Weather Woes


New member
Ok, small background information first. My son is 3 months old, and although he has 2 mutations, they are on one chromosome so he is considered a symptomatic carrier. His symptoms so far have manifested in his disgestion and not really in his lungs. Well, we live in West Texas, and the weather is crazy. Lately, the wind has been blowing, and today it has gotten really bad. Along with this wind, Mason's tummy has been giving him more problems than usual for the past couple of days. I could definitely see a relationship between weather and lung problems, but do you think his tummy could be reacting to this weather change as well? I'd appreciate any input or opinions.



New member
I have never heard of weather and tummy problems being related....and dont think it could happen unless the weather stresses his body out...I live in West texas to...different parts of it...I now live in the hill country....but i never had any problems with west texas weather except when I lived on the border of new mexico and it was more desert type was really dry and sandy dusty...that bothered my lungs. Humid does really for me in the middle is best. It maybe that your osn being 3 months is just growing and his stomah is adjusting and changing....he may even needs meds or a change in meds. Ask his doctor.


New member
The only connection between weather and stomach I can think of are:
1. Heat causing dehydration to be more likely.
2. Sometimes if it is damp/humid etc., and you are struggling more to breathe, you can accidently swallow air into your stomach, causing gas... far fetched, but possible

Other than that, I'm not really thinking of any other links


New member
I'm pretty sure that weather-related allergic reactions may also affect the digestive system by increasing the amount of mucus (and thereby possibly impeding digestion).

But check with your doc and good luck!