Where to Purchase eFlow


New member
Hi Everybody,

I'm really sick of the noise and length of time it takes to do my treatments (I'm nebbing HTS and colistin) on the standard PARI compressor. Thus, I am considering buying an eFlow. I do not live in the US, and where I live the eFlow costs about $1,300.

Does anyone know where I can purchase a PARI eFlow in the US? Do you know how much it costs?

I understand that many of you receive it for free with your prescriptions, but that unfortunately is not an option for me.

Your thoughts and advise would be greatly appreciated!



New member
Unfortunately it is not available for purchase in the US. I've only heard the cost in reference to the replacement cost if the patient were to lose it. Even with the best of insurance, it is not available to buy it out right whether you choose to run it through insurance or not. I considered buying it because I don't like the concept of leasing...like to be a free agent. Well...it's totally not set up as a model for purchase. After you pay the $1500 or whatever it is...get ready to drop $300 or something around there for new heads. It's bogus. Why not consider some other brand of ultrasonic nebulization? There are a few I believe. I know the Omron is sold on this site. www.medrise.com which is associated with this site. They will donate a %age to your fav cf charity too! Good luck!!


New member
CF services Pharmacy has the Pari ERapid, but I was quoted a price around $1300 and then as LouLou said the replacement head cost is crazy.

Before my CF diagnosis and being educated on disinfection I bought an Omron VMT (vibrating mesh technology) and it cannot be sterilized.

If you know of another silent quick neb that can be sterilized and won't kill the bank let me know.


New member
The CF Pharmacy is the only licensed distributor of the eRapid. The actual cost is on their website. I believe it's $860 for the neubulizer and $135 for the eRapid handset, before insurance.

If you use Cayston then you already have the nebulizer system! You will only need to purchase an eRapid handset $135 (Cayson uses the Altera handset).