What do you think about p[eople that dont do there treatment?


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what do you think about those who dont wish to do there treatment cos they cant be arsed but know it will help them in the long run?

helen x <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
I use to be one of those people. For most of my life I didnt do treatments. I did always take my enzymes because I hated the belly aches, but the extent of my treatments took place while in the hospital. That was until about last year or so. After having a real hard time & climbing back out of a terrible spot with my health, I have actually started to FEEL the difference if I even skip one treatment. I just cant get away with it like I use to. I dont know for sure HOW much doing my treatments over the years would have made in my health now. I am sure it would have helped, but how much I dont know. I try not to criticize anyone who doesnt do treatments, but I try to get the point across about what affects in can have on the future without sounding like a nag!


New member
Helen, I'd be interested to know what you thought about your own question.

Growing up, I hated doing my treatments (granted, I still do sometimes), but my parents made me. I am so glad they did!

Not doing treatments is sooo tricky. It makes you feel free and normal to not do them, and you may think it isn't doing any harm because you don't feel any different. Keep in mind, however, that the mucus in your lungs is not just going to disappear.

Should a cure or treatment breakthrough happen in your lifetime, be aware that even the best cure can not reverse damage already done to your lungs.

I don't think bad of anyone not doing their treatments, but it does make me sad, cause I know one day they will be regretting it.

--Wallflower, 34 with cf, working full-time and saving for retirement!


New member
Hmm, Well I am not sure this is a very fair question. More like, what do you think about not taking treatments? I don't take my treatments as much as I am supposed to.. as a matter of fact I am supposed to be taking my treatments as I type this. I think that some kids go through a rebelious stage. I know that I am in mine, and I am glad I realise it. I pray everynight though that God gives me the strength to take mine.. Because I know that I want to be on this planet until I am atleast 80!


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Doing my treatments has been a struggle for me lately. Its my last year of high school and I have been going out a lot and coming home real late and by the time I get home I a dead tired but I still push myself to do them. When I was younger I used to think that missing one treatment wouldn't hurt then I would miss another one and another. Until finally it all caught up to me. Now I wish that I had done them instead of skipping them. I think that people who don't their treatments are taking a big risk, and that if it helps you should do them as much as you can even when you don't feel like it cuz in the long run it all matters.


New member
I take them, I'm sick enough with out adding to the problem by not taking them. But my freind Steve is 20 with CF never takes his meds and has never been in the hospital, it drives me nuts. I dont understand why it's like that. I went though a peirod of my life were I didnt do them because I wanted to have a social life with out people knowing about my CF. So in order to stay the night at freinds houses or have them over I wouldnt do my meds. I'd hide them and lie to my mom. I cant help but wonder if I would be better off had I never done that. But No regrets eh?


New member
thanks for all the help everyone

its not that sumone is rebelling its just that there isnt enough time in the day to do them all. what with all my college work etc. even though i know that it int a good excuse but im so set on completing my college work and the course i dont have time to do all treatments.

now that i have heard what you have to say i will make more of an effort to do them <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">

thanks helen
I never take my treatments. I take my enzymes cuz i hate the stomach aches but the treatments I HATE and really i dont kow why? its just one of those things that i dont wanna do. Soemd ays im happy to be alive and others im like why ami alive? And you know i started taken my treatments and still got sick but since i messed up so much now there saying i need a transplant MAYBE. I just got out the hospital a week agoa doing IV Treatment. In there i only missed mayb 10 treatmnets. But idk ive been thikin about if i wanna take them and live or stop and die.

Who Knows .... Not Me



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taking all your treatment sucks but thats understandable. yea i always take my enzymes to i hate the stomach ache its not worth the hastle to miss taking my enzymes to look normall around people that you dont know. i have been reasently taking my treatments more.



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I do not have cf. But one of my best friends does, and he doesn't do his treatments like he should. He isn't careful AT ALL with his health, and its landed him in the hospital more than once. It makes me nervous, because I care about him so much. He's tryed running away from the hospital, he doesn't wear his mask when he leaves his hospital room, and he doesn't take his predizone like he should.
So, what I am trying to say is that if you not only care about yourself, but the people that love you, do your treatments.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>littlehelen</b></i>

what do you think about those who dont wish to do there treatment cos they cant be arsed but know it will help them in the long run?

helen x <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"></end quote></div>

Hi Helen

We do all the treatments for our daughter - she is 2 1/2 years old. She definitely doesn't get out of it at the moment! Hopefully, she will carry them on when she is old enough. We do physio for her twice a day and nebuliser. She also takes creon, antibiotics and vitamins. From what you have wrote, you know you need to do your treatments. I totally understand that you can't be arsed, but it is definitely worth it in the long run cos you'll feel much better I'm sure. How old are you by the way?

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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my brother and i used to always do our treatments when we were younger because our parents FORCED us to. well, in the past 2 years, we both stopped doing them like we should. we would go weeks without doing them, then do one, then go a few more weeks and do them again for a couple of days. Well both of out PFTs were in the high 90s. Mine are now in the 70s and my brother's are in the low 60s. In the past month and half, I have been doing mine like I should. I go back to the doc on Monday, so I'll find out if they have went ups. My brother on the other hand has not been doing his and he's just been getting sicker and sicker. So I would advise anyone to take them no matter how annoying they are. I know it will take time for me to regain my health since I've been so long without them, but I'm willing to do what I have to.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>sarabeth87</b></i>

my brother and i used to always do our treatments when we were younger because our parents FORCED us to. well, in the past 2 years, we both stopped doing them like we should. we would go weeks without doing them, then do one, then go a few more weeks and do them again for a couple of days. Well both of out PFTs were in the high 90s. Mine are now in the 70s and my brother's are in the low 60s. In the past month and half, I have been doing mine like I should. I go back to the doc on Monday, so I'll find out if they have went ups. My brother on the other hand has not been doing his and he's just been getting sicker and sicker. So I would advise anyone to take them no matter how annoying they are. I know it will take time for me to regain my health since I've been so long without them, but I'm willing to do what I have to.</end quote></div>

Sadly the damage can not always be reversed & cant always get your pfts back up. That is why its important to try & maintain your health to avoid the damage in the first place. CF is progressive so time in general will take its toll & the more damage the faster it progresses!


New member
thanks for the reply charlotte

yea im 18!! i know that i will benefit from doing them all its just a case of doing them

Helen <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">