weight loss


New member
my friend has CF and thinks she's fat...typical teenager, shes doing good for a person with CF, weighing around 160 she wants to go on a weight loss program, even though I said she shouldn't because she has CF. i want her to be healthy, but i want her to be happy too. what should i tell her to do if she wants to lose fat the safe way and get in shape? because having CF really won't let her run because it's bad for the lungs. any advice would really be appreciated. thank you


New member
Running is not bad for the lungs, if her body can tolerate for her to run then it would be very beneficial. There are a few CFers who are marathon runners. How tall is your friend? Even though she has CF she still needs to make sure that she is eating healthy and working out. I would suggest that you go on a run with her-even a short one if her body can handle it. Got to the gym and use the stair stepper, lift weights to put on muscle (if she so desires). My husband is 24 with CF and plays soccer, you can't play that sport without doing a lot of running and he hasn't had problems caused by running.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Running is excellent exercise for the lungs if she can tolerate the physical activity. Swimming is also an excellent way to exercise.


New member
It's not a bad idea. You can be overweight and have CF. You can diet (carefully) and exercise and have CF. I was 50 lbs overweight a few years ago and lost 40 of it. My doctor knew about it. She didn't care that I was 50 lbs overweight, but since she knew I was unhappy, she was fine with me losing most of it.