Which children's hospital


New member
I was wondering if anyone could give their opinion regarding which hospital to seek treatment? The children's hospital in Chicago is about an hour and twenty minutes from our house or Riley's children's hospital in Indy which is two and a half hours away.

Has anyone had any experience at either hospital?



New member
I went to Riley's children hospital as a kid as I lived in Indiana at that time. It was great. I now live in Illinois and my boyfriend went to Comer's Children hospital which is part of University of Chicago. He loved the staff there. The doctors are great at either place. However when your child is older I don't recommend the adult unit as far as cf goes when it comes to Indy. But I also know it can be up to insurance.


Super Moderator
My 10 year old is a "Riley Kid" as they're called. I will be happy to give you any information you like. I have no experience in Chicago so there's really no way to compare them for you. Do you have any specific concerns?


Super Moderator
I included a lot of info about Riley in this post for a new Riley Mom - see link below. It may help you.

If you use the search box in the upper right corner, and enter "Riley" you will find more threads. You will also find a thread by me that complained of Rileys refusal to give me copies of the PFT reports without a full blown records request ..... as of our last visit, that has changed. Persistence pays!

