I don't post a lot here, but lurk often. As I read the posts I keep seeing that people refer to themselves or their children as having "mild" CF. What exactly is considered "mild" CF? I just thought CF was CF. Some people obviously have more GI probelms or lung problems at first or vice versa, but eventually CF will effect the lungs of everyone who has it right? I know that different mutations are considered more severe by some than others, but there really does not seem to be a whole lot of proof for that theory. In all the stuff I have read, even identical twins with CF, same exact mutations, have totally different symptoms and problems. Some people with double Delta F508 (considered by some to be the worst mutation) do have it really bad and then some people with the mutation live well into their 50's. So I guess my question is what are your thoughts on people saying they only have "mild" CF? And do those of you who consider yourselves or your child to have "mild" Cf do maintenence treamtments, nebs, pulmozyme, ect. or only treat CF when there is an infection? I am really curious to see the responses. Thanks in advance.