Who do you want as your next US president?


New member
**I'm going to rephrase.......

I'm interested to hear about other US views on who you're thinking of voting for.

Who and why? Who do you think will have the best healthcare policy?

What is your main issue of concern? Obviously there are so many major issues at stake, so I'd like to hear what you are concerned with. Just curious! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
**I'm going to rephrase.......

I'm interested to hear about other US views on who you're thinking of voting for.

Who and why? Who do you think will have the best healthcare policy?

What is your main issue of concern? Obviously there are so many major issues at stake, so I'd like to hear what you are concerned with. Just curious! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
**I'm going to rephrase.......

I'm interested to hear about other US views on who you're thinking of voting for.

Who and why? Who do you think will have the best healthcare policy?

What is your main issue of concern? Obviously there are so many major issues at stake, so I'd like to hear what you are concerned with. Just curious! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
**I'm going to rephrase.......

I'm interested to hear about other US views on who you're thinking of voting for.

Who and why? Who do you think will have the best healthcare policy?

What is your main issue of concern? Obviously there are so many major issues at stake, so I'd like to hear what you are concerned with. Just curious! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
**I'm going to rephrase.......

I'm interested to hear about other US views on who you're thinking of voting for.

Who and why? Who do you think will have the best healthcare policy?

What is your main issue of concern? Obviously there are so many major issues at stake, so I'd like to hear what you are concerned with. Just curious! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
to resist the "flame throwing" i will not mention a canadates name, but in my opinion the next president of the United States should be

a stong leader with a backbone who's not afraid to step on toes and will do to the best of his/her ability to lead this country into what is right, this person should be strong in their morals and not be afraid to stand up for their beliefs. A good canadate for the Presidency should be uncompramising and stand strong though thick and thin for what they believe is in the best intrests of this country but at the same time be open to new ideas. He/she should NOT have their own personal gain in mind in their campaign (which severly limits canadates) and not try to cover up their past, EVERYONE makes mistakes and if there is something we need to know it should be out in the open. A canadate should be an honorable person and should not resort to "mudslinging" to boost their numbers in the polls. If and when you manage to accomplish all of these things can we start looking at the morals, ideals, experience, plan for the country, beliefs regarding policy, and how they stand in all the issues. These also are very important but without the forestated are in vain.

Now if anyone is still reading this and not offended, a person that i would concider voting for in the upcoming election would be;

-Pro-life, this is a big one for me
-against an amnesty plan for the illegal alians who break our laws every day by just being here
-would not "cut and run" from our responsibilities in Iraq (also a biggie for me)
-the health care system NEEDS reform, universal health care isn't the answer though
-against stem cell research, the destruction of life is not worth the POTENTIAL benifits
these are a few of the big ones for me of course there are others but the post is already far too long.

Now, if you are offended you need a tougher skin, this is only the opinion of one person and if you feel threatened you need to do some soul searching again this is MY opinion and no one made you read it you did it all on your own accord, my opinion was asked so i provided. if you feel it necessary to discuss it with me i would be glad to respond to your private messages, don't hijack the thread to fry me


New member
to resist the "flame throwing" i will not mention a canadates name, but in my opinion the next president of the United States should be

a stong leader with a backbone who's not afraid to step on toes and will do to the best of his/her ability to lead this country into what is right, this person should be strong in their morals and not be afraid to stand up for their beliefs. A good canadate for the Presidency should be uncompramising and stand strong though thick and thin for what they believe is in the best intrests of this country but at the same time be open to new ideas. He/she should NOT have their own personal gain in mind in their campaign (which severly limits canadates) and not try to cover up their past, EVERYONE makes mistakes and if there is something we need to know it should be out in the open. A canadate should be an honorable person and should not resort to "mudslinging" to boost their numbers in the polls. If and when you manage to accomplish all of these things can we start looking at the morals, ideals, experience, plan for the country, beliefs regarding policy, and how they stand in all the issues. These also are very important but without the forestated are in vain.

