Why are doctors so resistant to test for CF?


New member
I know it's nothing new to anyone here but it is soooo frustrating. It took me 2 1/2 years of hell and reading a bunch of medical books to finally diagnosis my first daughter with CF. The pediatrician still told me I was wrong, but I refused to leave the office without an order for a sweat test... and the rest is history, for me at least...

Now, my brother and his wife are having the same problem. Their son has had every problem you can imagine relating to CF... chronic lung problems, repeatedly diagnosised as asthma, bronchitis, etc... loose, greasy bm's, he has a huge pot belly, disportionately bigger than the rest of his body, terrible reflux problems, etc... one sign after another. Not to mention two first cousins (both my daughters) with CF. Still, they cannot get a doctor to write an order for a sweat test. He is two years old and has been sick his whole life. Every other month or so I get a call from my sister-in-law crying and asking me tons of questions about new problems her son is having. (I live 1500 miles away from her). Because they are military, they have moved a lot and have seen several doctors and had several ER visits. The last doctor she took him to told her that she was just being paranoid, that he (the doctor) had a better chance of having CF than her son did, and that she just needs to let it go and forget about it. My brother believes the doctors and tells her to drop it. (the same thing my father told me when I kept saying Kaitlyn was sick)... My family is in chronic denial mode. Several years after Kaitlyn was diagnosed I was telling my dad that I was thinking of applying for a wish from make a wish for Kaitlyn, my dad's response was "I thought that was a program for kids with terminal illnesses"... DUH... Where the heck have you been?????

I'm sorry for venting here... Just feel so frustrated. I called the CF Center today where my brother and his wife live and asked their policies on getting sweat tests. I found out when they do them and stuff so I can call my sister-in-law and give her the info... problem is, I can't do anymore than that. I can't force her or a doctor to actually perform the test. I just want to shake everyone and tell them to stop being so damn selfish and help this poor child out. I know it's hard for a parent to acknowledge that their child has a major health problem, but for goodness sake, how much does he have to suffer before someone does something???????

Any advice on how to get an order for a sweat test when the doctors resist your attempts???? Or how to persuade a family member to DEMAND the test and not take no for an answer???

Thanks for allowing me to vent. Any advice is appreciated.


New member
I know it's nothing new to anyone here but it is soooo frustrating. It took me 2 1/2 years of hell and reading a bunch of medical books to finally diagnosis my first daughter with CF. The pediatrician still told me I was wrong, but I refused to leave the office without an order for a sweat test... and the rest is history, for me at least...

Now, my brother and his wife are having the same problem. Their son has had every problem you can imagine relating to CF... chronic lung problems, repeatedly diagnosised as asthma, bronchitis, etc... loose, greasy bm's, he has a huge pot belly, disportionately bigger than the rest of his body, terrible reflux problems, etc... one sign after another. Not to mention two first cousins (both my daughters) with CF. Still, they cannot get a doctor to write an order for a sweat test. He is two years old and has been sick his whole life. Every other month or so I get a call from my sister-in-law crying and asking me tons of questions about new problems her son is having. (I live 1500 miles away from her). Because they are military, they have moved a lot and have seen several doctors and had several ER visits. The last doctor she took him to told her that she was just being paranoid, that he (the doctor) had a better chance of having CF than her son did, and that she just needs to let it go and forget about it. My brother believes the doctors and tells her to drop it. (the same thing my father told me when I kept saying Kaitlyn was sick)... My family is in chronic denial mode. Several years after Kaitlyn was diagnosed I was telling my dad that I was thinking of applying for a wish from make a wish for Kaitlyn, my dad's response was "I thought that was a program for kids with terminal illnesses"... DUH... Where the heck have you been?????

I'm sorry for venting here... Just feel so frustrated. I called the CF Center today where my brother and his wife live and asked their policies on getting sweat tests. I found out when they do them and stuff so I can call my sister-in-law and give her the info... problem is, I can't do anymore than that. I can't force her or a doctor to actually perform the test. I just want to shake everyone and tell them to stop being so damn selfish and help this poor child out. I know it's hard for a parent to acknowledge that their child has a major health problem, but for goodness sake, how much does he have to suffer before someone does something???????

Any advice on how to get an order for a sweat test when the doctors resist your attempts???? Or how to persuade a family member to DEMAND the test and not take no for an answer???

Thanks for allowing me to vent. Any advice is appreciated.


New member
I know it's nothing new to anyone here but it is soooo frustrating. It took me 2 1/2 years of hell and reading a bunch of medical books to finally diagnosis my first daughter with CF. The pediatrician still told me I was wrong, but I refused to leave the office without an order for a sweat test... and the rest is history, for me at least...

