What do you Call this type of test?


New member
My dr. believes my O2 is dropping at night-so he is ordering a pulse ox study. But, the office wants me to 'research' where to go. I've called local hospitals and durable medical equipment suppliers and nobody has a clue as to what this is. Someone please advise as to where I can get this done and what it is called?
Frustrated. <img title="Yell" src="include/wysiwyg/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-yell.gif" alt="Yell" border="0" />


The only thing I've heard it called before is a sleep study. I hope someone comes along soon with an answer for you.


New member
It would be a sleep study. Some sleep labs will do an ambulatory oximeter study to measure your oxygen at home while sleeping where you dod nt need to have a full sleep study in a lab. An oximetry study is much cheaper and easier to do than a full polysomnogram (sleep study).


New member
Hi Annie, my mother n law has copd. They were able to get her a pulse ox that she wore overnight when sleeping for one night and then she had to put it in an envelope and mailed it back to the company. They then notified her doctor with the report. This was all set up with her doctor and insurance co. So this is definitely able to be done. My mother n law did this less than a year ago. I would think your doctor would be able to do this for you and if not the nurse should(it's kinda their job, not yours.) I wish I had more information for you, good luck. Janelle


New member
I had a sleep study and since I live in a different state then my pulmonologist he suggested I look locally to do the test. I called my health insurance company and they provided a list of places I could chose from. You may be able to call your health insurance company for a company that would do the pulsox study at home. Also the DME providers that the hospital I go to uses does not take my health insurance, so I tend to make my own local arrangements for DME.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Printer</b></i> Call the Doctor who ordered it. He/She will give you all the info that you need. Bill</end quote>

I did and she is on vacation. I was hoping to get some info in the meantime from others here <img title="Smile" src="include/wysiwyg/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/img/smiley-smile.gif" alt="Smile" border="0" />


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>longtimer</b></i> It would be a sleep study. Some sleep labs will do an ambulatory oximeter study to measure your oxygen at home while sleeping where you dod nt need to have a full sleep study in a lab. An oximetry study is much cheaper and easier to do than a full polysomnogram (sleep study).</end quote>
Thank you for the information!


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>jshet</b></i> Hi Annie, my mother n law has copd. They were able to get her a pulse ox that she wore overnight when sleeping for one night and then she had to put it in an envelope and mailed it back to the company. They then notified her doctor with the report. This was all set up with her doctor and insurance co. So this is definitely able to be done. My mother n law did this less than a year ago. I would think your doctor would be able to do this for you and if not the nurse should(it's kinda their job, not yours.) I wish I had more information for you, good luck. Janelle</end quote>
Thank you Janelle-I will definetly mention this and the sleepstudy that Kate and the others have mentioned.
Supposedly, the nurse said because I live out of state and due to my insurance ( I have Medicare-which means I can go anywhere) it was my responsibility to call and figure it out. Lol, it will get taken care of I am just anxious as you can imagine.


New member
Geez, it's terrible that you have to do the foot work to get the services you need. I too have Medicare and you can use any place that accepts it so I don't understand the nurse's rationale.. I have had this test in the past, it's an overnight oximetry test and sounds just like what Janelle's mom went through. I hope you have success, I totally understand how you feel. Good luck!

Jenn 40 wCF


Super Moderator
I have wondered what ever happened with an arterial blood gas analysis? It isn't exactly fun since they puncture the artery at the same spot on your wrist they measure pulse. Yeah, right they don't do that anymore. Anyway a blood gas analysis, really measures the percent of oxygenation your blood is. They also measure the CO2 in the blood. Higher levels (over 100%) which is great if a pulse-ox doodad. One look at a pulse-ox tells your doctor a whole lot and not just for CF.


Super Moderator
I have wondered what ever happened with an arterial blood gas analysis? It isn't exactly fun since they puncture the artery at the same spot on your wrist they measure pulse. Yeah, right they don't do that anymore. Anyway a blood gas analysis, really measures the percent of oxygenation your blood is. They also measure the CO2 in the blood. Higher levels (over 100%) which is great if a pulse-ox doodad. One look at a pulse-ox tells your doctor a whole lot and not just for CF.


New member
Oh they still do them, I get an ABG nearly every time I am admitted to the hospital.. Thankfully, the RT injects some lidocaine just under the surface near the artery so I don't feel it much. They are usually looking to see if I am retaining CO2, which can't be detected with a simple pulse ox.

Jenn 40 wCF