

New member
hey guys, I'm a 20 year old college sophomore. Since my senior year of high school I havent had a problem with gaining any weight, I actually cant seem to keep it off. Being a girl and at this age its hard not being able to be the weight I would like. I've talked to my doctors about this but they tell me not worry about that and to continue to eat over 3000 calories a day. At 5'2" and having a problem losing weight, I know this will just add to it. I know most people with CF would like my problem, but I hate it. I was wondering if anybody had this problem too and if you have any suggestions?



New member
I am struggling with that too
My doctors love where my weight is but I hate it!! Being a girl too its tough to see other girls the way they are and they way society is and not want to be like them but I know for my health its better to be this way. When I get sick I loose alot of weight and am what I ideally want to be at all the time but I know if I was that way then when I got sick I would become to skinny and it would just effect my PFT.

I agree about most CFers want to be in this position- but I know what you mean about hating it.

The only suggestion I have to is find somewhere in the middle maybe. Trying to make your doctors somewhat happy and maintaining a healthy weight but also being happy with yourself and your body. Exercise will help this: good for both your lungs and maintaining your weight to where you want it to be.

Hope it helps a little....but I totally know what your going through


New member
I am struggling with that too
My doctors love where my weight is but I hate it!! Being a girl too its tough to see other girls the way they are and they way society is and not want to be like them but I know for my health its better to be this way. When I get sick I loose alot of weight and am what I ideally want to be at all the time but I know if I was that way then when I got sick I would become to skinny and it would just effect my PFT.

I agree about most CFers want to be in this position- but I know what you mean about hating it.

The only suggestion I have to is find somewhere in the middle maybe. Trying to make your doctors somewhat happy and maintaining a healthy weight but also being happy with yourself and your body. Exercise will help this: good for both your lungs and maintaining your weight to where you want it to be.

Hope it helps a little....but I totally know what your going through


New member
I am struggling with that too
My doctors love where my weight is but I hate it!! Being a girl too its tough to see other girls the way they are and they way society is and not want to be like them but I know for my health its better to be this way. When I get sick I loose alot of weight and am what I ideally want to be at all the time but I know if I was that way then when I got sick I would become to skinny and it would just effect my PFT.

I agree about most CFers want to be in this position- but I know what you mean about hating it.

The only suggestion I have to is find somewhere in the middle maybe. Trying to make your doctors somewhat happy and maintaining a healthy weight but also being happy with yourself and your body. Exercise will help this: good for both your lungs and maintaining your weight to where you want it to be.

Hope it helps a little....but I totally know what your going through


New member
I am struggling with that too
My doctors love where my weight is but I hate it!! Being a girl too its tough to see other girls the way they are and they way society is and not want to be like them but I know for my health its better to be this way. When I get sick I loose alot of weight and am what I ideally want to be at all the time but I know if I was that way then when I got sick I would become to skinny and it would just effect my PFT.

I agree about most CFers want to be in this position- but I know what you mean about hating it.

The only suggestion I have to is find somewhere in the middle maybe. Trying to make your doctors somewhat happy and maintaining a healthy weight but also being happy with yourself and your body. Exercise will help this: good for both your lungs and maintaining your weight to where you want it to be.

Hope it helps a little....but I totally know what your going through


New member
I am struggling with that too
<br />My doctors love where my weight is but I hate it!! Being a girl too its tough to see other girls the way they are and they way society is and not want to be like them but I know for my health its better to be this way. When I get sick I loose alot of weight and am what I ideally want to be at all the time but I know if I was that way then when I got sick I would become to skinny and it would just effect my PFT.
<br />
<br />I agree about most CFers want to be in this position- but I know what you mean about hating it.
<br />
<br />
<br />The only suggestion I have to is find somewhere in the middle maybe. Trying to make your doctors somewhat happy and maintaining a healthy weight but also being happy with yourself and your body. Exercise will help this: good for both your lungs and maintaining your weight to where you want it to be.
<br />
<br />Hope it helps a little....but I totally know what your going through
Yes, I have this problem as well. My doctor thinks it's all great and I should gain more, but they just don't get that I don't want to. I want to lose weight and I want them off my back. I find it hard to believe that it's hard for people with CF to gain weight because I gain it just fine.
Yes, I have this problem as well. My doctor thinks it's all great and I should gain more, but they just don't get that I don't want to. I want to lose weight and I want them off my back. I find it hard to believe that it's hard for people with CF to gain weight because I gain it just fine.
Yes, I have this problem as well. My doctor thinks it's all great and I should gain more, but they just don't get that I don't want to. I want to lose weight and I want them off my back. I find it hard to believe that it's hard for people with CF to gain weight because I gain it just fine.


