email (too many hotmail problems). It is now division902@verizon.net


I'm pretty new to the board, but have read a lot of your posts!!
 Congratulations, that is wonderful -- especially considering
how much you worked for it!!  All your organization, good
argument skills, and tenacity not only paid off here, but will
surely make you an excellent mom to triplets!!!  Its great to
see good news on here!!!<br>
Mom to Alyssa 6mos w/cf<br>
and Richie (5) & Reese (almost 3) both being tested


New member
That is so awesome. My son is obsessed with Ensure, Boost, etc.. He would have 4-5 a day if it wasn't so expensive. His insurance paid for it while he was in the hospital, we even took home about 40 cans (it was like Christmas!) It is not covered right now and I would definitly pursue them covering it. I know that it has helped him keep his weight up and gives him the strength to stay healthy. It's a lot cheaper than a two week hospital stay, you would think the insurance would do anything to help keep him healthy. I am going to fight this and we'll see what happens.


New member
How much does the boost cost? Excuse my UK ignorance.

Julie again, well done girl. we all knew that you would get your way in the end. After two years I admire your will to go on with the case.


New member
He gets about 250 cans a month and it was costing us $400 (us, not sure what the conversion is). We stopped about 6 months ago though because we just couldn't afford to pay for it.

Thanks Craig!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
craig , if your little one needs a supplement they will give them free on nhs. joe has loads , he has two enlive a day ( fruit juice in a carton) 330 cals a pop!!! and he has one or two scandishakes a day too ( high cal- looks like milk) almost 600 cals a pop!!!!!! and he's still thin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! truly well done julie, fabulous<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
thanks Julie, convertion rate is $1:80 to the £1. So thats about £700 sterling, wow thats a lot. That makes your win even more better, fantastic.

Janet, Craig is pancreas sufficient and is just below, and when i say just I mean hardly anything below, the average mark. His weight is fine we give him Tesco finest channle island milk, Gold top, we mix in nesquick for added cals, we never fed him 'babyfood', we made all his own food from scratch, he ate what we ate, and we are both good cooks who love food.

JUst looked at the convertion again, didn't I get that wrong.........LOL.
It should be £250 , help me on this Janet, PLease,


New member
LOL, I have no clue about the conversion, Janet where are you????

Either way, wherever you live, it's expensive. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Congratulations, Julie! I'm so glad Tricare will pay. If it becomes an issue for Danny in the future I will keep your win in mind.


New member
YEAH ROUGHLY 250 - 270 POUNDS wow thats a lot to have to fork out. it makes your victory all the more sweet. yipee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Just a quick note about the bood shakes. My son who is 13 and has cf also is on the boost plus shakes. He takes 2 cans a day or 60 a month and luckily an organization called childrens's medical services help us to pay or them for my son. He also has a feeding tube where he recieves 3 cans of nutren 2.0 at night. I have noticed some incrediable weight gain with these. If there are other parents out there that need help they may want to check with their doctors to see if such a service is avaliable where you are.
Kandi Moore
mother of eric 13 w/cf
anthony 11 w/o cf
megan 3 w/o cf


It was pretty amazing to find out that Julie had one the case. SHe did a lot of hard work and prepared an amazing document that countered all of tricares excuses why they were not covering the shakes. I think in her other life she was a lawyer b/c she really has a love for stuff like that.