What is NAC


New member
My husband has CF and is 27 and just got out of the hospital and we are trying to really start looking into things for ourselves more then just taking the Dr advice as the only advice. So anyways we have never heard of NAC until reading things on these forums.
What is it? How do you get it? What does it do?

kendra 26, spouse of CFer, mother


New member
My husband has CF and is 27 and just got out of the hospital and we are trying to really start looking into things for ourselves more then just taking the Dr advice as the only advice. So anyways we have never heard of NAC until reading things on these forums.
What is it? How do you get it? What does it do?

kendra 26, spouse of CFer, mother


New member
My husband has CF and is 27 and just got out of the hospital and we are trying to really start looking into things for ourselves more then just taking the Dr advice as the only advice. So anyways we have never heard of NAC until reading things on these forums.
What is it? How do you get it? What does it do?

kendra 26, spouse of CFer, mother


New member
My husband has CF and is 27 and just got out of the hospital and we are trying to really start looking into things for ourselves more then just taking the Dr advice as the only advice. So anyways we have never heard of NAC until reading things on these forums.
What is it? How do you get it? What does it do?

kendra 26, spouse of CFer, mother


New member
<br />My husband has CF and is 27 and just got out of the hospital and we are trying to really start looking into things for ourselves more then just taking the Dr advice as the only advice. So anyways we have never heard of NAC until reading things on these forums.
<br />What is it? How do you get it? What does it do?
<br />
<br />thanks
<br />kendra 26, spouse of CFer, mother


New member
I have never used it. Just thought I would toss out what little information I know. I am sure others who know way more about than I do will chime in at some point:

NAC is N-acetylcysteine.

It is a precursor used by the body to make glutathione, which is
different than taking in glutathione itself.

Glutathione is an important anti-oxidant that is out of balance in people with CF. There is too little in some places and too much in others. The surface of the lungs is one place where there is too little. Some people with CF find it beneficial to inhale NAC. Others supplement orally.

I hope I am not misremembering anything. I've been running a bit of a fever. (Crossing my fingers that if I did misstate something, someone will be so kind as to post more accurate, useful info.)

Good luck and welcome to the site.


New member
I have never used it. Just thought I would toss out what little information I know. I am sure others who know way more about than I do will chime in at some point:

NAC is N-acetylcysteine.

It is a precursor used by the body to make glutathione, which is
different than taking in glutathione itself.

Glutathione is an important anti-oxidant that is out of balance in people with CF. There is too little in some places and too much in others. The surface of the lungs is one place where there is too little. Some people with CF find it beneficial to inhale NAC. Others supplement orally.

I hope I am not misremembering anything. I've been running a bit of a fever. (Crossing my fingers that if I did misstate something, someone will be so kind as to post more accurate, useful info.)

Good luck and welcome to the site.


New member
I have never used it. Just thought I would toss out what little information I know. I am sure others who know way more about than I do will chime in at some point:

NAC is N-acetylcysteine.

It is a precursor used by the body to make glutathione, which is
different than taking in glutathione itself.

Glutathione is an important anti-oxidant that is out of balance in people with CF. There is too little in some places and too much in others. The surface of the lungs is one place where there is too little. Some people with CF find it beneficial to inhale NAC. Others supplement orally.

I hope I am not misremembering anything. I've been running a bit of a fever. (Crossing my fingers that if I did misstate something, someone will be so kind as to post more accurate, useful info.)

Good luck and welcome to the site.


New member
I have never used it. Just thought I would toss out what little information I know. I am sure others who know way more about than I do will chime in at some point:

NAC is N-acetylcysteine.

It is a precursor used by the body to make glutathione, which is
different than taking in glutathione itself.

Glutathione is an important anti-oxidant that is out of balance in people with CF. There is too little in some places and too much in others. The surface of the lungs is one place where there is too little. Some people with CF find it beneficial to inhale NAC. Others supplement orally.

I hope I am not misremembering anything. I've been running a bit of a fever. (Crossing my fingers that if I did misstate something, someone will be so kind as to post more accurate, useful info.)

Good luck and welcome to the site.


