What to do when you ......


New member
Guys i dunno how to say this but im in love with a cf guy i met on the net. I know that u will all point to the cross contamination thing but its not easy to ignore my heart. Psychological health is also important and not being with this guy might break my heart for long. I dont know if i can live without him! What shall i do?


before you go any further, a few questions from the wise....

Does this person you like live close by? Is it a "long distance love afffair"?

Does this person have the same feelings for you, or is it in the "infatuation" stage right now?

Removing the cross contamination issue from the formula, are you able to see and date this person you like, often enough to know what kind of person he is when you're with him?

I only ask these questions, because, without the CF issue, there are a few issues I had experienced, which didn't work out, and it is in reference to a long distance love affair.

I've had, acutally, three long distance affairs, none of which worked! The main problem, and it is especially relevant to why my marriage broke down, was that I never had enough time to date the person before going into the marriage stage.
The other two situations, I was still young, and the problems with those was that I didn't know what they were doing while I was away so far, so the person was either seeing someone else at the same time, or we just eventually broke it off because things weren't working out.

There are a lot of considerations in knowing a person up front, how they talk, the way their body language speaks, and what expressions they have when there is a conversation. Also, how they treat you on a date.

So, if the person lives close by, and because you both are under 18, will your parents support it? Also, there can be a give and take to the phychological health aspect. If things don't turn out and one of you, or both, are infected by cross contamination, you have to ask yourself whether it is worth the risk.

I recommend taking it slow, before going through the risks of cross contamination. Remember, keeping your own good health is priority one! Good Luck with your heart!


New member
This is going to sound cold hearted I am sure so I apologize in advance. I try to remember the heartache and troubles of being a teenager, but since it was so long ago I guess I truly forget the agony that does exist. It is so easy for me as an adult & a mother to tell you that you cant possible know what love is especially with someone from the internet. Have you met him in person yet? You have CF in common & sometimes that connection is so overpowering that it seems like eternal love. Trust me chances of it being that are slim. You are young (I know you hate to hear that as much as I cringe having flashbacks of me being told that) and you have so much ahead of you including tons of people you will encounter. I dont want to downplay your feelings in anyway. I do want to say that I dont recommend a physical relationship in anyway at this point. Mainly because of the cross contamination. You might think you are mature enough to handle it or be responsible, but one thing I do remember is getting caught up in my emotions (still do at times) and not caring about long term affects. If you guys really care about each other then enjoy your contact as it is & see what happens. As life goes on I would GAURANTEE you that even if he stays important in your life, you will find another that is even MORE important. All I ask is that you take it slowly & try to think with your head & not your heart.