whats your lung function ie fev1 and pulse


New member
hi it would be interesting to know what other people with cf lung funtion is like
iam 22 m and my lung function is fev1 83% pulse about 75


New member
hi it would be interesting to know what other people with cf lung funtion is like
iam 22 m and my lung function is fev1 83% pulse about 75


New member
hi it would be interesting to know what other people with cf lung funtion is like
iam 22 m and my lung function is fev1 83% pulse about 75


New member
i am extremley active and my pulse, if i assume correctly you mean pulseox, is usually 98-100 and my fev1 is usually 89-90% of expected if i remember correctly. i wrestle and weight lift to stay in optimum health and the results have been minimal flare ups and my body feels great! physical activity is excellant when it comes to improving you stats but be aware, physical activity can cause irritation and give you momentary shortness of breath which then wieghs on mental wellness and stuff although i am no docter..hopefully someday i will be... i would recommend physical activity.


New member
i am extremley active and my pulse, if i assume correctly you mean pulseox, is usually 98-100 and my fev1 is usually 89-90% of expected if i remember correctly. i wrestle and weight lift to stay in optimum health and the results have been minimal flare ups and my body feels great! physical activity is excellant when it comes to improving you stats but be aware, physical activity can cause irritation and give you momentary shortness of breath which then wieghs on mental wellness and stuff although i am no docter..hopefully someday i will be... i would recommend physical activity.


New member
i am extremley active and my pulse, if i assume correctly you mean pulseox, is usually 98-100 and my fev1 is usually 89-90% of expected if i remember correctly. i wrestle and weight lift to stay in optimum health and the results have been minimal flare ups and my body feels great! physical activity is excellant when it comes to improving you stats but be aware, physical activity can cause irritation and give you momentary shortness of breath which then wieghs on mental wellness and stuff although i am no docter..hopefully someday i will be... i would recommend physical activity.



I am 22 also:

FEV1 is currently 69%
Pulse ox: 97

Those are pretty exact, as i was there last friday. This is somewhat low for me tho...my FEV1 is usually in high 70's to low 80's and pulse ox usually 100. My MRSA is acting up right now...boooo!



I am 22 also:

FEV1 is currently 69%
Pulse ox: 97

Those are pretty exact, as i was there last friday. This is somewhat low for me tho...my FEV1 is usually in high 70's to low 80's and pulse ox usually 100. My MRSA is acting up right now...boooo!



I am 22 also:

FEV1 is currently 69%
Pulse ox: 97

Those are pretty exact, as i was there last friday. This is somewhat low for me tho...my FEV1 is usually in high 70's to low 80's and pulse ox usually 100. My MRSA is acting up right now...boooo!