What will you wish for?

Did you know that CF patients are eligible for Make a Wish? For those who don't know, Make a Wish is compassionate organazation dedicated to making a kid's dreams come true. You must be 18 or under to be eligible, and of course you must have CF. I qualify for both of these, so I'm wondering what you have or want to wish for.
Of course, my wish is that everyone would go to heaven, but since man cannot grant this, I'm considering a couple of things he can.
In Christ,


New member
Please, enough with the heaven stuff. I hope you get banned from this site permanantly if you can't shut up about the God stuff. You have used and abused it SO much that I was once willing to listen to people skim the topic of god on this website and took no offense, but now I am considering leaving permanently because I am so sick of you. I hope you grow up and start RESPECTING the wishes of others that have to listen to you rant and rave about your beliefs.