Which foods do we start with?


New member
Hi all - Ellie is still only at the 5% mark for weight-to-length. She's reaching all of her milestones and from a non-CF standpoint, she is tracking fine. The obvious issue is that she is soo long which decreases her over all BMI. My son (no CF) tracked almost exactly as she is, therefore, I think we're combating my height and smaller frame as opposed to CF alone. I was always the "skinny tall kid" until I hit puberty. We were given the go ahead to start Ellie on solids and I'm wondering if any of you have faced similar weight issues in relation to being tall/slender yourselves and how such genetics are being manifested in your CF child. Which solids did you start with? Which have you had success with?


New member
Hi all - Ellie is still only at the 5% mark for weight-to-length. She's reaching all of her milestones and from a non-CF standpoint, she is tracking fine. The obvious issue is that she is soo long which decreases her over all BMI. My son (no CF) tracked almost exactly as she is, therefore, I think we're combating my height and smaller frame as opposed to CF alone. I was always the "skinny tall kid" until I hit puberty. We were given the go ahead to start Ellie on solids and I'm wondering if any of you have faced similar weight issues in relation to being tall/slender yourselves and how such genetics are being manifested in your CF child. Which solids did you start with? Which have you had success with?


New member
Hi all - Ellie is still only at the 5% mark for weight-to-length. She's reaching all of her milestones and from a non-CF standpoint, she is tracking fine. The obvious issue is that she is soo long which decreases her over all BMI. My son (no CF) tracked almost exactly as she is, therefore, I think we're combating my height and smaller frame as opposed to CF alone. I was always the "skinny tall kid" until I hit puberty. We were given the go ahead to start Ellie on solids and I'm wondering if any of you have faced similar weight issues in relation to being tall/slender yourselves and how such genetics are being manifested in your CF child. Which solids did you start with? Which have you had success with?


New member
Hi all - Ellie is still only at the 5% mark for weight-to-length. She's reaching all of her milestones and from a non-CF standpoint, she is tracking fine. The obvious issue is that she is soo long which decreases her over all BMI. My son (no CF) tracked almost exactly as she is, therefore, I think we're combating my height and smaller frame as opposed to CF alone. I was always the "skinny tall kid" until I hit puberty. We were given the go ahead to start Ellie on solids and I'm wondering if any of you have faced similar weight issues in relation to being tall/slender yourselves and how such genetics are being manifested in your CF child. Which solids did you start with? Which have you had success with?


New member
Hi all - Ellie is still only at the 5% mark for weight-to-length. She's reaching all of her milestones and from a non-CF standpoint, she is tracking fine. The obvious issue is that she is soo long which decreases her over all BMI. My son (no CF) tracked almost exactly as she is, therefore, I think we're combating my height and smaller frame as opposed to CF alone. I was always the "skinny tall kid" until I hit puberty. We were given the go ahead to start Ellie on solids and I'm wondering if any of you have faced similar weight issues in relation to being tall/slender yourselves and how such genetics are being manifested in your CF child. Which solids did you start with? Which have you had success with?


Staff member
Because of the enzyme issue, we were pretty much already giving DS fruit. When he turned 6 months, his doctor advised us to just grind up regular food instead of going to baby food because baby food is low in salt and fat; however -- most people don't do that and most doctors don't recomend it, we did well with:

Baby food meats -- turkey and ham -- beef & chicken were too thick, sweet potatoes, stage 2 mac and cheese, baby food oatmeal with pears. I seem to recall there were several stage two mixed meals -- veggies and meat.. He wasn't a stage 3 child because it was too chunky and he'd gag, nor was he a fan of tomato based baby foods.

I did add a little butter to his oatmeal and salt to his meats.

When he was about 8 months old he LOVED yo baby yogurt and I'd just shovel it in. He also liked ground up bean soup. And at daycare he ate most everything ground up with the exception of anything that had peas in it. He could sense the teeny tiniest pea in any meal.


Staff member
Because of the enzyme issue, we were pretty much already giving DS fruit. When he turned 6 months, his doctor advised us to just grind up regular food instead of going to baby food because baby food is low in salt and fat; however -- most people don't do that and most doctors don't recomend it, we did well with:

Baby food meats -- turkey and ham -- beef & chicken were too thick, sweet potatoes, stage 2 mac and cheese, baby food oatmeal with pears. I seem to recall there were several stage two mixed meals -- veggies and meat.. He wasn't a stage 3 child because it was too chunky and he'd gag, nor was he a fan of tomato based baby foods.

I did add a little butter to his oatmeal and salt to his meats.

When he was about 8 months old he LOVED yo baby yogurt and I'd just shovel it in. He also liked ground up bean soup. And at daycare he ate most everything ground up with the exception of anything that had peas in it. He could sense the teeny tiniest pea in any meal.


Staff member
Because of the enzyme issue, we were pretty much already giving DS fruit. When he turned 6 months, his doctor advised us to just grind up regular food instead of going to baby food because baby food is low in salt and fat; however -- most people don't do that and most doctors don't recomend it, we did well with:

Baby food meats -- turkey and ham -- beef & chicken were too thick, sweet potatoes, stage 2 mac and cheese, baby food oatmeal with pears. I seem to recall there were several stage two mixed meals -- veggies and meat.. He wasn't a stage 3 child because it was too chunky and he'd gag, nor was he a fan of tomato based baby foods.

I did add a little butter to his oatmeal and salt to his meats.

When he was about 8 months old he LOVED yo baby yogurt and I'd just shovel it in. He also liked ground up bean soup. And at daycare he ate most everything ground up with the exception of anything that had peas in it. He could sense the teeny tiniest pea in any meal.


Staff member
Because of the enzyme issue, we were pretty much already giving DS fruit. When he turned 6 months, his doctor advised us to just grind up regular food instead of going to baby food because baby food is low in salt and fat; however -- most people don't do that and most doctors don't recomend it, we did well with:

Baby food meats -- turkey and ham -- beef & chicken were too thick, sweet potatoes, stage 2 mac and cheese, baby food oatmeal with pears. I seem to recall there were several stage two mixed meals -- veggies and meat.. He wasn't a stage 3 child because it was too chunky and he'd gag, nor was he a fan of tomato based baby foods.

I did add a little butter to his oatmeal and salt to his meats.

When he was about 8 months old he LOVED yo baby yogurt and I'd just shovel it in. He also liked ground up bean soup. And at daycare he ate most everything ground up with the exception of anything that had peas in it. He could sense the teeny tiniest pea in any meal.


Staff member
Because of the enzyme issue, we were pretty much already giving DS fruit. When he turned 6 months, his doctor advised us to just grind up regular food instead of going to baby food because baby food is low in salt and fat; however -- most people don't do that and most doctors don't recomend it, we did well with:
<br />
<br />Baby food meats -- turkey and ham -- beef & chicken were too thick, sweet potatoes, stage 2 mac and cheese, baby food oatmeal with pears. I seem to recall there were several stage two mixed meals -- veggies and meat.. He wasn't a stage 3 child because it was too chunky and he'd gag, nor was he a fan of tomato based baby foods.
<br />
<br />I did add a little butter to his oatmeal and salt to his meats.
<br />
<br />When he was about 8 months old he LOVED yo baby yogurt and I'd just shovel it in. He also liked ground up bean soup. And at daycare he ate most everything ground up with the exception of anything that had peas in it. He could sense the teeny tiniest pea in any meal.