New member
I have never used it. Just thought I would toss out what little information I know. I am sure others who know way more about than I do will chime in at some point:
<br />
<br />NAC is N-acetylcysteine.
<br />
<br />It is a precursor used by the body to make glutathione, which is
<br />different than taking in glutathione itself.
<br />
<br />Glutathione is an important anti-oxidant that is out of balance in people with CF. There is too little in some places and too much in others. The surface of the lungs is one place where there is too little. Some people with CF find it beneficial to inhale NAC. Others supplement orally.
<br />
<br />I hope I am not misremembering anything. I've been running a bit of a fever. (Crossing my fingers that if I did misstate something, someone will be so kind as to post more accurate, useful info.)
<br />
<br />Good luck and welcome to the site.


New member
NAC is N-acetyl cysteine. It enhances the immune system, detoxifies the body, reduces fatigue and increases the levels of glutathione in the liver, lungs, kidneys and bone marrow. It generally has an anti-aging effect on the body.

The most important facet of NAC is that it is one of the triggers of glutathione production in the cells.

Glutathione is the master antioxidant. I urge you to google it to get more information from other sources. Most health challenges are linked to deficient or depleted glutathione levels, CF especially. The problem is that oral, transdermal, nebulized, nasal and IV glutathione doesn't do as thorough a job at resolving the glutathione deficiency as is required to remedy the disease. The answer lies in a breakthrough supplement that actually accelerates the body's natural production of glutathione. This supplement has NAC in the right proportions.

Check out my blog at www.atltbullock.blogspot.com.


New member
NAC is N-acetyl cysteine. It enhances the immune system, detoxifies the body, reduces fatigue and increases the levels of glutathione in the liver, lungs, kidneys and bone marrow. It generally has an anti-aging effect on the body.

The most important facet of NAC is that it is one of the triggers of glutathione production in the cells.

Glutathione is the master antioxidant. I urge you to google it to get more information from other sources. Most health challenges are linked to deficient or depleted glutathione levels, CF especially. The problem is that oral, transdermal, nebulized, nasal and IV glutathione doesn't do as thorough a job at resolving the glutathione deficiency as is required to remedy the disease. The answer lies in a breakthrough supplement that actually accelerates the body's natural production of glutathione. This supplement has NAC in the right proportions.

Check out my blog at www.atltbullock.blogspot.com.


New member
NAC is N-acetyl cysteine. It enhances the immune system, detoxifies the body, reduces fatigue and increases the levels of glutathione in the liver, lungs, kidneys and bone marrow. It generally has an anti-aging effect on the body.

The most important facet of NAC is that it is one of the triggers of glutathione production in the cells.

Glutathione is the master antioxidant. I urge you to google it to get more information from other sources. Most health challenges are linked to deficient or depleted glutathione levels, CF especially. The problem is that oral, transdermal, nebulized, nasal and IV glutathione doesn't do as thorough a job at resolving the glutathione deficiency as is required to remedy the disease. The answer lies in a breakthrough supplement that actually accelerates the body's natural production of glutathione. This supplement has NAC in the right proportions.

Check out my blog at www.atltbullock.blogspot.com.


New member
NAC is N-acetyl cysteine. It enhances the immune system, detoxifies the body, reduces fatigue and increases the levels of glutathione in the liver, lungs, kidneys and bone marrow. It generally has an anti-aging effect on the body.

The most important facet of NAC is that it is one of the triggers of glutathione production in the cells.

Glutathione is the master antioxidant. I urge you to google it to get more information from other sources. Most health challenges are linked to deficient or depleted glutathione levels, CF especially. The problem is that oral, transdermal, nebulized, nasal and IV glutathione doesn't do as thorough a job at resolving the glutathione deficiency as is required to remedy the disease. The answer lies in a breakthrough supplement that actually accelerates the body's natural production of glutathione. This supplement has NAC in the right proportions.

Check out my blog at www.atltbullock.blogspot.com.


New member
NAC is N-acetyl cysteine. It enhances the immune system, detoxifies the body, reduces fatigue and increases the levels of glutathione in the liver, lungs, kidneys and bone marrow. It generally has an anti-aging effect on the body.
<br />
<br />The most important facet of NAC is that it is one of the triggers of glutathione production in the cells.
<br />
<br />Glutathione is the master antioxidant. I urge you to google it to get more information from other sources. Most health challenges are linked to deficient or depleted glutathione levels, CF especially. The problem is that oral, transdermal, nebulized, nasal and IV glutathione doesn't do as thorough a job at resolving the glutathione deficiency as is required to remedy the disease. The answer lies in a breakthrough supplement that actually accelerates the body's natural production of glutathione. This supplement has NAC in the right proportions.
<br />
<br />Check out my blog at www.atltbullock.blogspot.com.