What's the mucus look like?


Super Moderator
Sunday was the first day we saw our son's mucus. . . I think he sucked it out of his mouth with an oral syringe he was using to take his Miralax (he likes to "drink" it with a syringe and when he pulled it out, there was a strand of mucus. It was fairly long (4 inches), very thin, mostly clear, and just a little mucus-y sticky. I was actually surprised because my own mucus is at least 10 times thicker, more solid, like a gummy bear size/consistencies, etc. sticker, so I'm wondering. . . hoping. . . this means his Pulmzyme etc. is working. But then i thought well maybe CF mucus is the longer stringer stuff and it isn't.

Any thoughts?


Staff member
DS hasn't ever coughed up any mucus; however, his nasal mucus is so incredibly thick and sticky that I never ever saw his nose run until he was put on pulmozyme at age 3. Prior to that we'd struggle to get his nose clear with saline drops. When he was 4 we convinced him to try sinus rinses and the stuff that came out of that teeny tiny nose was disgusting and there was a lot a lot.

A friend of mines daughter has had a few mucus plugs that she's coughed up. She described them similar to a really soft eraser.


New member
If you've ever had a lung infection, bronchitis etc., that is what it looks like. If it is clear then it isn't really coming out of the lungs. If there isn't any mucus and breathing is OK then you should be thanking whatever Diety you believe in. Keep your child as active as you possibly can and maybe 20 years from now you will still be wondering what mucus looks like. I know you don't mean anything by it but there are those of us here who would give almost anything to be able to not know what mucus looks like.


New member
Pre-trans I constantly coughed up thick, sticky light green mucous.
I would bring up anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 cup in a 10 hr. period. I used to have a sputum culture collection cup in the console of my Peterbilt truck; that's how I knew exactly how much I would cough up in a shift.
Even with Pulmozyme, I coughed up thick green mucous constantly. It seemed the only difference Pulmozyme made would be the amount I coughed up.
Hope this helps.


New member
My mucus is yellow, dark green, pretty much disgusting. Last summer, I had *terrible* headaches and it was blue green snot coming out of my nose-lovely psuedomonas. I think it basis on the type of infection that is brewing inside you :(