what are you kids' lung function



They told me the other day that my oldest cf'er 4 yrs old is 68%. He shows no scaring on his lungs yet. But my youngest has tons. In xrays and ct's about 30-40% of his lungs. We can't get him to do the pft's though. He's afraid of them and autistic. But I was wondering where everyone else falls on the pft's.


They told me the other day that my oldest cf'er 4 yrs old is 68%. He shows no scaring on his lungs yet. But my youngest has tons. In xrays and ct's about 30-40% of his lungs. We can't get him to do the pft's though. He's afraid of them and autistic. But I was wondering where everyone else falls on the pft's.


They told me the other day that my oldest cf'er 4 yrs old is 68%. He shows no scaring on his lungs yet. But my youngest has tons. In xrays and ct's about 30-40% of his lungs. We can't get him to do the pft's though. He's afraid of them and autistic. But I was wondering where everyone else falls on the pft's.


They told me the other day that my oldest cf'er 4 yrs old is 68%. He shows no scaring on his lungs yet. But my youngest has tons. In xrays and ct's about 30-40% of his lungs. We can't get him to do the pft's though. He's afraid of them and autistic. But I was wondering where everyone else falls on the pft's.


They told me the other day that my oldest cf'er 4 yrs old is 68%. He shows no scaring on his lungs yet. But my youngest has tons. In xrays and ct's about 30-40% of his lungs. We can't get him to do the pft's though. He's afraid of them and autistic. But I was wondering where everyone else falls on the pft's.


Active member
Lili has done PFTs twice now. Her FEV1% was 131%. Our clinic generally doesn't start kids on PFTs until 5 or so because before the child may not be ready to follow direction and blow correctly. We've been practicing breathing techniques with Lili for awhile now and she does pretty well with them.


Active member
Lili has done PFTs twice now. Her FEV1% was 131%. Our clinic generally doesn't start kids on PFTs until 5 or so because before the child may not be ready to follow direction and blow correctly. We've been practicing breathing techniques with Lili for awhile now and she does pretty well with them.


Active member
Lili has done PFTs twice now. Her FEV1% was 131%. Our clinic generally doesn't start kids on PFTs until 5 or so because before the child may not be ready to follow direction and blow correctly. We've been practicing breathing techniques with Lili for awhile now and she does pretty well with them.


Active member
Lili has done PFTs twice now. Her FEV1% was 131%. Our clinic generally doesn't start kids on PFTs until 5 or so because before the child may not be ready to follow direction and blow correctly. We've been practicing breathing techniques with Lili for awhile now and she does pretty well with them.


Active member
Lili has done PFTs twice now. Her FEV1% was 131%. Our clinic generally doesn't start kids on PFTs until 5 or so because before the child may not be ready to follow direction and blow correctly. We've been practicing breathing techniques with Lili for awhile now and she does pretty well with them.


New member
Last time Austin did the PFT which was last month it was a 92%. But he started out in the 70's-80's the first few times. (this was during his last visit. His personal best was 124%


New member
Last time Austin did the PFT which was last month it was a 92%. But he started out in the 70's-80's the first few times. (this was during his last visit. His personal best was 124%


New member
Last time Austin did the PFT which was last month it was a 92%. But he started out in the 70's-80's the first few times. (this was during his last visit. His personal best was 124%


New member
Last time Austin did the PFT which was last month it was a 92%. But he started out in the 70's-80's the first few times. (this was during his last visit. His personal best was 124%


New member
Last time Austin did the PFT which was last month it was a 92%. But he started out in the 70's-80's the first few times. (this was during his last visit. His personal best was 124%


New member
I'm assuming you are referring to the FEV1 number... my daughter is usually over 100.... something like 110-115. My sons have been as low as 74 and as high as 86..... he is also a high functioning autistic and wasn't very fond of PFT's, but he does to them.

My kids numbers may be higher than others with CF since they are diagnosed as a-typical....so we don't see as many symptoms/severe symptoms in them as other people with CF might have.


New member
I'm assuming you are referring to the FEV1 number... my daughter is usually over 100.... something like 110-115. My sons have been as low as 74 and as high as 86..... he is also a high functioning autistic and wasn't very fond of PFT's, but he does to them.

My kids numbers may be higher than others with CF since they are diagnosed as a-typical....so we don't see as many symptoms/severe symptoms in them as other people with CF might have.


New member
I'm assuming you are referring to the FEV1 number... my daughter is usually over 100.... something like 110-115. My sons have been as low as 74 and as high as 86..... he is also a high functioning autistic and wasn't very fond of PFT's, but he does to them.

My kids numbers may be higher than others with CF since they are diagnosed as a-typical....so we don't see as many symptoms/severe symptoms in them as other people with CF might have.


New member
I'm assuming you are referring to the FEV1 number... my daughter is usually over 100.... something like 110-115. My sons have been as low as 74 and as high as 86..... he is also a high functioning autistic and wasn't very fond of PFT's, but he does to them.

My kids numbers may be higher than others with CF since they are diagnosed as a-typical....so we don't see as many symptoms/severe symptoms in them as other people with CF might have.


New member
I'm assuming you are referring to the FEV1 number... my daughter is usually over 100.... something like 110-115. My sons have been as low as 74 and as high as 86..... he is also a high functioning autistic and wasn't very fond of PFT's, but he does to them.

My kids numbers may be higher than others with CF since they are diagnosed as a-typical....so we don't see as many symptoms/severe symptoms in them as other people with CF might have.