What do you do when gym class rolls around?


New member
sorry guys i forgot to write something . . . i was just wondering what you guys do when it is time for gym class . . . can you do it? i can almost like never do it! i feel so ashamed and like weak! i feel like my teacher doesn't understand too!
I just explained to my teacher that I had CF, and a little bit about it; that I wouldn't be able to be up to par with the rest of the class and then I would just go out there and try my hardest. And even though you may not be able to keep up with the class doing PE was actually really helpful for me, it gave me exercise and helped keep my lungs clear.
Does your school offer other forms of Phys. Ed? When I was in high school I took weight training instead of normal PE. There were only a few other girls, and the rest were all football players and other jocks. We still had to run 1/2 mile once a week, which was hard for me, but my teacher knew about my CF so he didn't really care. My school also offered a dance class.


New member
Hi Emily, I'm not a fellow teen, sorry if I'm out of place. I am a mom of two teen girls w/CF though. My oldest is 17, a senior in HS, my youngest is 14, a freshman in HS. My two girls are competely different in the amount of physical activity they can endure. My youngest is on the freshman cheerleading squad and has always been able to keep up with her gym class, with the exception of the few times she's been sick. My oldest on the other hand, about the time she was in jr. high had trouble keeping up in gym class. She is not one that is comfortable about telling people about CF. I made a point to tell her gym teacher (I did this for Rachel too) about CF, the coughing, the possible use of an inhaler, possible hospital admissions, the need for extra water especially in the hot months, and her knowing her limits. She didn't mind me telling them, she just didn't want to tell them. She would try her best and did pretty well except for when it came to running. She hates running. I assume because it makes her cough.

At 13, I'm guessing your in jr. high? Depending on your school and the types of classes they have to offer here are a couple of ideas. First I want to say that Anna, (my oldest) tried to get her doctors to give her a note so she didn't have to take gym. No go. "Pysical activity is good for you." I talked to her gym teachers and let them in on what was going on. Maybe your mom or dad could do that for you. When Anna was in HS she took gym her freshman year, her teacher was exceptionally understanding, more afraid of having her do something she couldn't handle or that was too much for her. The following year she was an aid in the gym class for special needs kids. She still got her PE credit, some physical activity, and got so much more out of the class helping out the special needs kids. Does your gym class do more than just run? I know you didn't say running so I'm just guessing. One of my girls' gym class was mostly running so i just moved her out of that class to a different teacher. Can you keep up with games, like basketball and volleyball? I don't mean being the star player but able to participate. Maybe a different gym teacher, one that gears the class to games more than say, running. Have you always had trouble keeping up or is it something that's come up recently? That's something to thing about too. For my oldest, it was gradual. What types of things do you do in the summer? Swimming is a good way to exercise your lungs and you have fun doing it.

I hope that I've given you some ideas on what might help. Hang in there. I"m sorry if I rambled on too long. I know you were probably looking for fellow teen advice and I try to stay out of this area, but I couldn't help myself.

(mom of 2teen girls w/CF)


New member
hi liza thanks for the advice. my mom actually has talked to my teacher. my mom works at the school too. they know my situation because my older sister w/ cf was in the school system. (now in college) my teacher shows he tries to understand but when i tell him i can't do it he makes me feel like i am one inch tall. i was in the hospital previously and he put on my progress report that absences may hinder progress. i just didn't understand . . . does he want me to stay after and make them up? i don't understand! i was thinking about asking for a new teacher but since my mom is in my school it would just be weird because she knows him. thanks for your response and i will take some of your ideas under consideration!


New member
I hate to say it Emily but some teachers are just jerks. Rachel had one last semester. Even my talking to her didn't do any good. It got a little better but Rachel switched teachers at 2nd semester. Her new teacher though likes for classes to be made up if she misses. He has her, or anyone else for that matter, do 20 minutes on the treadmill or bike, or write a one page report from a sports article in a sports magazine. Are you able to talk to your mom freely? If so, explain to her that you just don't know what he wants from you, exactly how me makes you feel and it shouldn't matter that she works at the school. I so hope things ease up for you in gym class.

(mom of 2 teen girls w/CF)


New member
thanks liza
yeah my mom and i are really close . . . i have told her that i don't know what he expects and she tries to talk to him but he still just doesn't understand . i don't know . . . anywayy thanks for the help!