whats everyones favorite food?


New member
Wow thats a hard one. It depends on my mood & how its cooked. Pretty much anything my mine cooks because she is A1 in that department. I love it all. Sorry cant pick anything in particular!


New member
My favorite is pizza...but it has to be from Jersey (pizza anywhere else is just not the same).
I'm also a big fan of chinese food
and pretty much any type of soup (i'm a sucker for a good creamy soup)

Double Lung tx 11.11.04


New member
I agree with Mockingbird, anything italian, especially with alfredo sauce and <img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0">


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Reece LOVES chicken nuggets from Wendy's!!! He could eat them EVERYDAY!!!!! He also likes lasgna.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
My favorite is menudo. It's a mexican soup. I would live off that stuff if I could. Also I love milk. I go through a gallon in less than two days.



isn't menundo that crappy eighties band with Ricky Martin????? Sign me up for pizza and cheese fries as my favorites


New member
My hubby & I watched a show last nite that showed the top 10 best hamburger places in the US. I was starving by the time I finished watching it. It had everything from deep fried hamburgers (self explanatory) to butter burgers (a huge scoop of butter on the top of the bun which would melt when the heat of the burger got to it---good for your cholesterol) to burgers with peanut butter spread (which was put on the burger while it was cooking) to steamed (just doesnt sound right when I think of a burger I think of grease...hmmm, but some people like the health concious version) to flame broiled (but done vertically instead of horizontal so you cant have cheese on it because the burger is cooked sideways). They restaurants were anywhere from Connecticut to Chicago to Kentucky. Oh forgot the green chilis on top......my husband liked that one because he likes hot. I will stick with the deep fried or the butter burger.....


I've been to the "Mel's Diner", the same diner (different location) that was in the movie "American Grafitti".
It was the one in San Francisco, but I couldn't find it when I went there last September!
Anyway, excellent Burgers!
I could go for some of those home-made style burgers<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> not the "McDonald" type burgers (now I'm getting Hungry!!)


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During my pregnancy with my CF daughter I craved peas and carrots - never liked them before, much less craved them. One of her favorites is peas & carrots!