When were you dignosed with CF?


New member
hi peolpe I was just wanting to know how old everyone was when they were dignosed with CF?
I was 14 months when my mom found out.
Sarah w/cf
and child wo/cf


New member
They suspected CF prenatally because they saw a blockage on a sonogram, and at birth, it was assumed, and it was confirmed with a sweat test


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I was diagnosed with CF when i was born. I had a blockage so they did a colostamy on me and they put a G-tube in me because i couldnt eat .. i am 19 right now.


New member
when i was born, i was dignosed with cf. i'm 18rs now. and i'm also deaf after i had fourth blood transfusion, it eventually damaged my ear nerve.


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I was diagnosed when I was 18 years old. I was always so sick growing up with"asthma", respiratory infections,etc. Even polyps in my nose which should have been a red light. But I guess since I don't have the digestive problems they never thought of CF. Thank God I finally got diagnosed when I got really sick when I was 18 and went to a few different specialist and the last test they ordered was the sweat test.


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I was just diagnosed Friday at age 36. I grew up with Asthmas, allegies, digestive problems, recurring lung infections, but guess no one every connected all of the dots until now...probably partly due to me since as an adult I became a smoker, so I'm sure the docs attributed everything to that. (Not smoking anymore :))

36f w/CF


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Meconuim is the first bowel movement babies have after they're born. Meconium ileus is when that bowel movement is blocked, and won't pass. Mine had to be removed surgically when I was 2 days old. It's only in about 10% of CFers. But when it does happen to a baby, it's a pretty good indication of CF.


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I was dx at birth. I have an older sister with CF so I was tested right away. I am now 23 and waiting for a lung and liver transplant. I also have diabetes.



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My daughter is 7 and she has had multiple upper respiratory infections, pneumonia, severe food allergies, moderate environmental allergies, and many ear infections as a baby. No GI symptoms. She just had a CAT scan done last week which showed "extensive mucosal disease " in many of her sinuses. She is seeing a pulmonologists and he has ordered a sweat test to be done on April 6th. How long did it take to get the results? The pulmonoligist said he didn't think she had it but he has been surprised in the past. I'm wondering if he was just telling me that so I wouldn't worry to death before the test or because he really doesn't think so. After everything I've read...she sounds classic to me. She also has a degree of asthma but is not a "classic asthmatic". What do you think? Thanks for any information or sharing your stories with me.


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My older brother was diagnosed at about 5 months because he was born with a ruptured colon due to blockage. Little did my mom and dad know they were already pregnant with me! So I was diagnosed at birth, I am now 23.