What is a port?


New member
A few people have mentioned , having a port insterted in their chest.
What is a port? and
For what reason do people get one?


Digital opinion leader
A few months ago someone posted pictures of their port. I couldn't find them although I did find the post from abloedel.

This is what I found on google.....

What is a Port-a-cath?
A Port-a-cath is a long hallow tube with a reservoir attached to the end called a portal. The long hollow tube is commonly referred to as a central venous catheter, because it is inserted through the chest into a large vein leading directly into the heart. The catheter is tunnelled under the skin before entering the large vein; this is done to form a physical barrier against bacteria entering the line and blood stream. The portal is positioned under the fatty layer of skin under the chest wall and stitched in place, then the portal is used to access the catheter for an infusion line (drip) or syringe, using a specially designed needle.

Why use a Port-a-cath?
A Port-a-cath can be left in for a substantial number of months, possibly years, if well looked after.
Having a Port-a-cath will make it more comfortable for you because you will not have to endure a cannula being inserted into a vein over and over again.
Port-a-caths are used for people with poor veins, and who require regular drug injections, infusions, blood transfusions or long term nutrition, over a long period of time.
The advantages of a Port-a-cath over other central venous devices are that:

a) the risk of infection of the catheter is reduced
b) cosmetically the Port-a-cath is more acceptable
c) the catheter does not need flushing with heparin solution (to prevent blockage of the catheter) quite so often


New member
I have one- I got it put in because they told me my veins were so bad now that I couldn't have anymore IV's put in. You can feel it under my skin, but it doesn't hurt at all, Mine is in my lower chest and you can't even see it at all. Its much easier to deal with than getting constant IV's or PICC's put in. They can even draw blood from it- the only down side is you have to get it flushed once a month so it doesn't back up. Its just a little "prick" with a needle to access it. I say they are def. worth it.


New member
Here are pictures of mine, just for reference...
That didn't work... so here's a link to the page they're on, if you're curious:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://shw.fotopages.com/7690556/Front-View.html">Front View</a>
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://shw.fotopages.com/7690557/Side-View.html">Side View</a>


New member
Thank's for the pic's Emily.

They were not whta i expected, i thought it was on the surface of the skin, not internal.
So i quess its put in in theatre and they knock you out.

Also how do they access it.

Just curious, thanks for any replies.<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Yeah they knock you out and surgically implant it. It can last (assuming no infection, malfunction, or anything) for years. To access it, you get these special port needle (<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.snwlk.nl/images/DSC00002.JPG">90 degree angle needle</a>) and the top of the hardware, as you can kind of see in the picture is this hard gel stuff. Allows needles to go in, but doesn't let fluid out. It's quite a handy little invention. Haha.


New member
I have a port too, but it is in my upper chest and I was wondering. I don't see a scar by yours, where exactly did they make the incision to put it in you. Because my scar is very notice able, at least I think it is and I can see it in my pictures. If you don't mind letting me know, Thanks!


New member
Karla, How long ago did you get your port. Reeces port is in his lower chest area also. His dosent stick out as much as Emilys....maybe cuz hes younger I guess. Post some pics of your port if you can...I dont have a digitial camera or I would. I havent seen a port in another child before....hint hint!!! lol Leah


New member
<span style=
" font-size: small; color: #800000; font-family: Arial;">Leah, I do
have a digital camera so I will try to take some pictures of my
port by my self and if that doesn't work I'll get my husband to
take some pictures of it and I will post them on my blog. That's
when I figure out how to post pictures? I will let you know at this
forum when the pictures get posted. I would also like to say my
port is a lot smaller than Emily's too. Nurses always say its so
small, its like a child's port, but that's a good thing you because
you can't really see it when I wear my bra because it pushes my
boobs right up there. All you really can see is my scar, but the
pictures that I take you will be able to see the port. I won't wear
a bra, ok I know too much information. Sorry for that! Any how I
guess all I have to say now is, thanks for wanting to see my port.
LOL. One more thing to answer that Anonymous post I've had my port
in for about 2 years 5 months, why?  <br>
To Emily, thanks for letting me know about your scar. If you want
to see my port and scar I'm posting some pictures in my blog,
because Leah would like to see it.


New member
oh please do post pics cutiepatootie! im getting my port removed and placed just above my boob on the 10th of april and im dying to know what it will look like up there. ive seen heaps of ports on the lower chest [where mine is now] or ones that are really high up on the upper chest but none just above the boobs. even though i know it will look better than the port i currently have i am still nervous about what it will look like. heck, im nervous fullstop.


New member
Do they all stick out as much as Emily's? We have talked about one for my 2 1/2 old. I didn't realize they stuck out that much.

I kind of want one for my daughter if we do much more IV's. Mainly from a previsous cancer bought. I wish I had gotten something when I went through my chemo because all that sticking gets old.


New member
No they don't all stick out as much as mine. Mine does partially because I'm a little thin, and partially because it sits <u>directly</u> on top of my ribs, so it's not a particularly fatty or well-cushioned area.


New member
<span style=
" color: #800000; font-size: small; font-family: Arial;">No they
don't all stick out as much as Emily's.  At least mine
doesn't, I've been trying to post some pictures of my port in
my blog but there's a problem with it right now and it doesn't
work.  I can't seem to post anything into my blog at all.
 Admin. is looking into my problem for me, so I can us my blog
on this site.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  I do however
have picture of my port on my computer now, and I have a blog on
msn my space I'll try to post them there, and I will let you know
exactly how to get to that blog, so if you what to look at them
there, when I post them? I let you know at this for when I do


New member
you can't even see mine at alllll. The doctor put it right next to my left boob (almost in my boob) so its hidden very well. The nurse actually can't even see it- she didn't believe me that thats where it was. My doc let me pick where I wanted it as long as it worked out ok- which it did. I guess it depends on where you have it put- how much it will show. They are def. worth it though...


New member
<span style=
" color: #800000; font-size: small; font-family: Arial;">I have
posted pictures of my port in my blog now, sorry it took so long to
get them in there.  By the way the pictures are really big I
don't know how to resize them smaller.  So if someone know how
to, it would be great if you could let me know!<span style=
" color: #800000; font-size: small;"><br>
<span style=" color: #800000; font-size: small;"><br>
<span style=
" color: #800000; font-size: small; font-family: Arial;">Heres the
link to my blog to view pictures.<br>
<span style=" color: #800000; font-size: small;"><br>
<span style=
" color: #800000; font-size: small; font-family: Arial;"><a href=


New member
Hi my name is Terri, I'm 35 years old and on my thrid mediport.. I got mine because of all the years having blood tests and Iv's put in my veins were shot. This was the best thing I could have ever gotten. I flush it out every month on my own and I'm the only one who puts the needle in.. There supposed to last five years, my first one I had was placed in 1992, that lasted five years and my next one lasted seven years, I just had my third one placed March 7th.. If you want to know anything else you can e-mail me at derterchar@msn.com.. I hope I have helped and if not ask me more questions and I will do my best to help you out.. Take care and good luck...