Whose on Colistin?..Need some info im not familiar with this medicene



Needing people whose been on this to tell me about it please :)


Well the docs are wanting to start me on it because im havjng bad reactions to tobi lost 5% fev in just 5days of dosing it!..i was pretty upset to cause i worked my but off to get 35% best i been in 15mnths and raised it to that from 29% ..so my question is what do you culture and what did you notice when you first started..an why were you placed in it?..and has it helped you :)


New member
I am on Colistin, 75mg twice a day (when acutely ill, docs bump it up to 150 twice a day) and have been on it for years as well. TOBI just wasn't doing it's job, so we decided to switch....I think I'm doing better with Colistin. I grow out PA, resistant as well as other bugs (Steno, Staph, and at times Achromobacter X. ) I haven't had too many adverse reactions with the Colistin, except for hoarseness and it is a weird tasting neb.

Jenn 40 WCF


New member
I'm using colistin, 2000000 * 2 times a day for 8 months. I like the results. Tobi did not help me at all. After colistin, in the last analysis, decreased the number of the PA - was 10**7, and now has 10**5, hope this is not a bug! Only here immediately after inhalation difficulty breathing- bronzospazm, but after about 30 minutes pass, it can and be patient :)


I had the same issue with TOBI making me sick! I am on inhaled colistin, 75mg 2x/day on a month on/month off cycle. It's also one of the drugs in the IV cocktail we use when I'm on IVs. The inhaled doesn't give me any side effects; IV can give me numbness of the mouth. We found that we can prevent the numbness if I deliver it via syringe instead of an elastomerric (sp??) ball.


New member
I have tried both Tobi and coilistin and I couldn't take either it seems that all inhaled antibiotics really irritate my lungs and airways and actually makes things worse for me.
