Hey everyone, my daughter is four now, and has been healthy since birth, when she was diagnosed. She, like in my other posts, has learned to swallow her enzymes whole, with no help of water, since age two!! Hoooray!!! She is very healthy. Well, she has to go for surgery for polops, but I can't imagine that being as bad as what some of your little ones have gone through, with that in mind, I don't want to sound like a cry baby, cause I know, really I've been very lucky, but here it goes. My daughter, who is four and a half, weights a good 50lbs. Solid as a rock and way off the charts for her growth, however, my question is this. Do you think she will all of a sudden lose all this weight and become thin? When I moved to Sudbury, from the South, I found that the population of CF's our very thin and under weight. Do you think that, that is just their disposition and my daughter is just a chunky kind of girl? Or do you think she might eventually lose it and fall into that under weight part of CF naturally, cause it's hard to maintain weight? Sounds silly, but I am so worried about her losing weight or being too thin. I push food and make high fat meals, I mean the doctors think she's great and all, just wondering if she'll stay that way. What do you think?