when did you...?


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what age did ya'll have ya'll first boyfriends/girlfriends?

I was 13, but he was total jerk and it only lasted for 11 days.

tiffany 15 w/cf


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in 5th grade... his name was bubba and he would wait everyday by the bike rack after school for me, and he would write me love letters, and o would go home and show my mom.... we got busted for kissing out in the field during lunch time....


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When I was 10.....I have a picture of us at Christmas in 1978 & if you look hard you can see his hand around my waste. He went on my school bus. The ironic thing was I lost touch with him after his Mom died & he moved with his dad.....years later I met him again because I ended up working with his wife for years. I took out that picture from 1978 & showed it to his kids. OF course they got a kick out of it!


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13, his name was Rick, and we used to hold hands in assemblies *eyeroll* You know the usual JR high relationship, sit with them at lunch, kiss in the halls, etc.


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The 2nd grade. We got busted kissing in the coat room by our teacher. LOL. He was the coolest kid in the 2nd grade. His name was Steven, and he had spikey hair, a leather jacket, and an earing.


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In grade 7 so i was like 12, he was smaller than i was and i could actually pick him up... it actually lasted like 2 months... we never kissed. I didn't kiss a boy until i was 14 or so....

Ashley 21 w/cf


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Well, my *very* first was in the 6th grade, but it only lasted for about a week. Wasn't my type, and it wasn't a real relationship, so I don't really count it. I met my first real boyfriend, Rick, in 9th grade (15 yrs. old). We've been together for 4 1/2 years and are still going strong!


My very first was actually very late (I was a late bloomer, for sure *blush*). I think I was actually 22!! And, It was on a blind date!!

I had lots of "crushes" during my school years, but was one of the shyest of guys back then!! Looking back, boy! What a major change!!


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I was in 5th grade and we kissed in the food pantry...I remember my little sister catching us (she was 5 at the time) and running out and telling mum "I caught Tee and Ryan kissing in the food wardrobe!!" His name was Ryan Grenfeld and we held hands at school and he bought me lunch from the canteen. I think it was true love..... !!