When you or your child is sick who do you call? Do you call your pediatrician? Do you call the CF pulmonologist? What about ENT?
I am diagnosed with CF my daughter age 13 remains in diagnostic limbo. For myself I just Email my CF team any questions and they are always helpful. For my daughter I am never sure who to call. This weekend she got sick 102 fever Saturday and Sunday night more coughing, but the sinus drip kind not the junky lung type. Her nose and cheek bones hurt a lot and her nose is really stuffed up. I figure a sinus infection. She had sinus surgery due to frequent infections polyps etc in the past. I took her to the pediatrician who says probably the flu suggests cough medicine I refuse. I was told by pulmonologist to encourage not stop coughing because she is clearing mucus from her lungs. Instead I increase her vest and hypersal neb to 3 times daily as the pulmonologist suggested in the past.
Today the pulmonologist calls because the pediatrician called them for advice knowing I would call him tomorrow since she is no better. They were a mad that I took her to the pediatrician verses calling them. They called in Tamaflu and suggested calling the ENT about sinus problem to get antibiotic if needed.
I just feel lost about who to call when? Any suggestions.
I am diagnosed with CF my daughter age 13 remains in diagnostic limbo. For myself I just Email my CF team any questions and they are always helpful. For my daughter I am never sure who to call. This weekend she got sick 102 fever Saturday and Sunday night more coughing, but the sinus drip kind not the junky lung type. Her nose and cheek bones hurt a lot and her nose is really stuffed up. I figure a sinus infection. She had sinus surgery due to frequent infections polyps etc in the past. I took her to the pediatrician who says probably the flu suggests cough medicine I refuse. I was told by pulmonologist to encourage not stop coughing because she is clearing mucus from her lungs. Instead I increase her vest and hypersal neb to 3 times daily as the pulmonologist suggested in the past.
Today the pulmonologist calls because the pediatrician called them for advice knowing I would call him tomorrow since she is no better. They were a mad that I took her to the pediatrician verses calling them. They called in Tamaflu and suggested calling the ENT about sinus problem to get antibiotic if needed.
I just feel lost about who to call when? Any suggestions.