New member
Even though I'm one who had trouble gaining weight I can still relate to what you're saying. I use to be a college athlete and my weight peaked at 135 lbs since then I've lost 40 lbs and keep bouncing back and forth between 92-105 lbs. I've gotten use to be so skinny and wearing size 0 and then when I gain weight I feel like crap and hate the way I look but at the same time I know its better for me. I just finished abx and I have gained 6 lbs and am still eating everything in sight so I'm trying really hard to exercise/workout. I figure if I can turn the weight into muscle I'll feel better about the way I look while maintaining a weight that I know is healthier for me. Maybe that could work for you? Good luck!


New member
Even though I'm one who had trouble gaining weight I can still relate to what you're saying. I use to be a college athlete and my weight peaked at 135 lbs since then I've lost 40 lbs and keep bouncing back and forth between 92-105 lbs. I've gotten use to be so skinny and wearing size 0 and then when I gain weight I feel like crap and hate the way I look but at the same time I know its better for me. I just finished abx and I have gained 6 lbs and am still eating everything in sight so I'm trying really hard to exercise/workout. I figure if I can turn the weight into muscle I'll feel better about the way I look while maintaining a weight that I know is healthier for me. Maybe that could work for you? Good luck!


New member
Even though I'm one who had trouble gaining weight I can still relate to what you're saying. I use to be a college athlete and my weight peaked at 135 lbs since then I've lost 40 lbs and keep bouncing back and forth between 92-105 lbs. I've gotten use to be so skinny and wearing size 0 and then when I gain weight I feel like crap and hate the way I look but at the same time I know its better for me. I just finished abx and I have gained 6 lbs and am still eating everything in sight so I'm trying really hard to exercise/workout. I figure if I can turn the weight into muscle I'll feel better about the way I look while maintaining a weight that I know is healthier for me. Maybe that could work for you? Good luck!


I thought I was the only person dealing with this! My doctors love me bing 5' and over (well, let's just say 120)
Whenever I loose a pound- mind you, I don't diet, I exercise- they flip. Exercise helps me keep my weight at a constant, more agreeable, number. As for the eating over 3000 calories- stop the shakes and supplements if you're taking any (I'm not) but otherwise- well, the american diet is calorie loaded enough as it is.


I thought I was the only person dealing with this! My doctors love me bing 5' and over (well, let's just say 120)
Whenever I loose a pound- mind you, I don't diet, I exercise- they flip. Exercise helps me keep my weight at a constant, more agreeable, number. As for the eating over 3000 calories- stop the shakes and supplements if you're taking any (I'm not) but otherwise- well, the american diet is calorie loaded enough as it is.


I thought I was the only person dealing with this! My doctors love me bing 5' and over (well, let's just say 120)
<br />Whenever I loose a pound- mind you, I don't diet, I exercise- they flip. Exercise helps me keep my weight at a constant, more agreeable, number. As for the eating over 3000 calories- stop the shakes and supplements if you're taking any (I'm not) but otherwise- well, the american diet is calorie loaded enough as it is.


New member
you prolly already know this, but you can gain weight without gaining fat. work out a lot (i feel like a hypocrite for saying this...) and you'll gain weight in muscle instead. whoot for loopholes~


New member
you prolly already know this, but you can gain weight without gaining fat. work out a lot (i feel like a hypocrite for saying this...) and you'll gain weight in muscle instead. whoot for loopholes~


New member
you prolly already know this, but you can gain weight without gaining fat. work out a lot (i feel like a hypocrite for saying this...) and you'll gain weight in muscle instead. whoot for loopholes~