Now if anyone is still reading this and not offended, a person that i would concider voting for in the upcoming election would be;

-Pro-life, this is a big one for me
-against an amnesty plan for the illegal alians who break our laws every day by just being here
-would not "cut and run" from our responsibilities in Iraq (also a biggie for me)
-the health care system NEEDS reform, universal health care isn't the answer though
-against stem cell research, the destruction of life is not worth the POTENTIAL benifits
these are a few of the big ones for me of course there are others but the post is already far too long.

Now, if you are offended you need a tougher skin, this is only the opinion of one person and if you feel threatened you need to do some soul searching again this is MY opinion and no one made you read it you did it all on your own accord, my opinion was asked so i provided. if you feel it necessary to discuss it with me i would be glad to respond to your private messages, don't hijack the thread to fry me


New member
to resist the "flame throwing" i will not mention a canadates name, but in my opinion the next president of the United States should be

a stong leader with a backbone who's not afraid to step on toes and will do to the best of his/her ability to lead this country into what is right, this person should be strong in their morals and not be afraid to stand up for their beliefs. A good canadate for the Presidency should be uncompramising and stand strong though thick and thin for what they believe is in the best intrests of this country but at the same time be open to new ideas. He/she should NOT have their own personal gain in mind in their campaign (which severly limits canadates) and not try to cover up their past, EVERYONE makes mistakes and if there is something we need to know it should be out in the open. A canadate should be an honorable person and should not resort to "mudslinging" to boost their numbers in the polls. If and when you manage to accomplish all of these things can we start looking at the morals, ideals, experience, plan for the country, beliefs regarding policy, and how they stand in all the issues. These also are very important but without the forestated are in vain.

Now if anyone is still reading this and not offended, a person that i would concider voting for in the upcoming election would be;

-Pro-life, this is a big one for me
-against an amnesty plan for the illegal alians who break our laws every day by just being here
-would not "cut and run" from our responsibilities in Iraq (also a biggie for me)
-the health care system NEEDS reform, universal health care isn't the answer though
-against stem cell research, the destruction of life is not worth the POTENTIAL benifits
these are a few of the big ones for me of course there are others but the post is already far too long.

Now, if you are offended you need a tougher skin, this is only the opinion of one person and if you feel threatened you need to do some soul searching again this is MY opinion and no one made you read it you did it all on your own accord, my opinion was asked so i provided. if you feel it necessary to discuss it with me i would be glad to respond to your private messages, don't hijack the thread to fry me


New member
to resist the "flame throwing" i will not mention a canadates name, but in my opinion the next president of the United States should be

a stong leader with a backbone who's not afraid to step on toes and will do to the best of his/her ability to lead this country into what is right, this person should be strong in their morals and not be afraid to stand up for their beliefs. A good canadate for the Presidency should be uncompramising and stand strong though thick and thin for what they believe is in the best intrests of this country but at the same time be open to new ideas. He/she should NOT have their own personal gain in mind in their campaign (which severly limits canadates) and not try to cover up their past, EVERYONE makes mistakes and if there is something we need to know it should be out in the open. A canadate should be an honorable person and should not resort to "mudslinging" to boost their numbers in the polls. If and when you manage to accomplish all of these things can we start looking at the morals, ideals, experience, plan for the country, beliefs regarding policy, and how they stand in all the issues. These also are very important but without the forestated are in vain.

Now if anyone is still reading this and not offended, a person that i would concider voting for in the upcoming election would be;

-Pro-life, this is a big one for me
-against an amnesty plan for the illegal alians who break our laws every day by just being here
-would not "cut and run" from our responsibilities in Iraq (also a biggie for me)
-the health care system NEEDS reform, universal health care isn't the answer though
-against stem cell research, the destruction of life is not worth the POTENTIAL benifits
these are a few of the big ones for me of course there are others but the post is already far too long.

