Weight 25th percentile...concerns?


New member
Ellie is 3 months old and weighs 10lbs 15oz. She was 7lbs 8oz at birth. She never dipped below 8% weight loss from birth weight but enzymes were started at 2 weeks old. She is severely pancreatic insufficient. Her last weight was taken 2 weeks ago and she weighed 10lbs 7.5oz. The doctor/dietician would like to see greater weight gain due to the higher BMI and better lung function correlation. Her older brother has always been around the 25th percentile in weight and both myself and husband were slender children. I'm thinking we're combating the tendency to stay thin based upon our genes in addition to her having CF. My question is at what time did your child's doctor become concerned about slow weight gain? We're fortifying my breastmilk and feeding her a sufficient volume and then some. She only passes stool 1 to 2 times daily so it's not an issue of malabsorption. I guess I'm just curious if others have had this problem and what you were advised to do? At what time do you worry and when would a doctor suggest a g-tube? Thanks....


New member
Ellie is 3 months old and weighs 10lbs 15oz. She was 7lbs 8oz at birth. She never dipped below 8% weight loss from birth weight but enzymes were started at 2 weeks old. She is severely pancreatic insufficient. Her last weight was taken 2 weeks ago and she weighed 10lbs 7.5oz. The doctor/dietician would like to see greater weight gain due to the higher BMI and better lung function correlation. Her older brother has always been around the 25th percentile in weight and both myself and husband were slender children. I'm thinking we're combating the tendency to stay thin based upon our genes in addition to her having CF. My question is at what time did your child's doctor become concerned about slow weight gain? We're fortifying my breastmilk and feeding her a sufficient volume and then some. She only passes stool 1 to 2 times daily so it's not an issue of malabsorption. I guess I'm just curious if others have had this problem and what you were advised to do? At what time do you worry and when would a doctor suggest a g-tube? Thanks....


New member
Ellie is 3 months old and weighs 10lbs 15oz. She was 7lbs 8oz at birth. She never dipped below 8% weight loss from birth weight but enzymes were started at 2 weeks old. She is severely pancreatic insufficient. Her last weight was taken 2 weeks ago and she weighed 10lbs 7.5oz. The doctor/dietician would like to see greater weight gain due to the higher BMI and better lung function correlation. Her older brother has always been around the 25th percentile in weight and both myself and husband were slender children. I'm thinking we're combating the tendency to stay thin based upon our genes in addition to her having CF. My question is at what time did your child's doctor become concerned about slow weight gain? We're fortifying my breastmilk and feeding her a sufficient volume and then some. She only passes stool 1 to 2 times daily so it's not an issue of malabsorption. I guess I'm just curious if others have had this problem and what you were advised to do? At what time do you worry and when would a doctor suggest a g-tube? Thanks....


New member
Ellie is 3 months old and weighs 10lbs 15oz. She was 7lbs 8oz at birth. She never dipped below 8% weight loss from birth weight but enzymes were started at 2 weeks old. She is severely pancreatic insufficient. Her last weight was taken 2 weeks ago and she weighed 10lbs 7.5oz. The doctor/dietician would like to see greater weight gain due to the higher BMI and better lung function correlation. Her older brother has always been around the 25th percentile in weight and both myself and husband were slender children. I'm thinking we're combating the tendency to stay thin based upon our genes in addition to her having CF. My question is at what time did your child's doctor become concerned about slow weight gain? We're fortifying my breastmilk and feeding her a sufficient volume and then some. She only passes stool 1 to 2 times daily so it's not an issue of malabsorption. I guess I'm just curious if others have had this problem and what you were advised to do? At what time do you worry and when would a doctor suggest a g-tube? Thanks....


New member
Ellie is 3 months old and weighs 10lbs 15oz. She was 7lbs 8oz at birth. She never dipped below 8% weight loss from birth weight but enzymes were started at 2 weeks old. She is severely pancreatic insufficient. Her last weight was taken 2 weeks ago and she weighed 10lbs 7.5oz. The doctor/dietician would like to see greater weight gain due to the higher BMI and better lung function correlation. Her older brother has always been around the 25th percentile in weight and both myself and husband were slender children. I'm thinking we're combating the tendency to stay thin based upon our genes in addition to her having CF. My question is at what time did your child's doctor become concerned about slow weight gain? We're fortifying my breastmilk and feeding her a sufficient volume and then some. She only passes stool 1 to 2 times daily so it's not an issue of malabsorption. I guess I'm just curious if others have had this problem and what you were advised to do? At what time do you worry and when would a doctor suggest a g-tube? Thanks....


