what now?


New member
Now that I have this new lease on life, what do I do now?
For 20 years I've spent my life in and out of hospitals all over the country. My work experience only consists of manual printing and machinest.
Now that everything is computerized and calls for what amounts to a mathmatics dagree, I don't know what to do with myself. If I go to work in some minimum wage job I loose what insurance I've got. And as some of you know, these post transplant drugs cost. It's crazy to think about loosing insurance.
My care plan people say that I should just enjoy life now, but after two years of enjoying life; I'm bored stiff. Schools to expensive, What now; stay a house husband? <img src="i/expressions/puppy_eyes.gif" border="0">


New member
Well, my husband became a stay at home dad after my daughter was born, though he kept working, just ran it out of the house (computer techie and repair) SO it is doable. (he became an amazing cook, too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0"> )

Perhaps you could volunteer your time somewhere. That would help kill the boredom, and you wouldn't lose your insurance.


New member
I know what you mean about the boredom thing. I can't work because of health reaons and SSI, and I wear out too easily to go to college so I do home study corses, but it so boring. There's no interaction outside of the house, basically, unless I go out with my friends somewhere (who are usually working so it's rare). All I can suggest is doing like Allie said, volunteer your time. There are a lot of places that would appreciate it. I would do that, myself, but I don't have a car, either, so most of my time is spent writing or drawing or playing on the PS2. Thank god for video games and computers or I'd probably go stir crazy...0.o


New member
Hey Robertson

I know this is easy for me to say because my husband does not have CF but he sure would like to be a stay at home husband...LOL.....I hope that you will find something that you enjoy doing ( volunteer work ) or some type of hobby that you can do that will keep you occupied and keep you happy. I always think that i would really like to stay at home and i did for about a year but i got bored also. I would say that you should try to enjoy life as well and have fun

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
you could always do a cheap short course and ask a workplace for free training in exchange for working for nothing. i did that a few years back and the employer ended up offering me a job! [she also ended up firing me too haha!]