What can throw off sweat test results?


New member
We didn't hear from my son's Dr today.  At first I was so happy, it seemed like a really good sign!  No news is good news, right?  I heard from his Dr last week the same day as his sweat test.  They had called her out of an appt to give her the results.  She didn't even have the "official" results yet.  So I am figuring that no one called her, which means the results were normal, and she didn't have the report yet to call me to tell me they were normal.  <div><br></div><div>Well then all the "what ifs" come creeping in.  Last week when my ds got the sweat test, he had drank a bunch of water that morning.  Today, he had next to nothing.  He did have a super full diaper this morning, too.  Last week we got a lot of sweat with the very first test. This time it took two tests, and didn't get a lot with either.  </div><div><br></div><div>Is it possible he drank too much water last week, and that is what caused the borderline?  Or even the opposite, that the not enough water could cause a normal sweat test?  </div><div><br></div><div>I am trying to stay positive, but I don't want them to tell me everything is fine, just to find out down the line it isn't.  </div>


New member
We didn't hear from my son's Dr today. At first I was so happy, it seemed like a really good sign! No news is good news, right? I heard from his Dr last week the same day as his sweat test. They had called her out of an appt to give her the results. She didn't even have the "official" results yet. So I am figuring that no one called her, which means the results were normal, and she didn't have the report yet to call me to tell me they were normal. <br>Well then all the "what ifs" come creeping in. Last week when my ds got the sweat test, he had drank a bunch of water that morning. Today, he had next to nothing. He did have a super full diaper this morning, too. Last week we got a lot of sweat with the very first test. This time it took two tests, and didn't get a lot with either. <br>Is it possible he drank too much water last week, and that is what caused the borderline? Or even the opposite, that the not enough water could cause a normal sweat test? <br>I am trying to stay positive, but I don't want them to tell me everything is fine, just to find out down the line it isn't.


New member
We didn't hear from my son's Dr today. At first I was so happy, it seemed like a really good sign! No news is good news, right? I heard from his Dr last week the same day as his sweat test. They had called her out of an appt to give her the results. She didn't even have the "official" results yet. So I am figuring that no one called her, which means the results were normal, and she didn't have the report yet to call me to tell me they were normal. <br>Well then all the "what ifs" come creeping in. Last week when my ds got the sweat test, he had drank a bunch of water that morning. Today, he had next to nothing. He did have a super full diaper this morning, too. Last week we got a lot of sweat with the very first test. This time it took two tests, and didn't get a lot with either. <br>Is it possible he drank too much water last week, and that is what caused the borderline? Or even the opposite, that the not enough water could cause a normal sweat test? <br>I am trying to stay positive, but I don't want them to tell me everything is fine, just to find out down the line it isn't.


Staff member
With DS, I suspect it had to do with his age. He was only a month old and I doubt they got an adequate sample. His was a normal 32. Nowdays, I assume it'd be much higher because when I kiss him, my lips taste salty and in the summer he sweats out a heck of a lot of salt.


Staff member
With DS, I suspect it had to do with his age. He was only a month old and I doubt they got an adequate sample. His was a normal 32. Nowdays, I assume it'd be much higher because when I kiss him, my lips taste salty and in the summer he sweats out a heck of a lot of salt.


Staff member
With DS, I suspect it had to do with his age. He was only a month old and I doubt they got an adequate sample. His was a normal 32. Nowdays, I assume it'd be much higher because when I kiss him, my lips taste salty and in the summer he sweats out a heck of a lot of salt.


New member
My son was tested at  3 months old and then at 8 years and at 13 yrs..He was negative every time...Now we find out at 25 he has cf...He has a skin disease which they now say interferred with his sweat test...even now he was border line and then they found the gene then they got a positive test finally.<div>I wish i had known years ago that this test can be affected by several different things so if you think your child might still have cf i would insist on the test to look for the faulty  gene..or at least test your husband and yourself...</div><div>Do not let your child go through life with no treatment till he is so sick...that they finally figure it out...like we have....</div><div><br></div><div>good luck..hope this helps..</div>


New member
My son was tested at 3 months old and then at 8 years and at 13 yrs..He was negative every time...Now we find out at 25 he has cf...He has a skin disease which they now say interferred with his sweat test...even now he was border line and then they found the gene then they got a positive test finally.I wish i had known years ago that this test can be affected by several different things so if you think your child might still have cf i would insist on the test to look for the faulty gene..or at least test your husband and yourself...Do not let your child go through life with no treatment till he is so sick...that they finally figure it out...like we have....<br>good luck..hope this helps..


New member
My son was tested at 3 months old and then at 8 years and at 13 yrs..He was negative every time...Now we find out at 25 he has cf...He has a skin disease which they now say interferred with his sweat test...even now he was border line and then they found the gene then they got a positive test finally.I wish i had known years ago that this test can be affected by several different things so if you think your child might still have cf i would insist on the test to look for the faulty gene..or at least test your husband and yourself...Do not let your child go through life with no treatment till he is so sick...that they finally figure it out...like we have....<br>good luck..hope this helps..