What would you do?


New member
This really shouldn't be a dilemma in all honesty, but for me it is. As the entire world knows... I am graduating from school soon. I actually am DONE with all my classes. I just have two tests left to take.

I had an amazing night the other night at the awards dinner. It was more then I could have ever dreamed of or asked for... Mostly because it was an acknowledgement that I have obtained my goal. ( almost anyway)..

MY school called me today and said that they want to speak about me on graduation, along with a few other students, and wanted to know if it was okay. I at first thought, holy crow, that is awesome and said it was fine... Then the school called me back and said that two newspapers do cover stories about our graduation and that they want to inteveiw me... this is where I am not real comfortable...

I am very open about my life here on the computer, and you do know me, but most of you would have no idea who I was if you saw me in person. I am also very open with the people I am close to.... BUT I am not sure that I want my entire community to know I have CF and seeing me in the newspaper sure will make it known.

If the school wants to honor me for all my accomplishments, that is overwhelmingly awesome, but I am afraid about being seen as a survivor or anything other then a normal person, who by Gods grace and me being the most stubborn jack a** in the world is why I kicked butt in school.

ALso, my new job is not a sealed deal, I have been offered the job but I have not signed the papers yet... ( I am very unpatiently waiting for them to come) and I am afraid that if they see my name in the paper and see I have CF they are going to change their minds and not hire me..(I know that is illegal but they can come up with other reasons.)

It has a lot to do with the empowerment and being on equal playing fields as an adult...I don't ever want to be seen as different, because I can do anything anyone can do, if not better... because of my CF....HA

So my question is....... what would you do?? I know without a doubt this time in my life is a once in a lifetime thing....but I am just not sure......

Any ideas????


( who should be studying right now)


New member
What would I do? I would let them write the article.

Doesn't matter what I (or anyone else) would do though.

If you are uncomfortable about it, then don't do it. Simple as that. Just decline the offer.

Why would the newspaper even know you have CF unless you tell them anyways? If you stick to the facts about school, then they wouldn't know anyways so what's the big deal?


New member
I wish I could offer some good advice for you, but all I can offer is my past experience. I was going to make a wish with the Kid's Wish Network, but they we're going to put me in the papers and on the news, so I decided not to do it. I didn't want to do it because I did not want my classmates to know about the CF because I didn't want people to feel sorry for me or ask me questions, because just recently I got to the point that I can talk about it. Before CF was like a forbidden subject for me. Well anyways back to the point. I can't tell you what to do. Yeah, it would be good publicity for Cystic Fibrosis, but what you said about the job offer is true and I work for a crooked company (family business) so I've seen first hand how they will find reasons to fire people or not hire people. I'm not saying that will happen to you because not every place is crooked, well anyways, just do what you think is best for your future and career.


New member
Jenn its definitely a personal decision. Off the top of my head, if it was me I would do, but I have also found that the Media leaves out important info sometimes & it can put a twist on what you are trying to accomplish if you do do it! If you dont feel comfortable then dont do it. Just because you are being interviewed....does that mean they chose you because of the CF? As stated by anonymous....why you have to tell them if they didnt already know?


New member
Well the thing is, I just received an award for the Most Persistant Student of the Year award, and with that award from the President came an explanation of why I received it... So when the school passed my information off the the newspaper they passed everything off.. so that is why they know...


New member
Me again.

Okay, so they already know.

If you are uncomfortable with your entire community knowing, then decline. Simple as that. If you are afraid it will hinder your chance at the new job, then decline.

Congratulations by the way!


New member
This is a toughie.

But first let me say whether you do it or not it says a ton about you just that you were asked-so congrats!!! You must also be a very nice person, b/c we all know no matter what your struggles are-if you're a b****-no one's honoring you.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Good for you!

What would I do? Hard to say-I recently posted a simliar thing-no where near as prestigious as what you were asked to do, but similar. I was asked by my minster to tell my "story" along with some other people that had overcome or were battling serious problems in the community. At first I outright refused. Then the minister explained that I wasn't complaining by doing it, I wasn't trying to get pity, I wasn't looking for attention-they wanted me to do it b/c it gave others hope and it encouraged others. It also spread cf awareness. I can't tell you how many people said to me after-"I had no idea-you look so healthy, I thought that there was no hope with cf, you live a 'normal' life, or you help me keep going..."

So I'm very glad I did it. And if this were me-I'd probably do it. BUT-I DO NOT encourage you to do it unless you want to. When people ask me for advice-I always say-close your eyes-what does your gut tell you? You do what you gotta do for Jennifer. And regardless we're proud of you.

And you can always say-I'll do the speech, but not the newspaper article, or vice versa. Don't do it/or not do for anyone other than you. If your gut says do it-don't not do it cause you're nervous, or worried what a few people will think. On the other hand don't do it just cause you were asked either.


New member
I look at it as maybe the job would want you more because you did get the most persistent student award and you have proved that you work hard!


New member
It definately is a personal decision but I wouldn't do the article because of the job issue. It sucks that we are in a society like that but i would be nervous to do it.

If you are uncomfortable about it, maybe that tells you something.

Sue 24w/CF


New member
Thanks for all you input, I knew that you guys would understand....

Oh the more I think about it, the more I am not comfortable with it at all. If it wasn't for needing a job afterwards, I would be all for it..though the point about being perisistant in spite is a good one...

This is an email from the women at my school on what they were going to say.

Hi Jennifer,

Here it is!!

We think Jennifer (Sorry no last name) should change her last name to "Persistence." Jennifer is an Educational Opportunity Fund student who consistently excelled in the Nursing Program, despite major chronic health problems. On several occasions, she was forced to spend a few weeks of her semester in the hospital for the treatment of cystic fibrosis. Yet, she remained a top performing student winning numerous academic awards and graduating tonight with a ??? GPA. (don't have my final grades in yet)

Despite her busy schedule she still found the time to tutor and encourage other students.

Jennifer will be remembered by her professors not only for her academic achievements but for her outgoing and positive personality.

She is a member of the Phi Theta Kappa and Chi Alpha Epsilon Honor Societies and was honored with the Persistence Award by that organization this year. Jennifer plans to accept a nursing position at (sorry again name taken out).


New member
I wouldn't do it either - I keep my CF pretty much under wraps except with those I am close with too, so I understand not wanting a big display that say I HAVE CF. That being said, I think it was nice of them to ask you <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Yeah, i totally understand that-but just tha you were asked says it all. Keep a copy of that email though for your records, memories, and even portfolio!


New member

Let me first say good job. I am also a nursing student and I know first hand how hard it is to get through it let alone with awards and good grades. I can't say one way or another if you should do it. I would like to say that at some point you will have to tell your job about your cf so you can protect you and your patients. I feel that your job has to accept your cf if they care anything about what they are doing. Still, the choice is yours and you have to weigh all the advice you get with your own feelings about it. Good Luck!!!


New member
I just remembered something- It's funny I always forget that when I was 17 or so I had wanted to be a nurse too. I started the work/tech program. Which is a breeeze to blow through, and I got a job that year after my certification. I was totally open about my cf-I think in my case it gave me more respect b/c they knew that I knew the other side of nursing. I knew what it was to be the patient, they were also happy that I knew alot of medical stuff just from being a patient.

So, this may not be the appropriate time to bring cf into the picture-but don't write it off totally, you'd be surprised what people's reactions can be.

Unfortunately I had to stop that career b/c I just kept catching things-but I really had a compromised immune system at the time. I always think about it every time I'm admitted-I love that career.......I'm so attracted to it.

So cf aside-enjoy you're new job, love it, live it.