Now, if you are offended you need a tougher skin, this is only the opinion of one person and if you feel threatened you need to do some soul searching again this is MY opinion and no one made you read it you did it all on your own accord, my opinion was asked so i provided. if you feel it necessary to discuss it with me i would be glad to respond to your private messages, don't hijack the thread to fry me


New member
to resist the "flame throwing" i will not mention a canadates name, but in my opinion the next president of the United States should be

a stong leader with a backbone who's not afraid to step on toes and will do to the best of his/her ability to lead this country into what is right, this person should be strong in their morals and not be afraid to stand up for their beliefs. A good canadate for the Presidency should be uncompramising and stand strong though thick and thin for what they believe is in the best intrests of this country but at the same time be open to new ideas. He/she should NOT have their own personal gain in mind in their campaign (which severly limits canadates) and not try to cover up their past, EVERYONE makes mistakes and if there is something we need to know it should be out in the open. A canadate should be an honorable person and should not resort to "mudslinging" to boost their numbers in the polls. If and when you manage to accomplish all of these things can we start looking at the morals, ideals, experience, plan for the country, beliefs regarding policy, and how they stand in all the issues. These also are very important but without the forestated are in vain.

Now if anyone is still reading this and not offended, a person that i would concider voting for in the upcoming election would be;

-Pro-life, this is a big one for me
-against an amnesty plan for the illegal alians who break our laws every day by just being here
-would not "cut and run" from our responsibilities in Iraq (also a biggie for me)
-the health care system NEEDS reform, universal health care isn't the answer though
-against stem cell research, the destruction of life is not worth the POTENTIAL benifits
these are a few of the big ones for me of course there are others but the post is already far too long.

Now, if you are offended you need a tougher skin, this is only the opinion of one person and if you feel threatened you need to do some soul searching again this is MY opinion and no one made you read it you did it all on your own accord, my opinion was asked so i provided. if you feel it necessary to discuss it with me i would be glad to respond to your private messages, don't hijack the thread to fry me


New member
I'm going to keep this short and simple so I don't get riled up. Hahaha.

My vote is with Obama. I'm a Democrat almost all the way (I don't know anyone that is 100% one or the other --- there are too many issues to fall under one category only) and Hilary annoys the piss out of me. Plus she's more wishy-washy and doesn't stand for what I believe as closely as Obama does (on a variety of pressing issues... gay rights, abortion, the war, healthcare, etc). I started to read Obama's book (I didn't finish because school started again), and enjoyed very much what I read. What he had to say and how he said it.


New member
I'm going to keep this short and simple so I don't get riled up. Hahaha.

My vote is with Obama. I'm a Democrat almost all the way (I don't know anyone that is 100% one or the other --- there are too many issues to fall under one category only) and Hilary annoys the piss out of me. Plus she's more wishy-washy and doesn't stand for what I believe as closely as Obama does (on a variety of pressing issues... gay rights, abortion, the war, healthcare, etc). I started to read Obama's book (I didn't finish because school started again), and enjoyed very much what I read. What he had to say and how he said it.


New member
I'm going to keep this short and simple so I don't get riled up. Hahaha.

My vote is with Obama. I'm a Democrat almost all the way (I don't know anyone that is 100% one or the other --- there are too many issues to fall under one category only) and Hilary annoys the piss out of me. Plus she's more wishy-washy and doesn't stand for what I believe as closely as Obama does (on a variety of pressing issues... gay rights, abortion, the war, healthcare, etc). I started to read Obama's book (I didn't finish because school started again), and enjoyed very much what I read. What he had to say and how he said it.


New member
I'm going to keep this short and simple so I don't get riled up. Hahaha.

My vote is with Obama. I'm a Democrat almost all the way (I don't know anyone that is 100% one or the other --- there are too many issues to fall under one category only) and Hilary annoys the piss out of me. Plus she's more wishy-washy and doesn't stand for what I believe as closely as Obama does (on a variety of pressing issues... gay rights, abortion, the war, healthcare, etc). I started to read Obama's book (I didn't finish because school started again), and enjoyed very much what I read. What he had to say and how he said it.


New member
I'm going to keep this short and simple so I don't get riled up. Hahaha.

My vote is with Obama. I'm a Democrat almost all the way (I don't know anyone that is 100% one or the other --- there are too many issues to fall under one category only) and Hilary annoys the piss out of me. Plus she's more wishy-washy and doesn't stand for what I believe as closely as Obama does (on a variety of pressing issues... gay rights, abortion, the war, healthcare, etc). I started to read Obama's book (I didn't finish because school started again), and enjoyed very much what I read. What he had to say and how he said it.