New member
well i don't really remember anything from when i was younger but i have always been in the very low percentile for weight even sometimes so low i was off the chart. The doctors didn't seem that concerned with my weight until about 2nd or 3rd grade than they kept telling me i needed to gain weight or i would have to get a g-tube but i didn't end up getting a g-tube until 7th grade. I have had it for about 4 years now and i am still a very low percentile not sure what it is exactly but i am 17 5'4" ish and weigh between 96-99lbs


New member
well i don't really remember anything from when i was younger but i have always been in the very low percentile for weight even sometimes so low i was off the chart. The doctors didn't seem that concerned with my weight until about 2nd or 3rd grade than they kept telling me i needed to gain weight or i would have to get a g-tube but i didn't end up getting a g-tube until 7th grade. I have had it for about 4 years now and i am still a very low percentile not sure what it is exactly but i am 17 5'4" ish and weigh between 96-99lbs


New member
well i don't really remember anything from when i was younger but i have always been in the very low percentile for weight even sometimes so low i was off the chart. The doctors didn't seem that concerned with my weight until about 2nd or 3rd grade than they kept telling me i needed to gain weight or i would have to get a g-tube but i didn't end up getting a g-tube until 7th grade. I have had it for about 4 years now and i am still a very low percentile not sure what it is exactly but i am 17 5'4" ish and weigh between 96-99lbs


New member
well i don't really remember anything from when i was younger but i have always been in the very low percentile for weight even sometimes so low i was off the chart. The doctors didn't seem that concerned with my weight until about 2nd or 3rd grade than they kept telling me i needed to gain weight or i would have to get a g-tube but i didn't end up getting a g-tube until 7th grade. I have had it for about 4 years now and i am still a very low percentile not sure what it is exactly but i am 17 5'4" ish and weigh between 96-99lbs


New member
well i don't really remember anything from when i was younger but i have always been in the very low percentile for weight even sometimes so low i was off the chart. The doctors didn't seem that concerned with my weight until about 2nd or 3rd grade than they kept telling me i needed to gain weight or i would have to get a g-tube but i didn't end up getting a g-tube until 7th grade. I have had it for about 4 years now and i am still a very low percentile not sure what it is exactly but i am 17 5'4" ish and weigh between 96-99lbs


New member
Our daughter is now 4 and she is 29 lbs, 25th percentile. She just recently climbed that far. Getting her to gain weight has been a problem since birth and the doctors have always been on our case. She was 5lbs 6oz at birth. They suggested a tube at around 15 months old, she was probably I would say in the 5th percentile at that point, but we were always trying to avoid that step. Hoping that she would eventually start gaining more as she grew more mature. After she hit 2, it seemed like the charts changed or something. She hadn't gained a significant amount of weight any different than before at least, but yet she was now higher on the chart. I think they are extra concerned when they are infants and back off a little after they hit toddler years. They haven't said anything about her weight in about a year and now she is in the 25th percentile still and they are wanting her to be at 50th. That is just what they want all patients with CF to be. In my opinion, we are not all the same. I nor my husband are big at all. I am small and he is average to small. We have always done our best to get her to gain more, but she is consistantly gaining and very active and healthy. They are putting her on a new drink called Boost 1.5. She has been on pediasure since she stopped formula. It is your decision in the long run. If the baby does not seem to be malneurished in any way,I would just keep trying your best. Hopefully it will catch up. Hope this helps!


New member
Our daughter is now 4 and she is 29 lbs, 25th percentile. She just recently climbed that far. Getting her to gain weight has been a problem since birth and the doctors have always been on our case. She was 5lbs 6oz at birth. They suggested a tube at around 15 months old, she was probably I would say in the 5th percentile at that point, but we were always trying to avoid that step. Hoping that she would eventually start gaining more as she grew more mature. After she hit 2, it seemed like the charts changed or something. She hadn't gained a significant amount of weight any different than before at least, but yet she was now higher on the chart. I think they are extra concerned when they are infants and back off a little after they hit toddler years. They haven't said anything about her weight in about a year and now she is in the 25th percentile still and they are wanting her to be at 50th. That is just what they want all patients with CF to be. In my opinion, we are not all the same. I nor my husband are big at all. I am small and he is average to small. We have always done our best to get her to gain more, but she is consistantly gaining and very active and healthy. They are putting her on a new drink called Boost 1.5. She has been on pediasure since she stopped formula. It is your decision in the long run. If the baby does not seem to be malneurished in any way,I would just keep trying your best. Hopefully it will catch up. Hope this helps!


