Well, Monday is the day I'm going to start eating really healthy and working out hard


New member
Any advice or tips? I'm planning on eating 200-300 calories below my maintenance to help with the stomach fat. But I have a question, does anyone know any way I can calculate how many calories I burn a day? With CF, approx. how many more calories would I burn compared to someone else like me? Why do CFers burn more calories?


New member
So you weren't working out yet?
In that case you won't have to reduce your intake at all.

Infact, how about you grow some muscle for 6 months or a year and THEN see if you need to do any cutting?
Start working out, get your diet in order, UP your intake!

There's just not much point in starting to workout and cut at the same time. Both goals are getting in the way of each other.

As you're not some behemoth with 50% fat you'll find it much more encouraging to put on muscle and strength as you start out and without muscle you won't know where you stand fat%-wise anyway.


Learn to squat and deadlift properly. Read about it as much as you can.
You're young with a good set of lungs so you've got what it takes to become a very strong individual and stay that way for a very long time.



New member
No I have been. But Monday I'm planning on working out like, 4-5x a week and keeping it intense. I've been bulking and working out for a year almost, more like 9-10 months (workout out off and on for about 6 months

but Monday I was planning on being strict on my diet, and having a deficit of 200-300 cal like you've told me before.


New member
Ah I see. Sorry for my hasty conclusion.

Trial and error my friend, to find out how much you are burning.

Starting from how much you are eating now. Maybe the intensified training is already enough to create the deficit.
Keeping an eye on the weightscale and mirror. If in 2 weeks nothing happens, lower by those 200-300KCal.
On the other hand if you lose more than 1kg/2pounds in 1-2 weeks then you are going too fast and need to up your intake.