New member
Our daughter is now 4 and she is 29 lbs, 25th percentile. She just recently climbed that far. Getting her to gain weight has been a problem since birth and the doctors have always been on our case. She was 5lbs 6oz at birth. They suggested a tube at around 15 months old, she was probably I would say in the 5th percentile at that point, but we were always trying to avoid that step. Hoping that she would eventually start gaining more as she grew more mature. After she hit 2, it seemed like the charts changed or something. She hadn't gained a significant amount of weight any different than before at least, but yet she was now higher on the chart. I think they are extra concerned when they are infants and back off a little after they hit toddler years. They haven't said anything about her weight in about a year and now she is in the 25th percentile still and they are wanting her to be at 50th. That is just what they want all patients with CF to be. In my opinion, we are not all the same. I nor my husband are big at all. I am small and he is average to small. We have always done our best to get her to gain more, but she is consistantly gaining and very active and healthy. They are putting her on a new drink called Boost 1.5. She has been on pediasure since she stopped formula. It is your decision in the long run. If the baby does not seem to be malneurished in any way,I would just keep trying your best. Hopefully it will catch up. Hope this helps!


New member
Our daughter is now 4 and she is 29 lbs, 25th percentile. She just recently climbed that far. Getting her to gain weight has been a problem since birth and the doctors have always been on our case. She was 5lbs 6oz at birth. They suggested a tube at around 15 months old, she was probably I would say in the 5th percentile at that point, but we were always trying to avoid that step. Hoping that she would eventually start gaining more as she grew more mature. After she hit 2, it seemed like the charts changed or something. She hadn't gained a significant amount of weight any different than before at least, but yet she was now higher on the chart. I think they are extra concerned when they are infants and back off a little after they hit toddler years. They haven't said anything about her weight in about a year and now she is in the 25th percentile still and they are wanting her to be at 50th. That is just what they want all patients with CF to be. In my opinion, we are not all the same. I nor my husband are big at all. I am small and he is average to small. We have always done our best to get her to gain more, but she is consistantly gaining and very active and healthy. They are putting her on a new drink called Boost 1.5. She has been on pediasure since she stopped formula. It is your decision in the long run. If the baby does not seem to be malneurished in any way,I would just keep trying your best. Hopefully it will catch up. Hope this helps!


New member
Our daughter is now 4 and she is 29 lbs, 25th percentile. She just recently climbed that far. Getting her to gain weight has been a problem since birth and the doctors have always been on our case. She was 5lbs 6oz at birth. They suggested a tube at around 15 months old, she was probably I would say in the 5th percentile at that point, but we were always trying to avoid that step. Hoping that she would eventually start gaining more as she grew more mature. After she hit 2, it seemed like the charts changed or something. She hadn't gained a significant amount of weight any different than before at least, but yet she was now higher on the chart. I think they are extra concerned when they are infants and back off a little after they hit toddler years. They haven't said anything about her weight in about a year and now she is in the 25th percentile still and they are wanting her to be at 50th. That is just what they want all patients with CF to be. In my opinion, we are not all the same. I nor my husband are big at all. I am small and he is average to small. We have always done our best to get her to gain more, but she is consistantly gaining and very active and healthy. They are putting her on a new drink called Boost 1.5. She has been on pediasure since she stopped formula. It is your decision in the long run. If the baby does not seem to be malneurished in any way,I would just keep trying your best. Hopefully it will catch up. Hope this helps!


New member
My daughter (12 months old) is in 50th percentile, she is also considered severely PI. She really eats half the amount she is supposed to and I stress a lot b/C of that. We saw her CF doctor yesterday and she said that although they woulld like her to weigh more I should not worry for now (I forgot to ask her when I SHOULD start worrying)...


New member
My daughter (12 months old) is in 50th percentile, she is also considered severely PI. She really eats half the amount she is supposed to and I stress a lot b/C of that. We saw her CF doctor yesterday and she said that although they woulld like her to weigh more I should not worry for now (I forgot to ask her when I SHOULD start worrying)...


New member
My daughter (12 months old) is in 50th percentile, she is also considered severely PI. She really eats half the amount she is supposed to and I stress a lot b/C of that. We saw her CF doctor yesterday and she said that although they woulld like her to weigh more I should not worry for now (I forgot to ask her when I SHOULD start worrying)...


New member
My daughter (12 months old) is in 50th percentile, she is also considered severely PI. She really eats half the amount she is supposed to and I stress a lot b/C of that. We saw her CF doctor yesterday and she said that although they woulld like her to weigh more I should not worry for now (I forgot to ask her when I SHOULD start worrying)...


New member
My daughter (12 months old) is in 50th percentile, she is also considered severely PI. She really eats half the amount she is supposed to and I stress a lot b/C of that. We saw her CF doctor yesterday and she said that although they woulld like her to weigh more I should not worry for now (I forgot to ask her when I SHOULD start worrying)...