Now, my brother and his wife are having the same problem. Their son has had every problem you can imagine relating to CF... chronic lung problems, repeatedly diagnosised as asthma, bronchitis, etc... loose, greasy bm's, he has a huge pot belly, disportionately bigger than the rest of his body, terrible reflux problems, etc... one sign after another. Not to mention two first cousins (both my daughters) with CF. Still, they cannot get a doctor to write an order for a sweat test. He is two years old and has been sick his whole life. Every other month or so I get a call from my sister-in-law crying and asking me tons of questions about new problems her son is having. (I live 1500 miles away from her). Because they are military, they have moved a lot and have seen several doctors and had several ER visits. The last doctor she took him to told her that she was just being paranoid, that he (the doctor) had a better chance of having CF than her son did, and that she just needs to let it go and forget about it. My brother believes the doctors and tells her to drop it. (the same thing my father told me when I kept saying Kaitlyn was sick)... My family is in chronic denial mode. Several years after Kaitlyn was diagnosed I was telling my dad that I was thinking of applying for a wish from make a wish for Kaitlyn, my dad's response was "I thought that was a program for kids with terminal illnesses"... DUH... Where the heck have you been?????

I'm sorry for venting here... Just feel so frustrated. I called the CF Center today where my brother and his wife live and asked their policies on getting sweat tests. I found out when they do them and stuff so I can call my sister-in-law and give her the info... problem is, I can't do anymore than that. I can't force her or a doctor to actually perform the test. I just want to shake everyone and tell them to stop being so damn selfish and help this poor child out. I know it's hard for a parent to acknowledge that their child has a major health problem, but for goodness sake, how much does he have to suffer before someone does something???????

Any advice on how to get an order for a sweat test when the doctors resist your attempts???? Or how to persuade a family member to DEMAND the test and not take no for an answer???

Thanks for allowing me to vent. Any advice is appreciated.


New member
I'm sorry, I don't have much input for you, but they have to demand testing -- those are some very classic CF symptoms! I just cannot imagine a doctor refusing to do a sweat test! That is so frustrating -- tell them to keep going to different doctors until they get what they want -- the best place for them would be straight to a CFF center -- at least they would easily recognize they symptoms and wouldn't need to be convinced to test.


New member
I'm sorry, I don't have much input for you, but they have to demand testing -- those are some very classic CF symptoms! I just cannot imagine a doctor refusing to do a sweat test! That is so frustrating -- tell them to keep going to different doctors until they get what they want -- the best place for them would be straight to a CFF center -- at least they would easily recognize they symptoms and wouldn't need to be convinced to test.


New member
I'm sorry, I don't have much input for you, but they have to demand testing -- those are some very classic CF symptoms! I just cannot imagine a doctor refusing to do a sweat test! That is so frustrating -- tell them to keep going to different doctors until they get what they want -- the best place for them would be straight to a CFF center -- at least they would easily recognize they symptoms and wouldn't need to be convinced to test.


New member
I am a bit confused. So who is more at fault....the doctors for not seeing a need or your bro/SIL for accepting it & going into denial? Given family history it should be ruled out if nothing else. So many families dont have a known family history so its a grasp when ruling things out. I feel your frustration!


New member
I am a bit confused. So who is more at fault....the doctors for not seeing a need or your bro/SIL for accepting it & going into denial? Given family history it should be ruled out if nothing else. So many families dont have a known family history so its a grasp when ruling things out. I feel your frustration!


New member
I am a bit confused. So who is more at fault....the doctors for not seeing a need or your bro/SIL for accepting it & going into denial? Given family history it should be ruled out if nothing else. So many families dont have a known family history so its a grasp when ruling things out. I feel your frustration!


Staff member
I work with a woman whose son has similar symptoms -- she and her husband stormed out of the doctor's office because she wanted to test him for "cerebral fibrosis". Her husband was furious because "his son isn't stupid". So when she brings up her son's frequent infections, breathing problems, digestive and weight gain issues -- I tell her about out our child's cf diagnosis, symptoms, medications.... Denial...


Staff member
I work with a woman whose son has similar symptoms -- she and her husband stormed out of the doctor's office because she wanted to test him for "cerebral fibrosis". Her husband was furious because "his son isn't stupid". So when she brings up her son's frequent infections, breathing problems, digestive and weight gain issues -- I tell her about out our child's cf diagnosis, symptoms, medications.... Denial...


Staff member
I work with a woman whose son has similar symptoms -- she and her husband stormed out of the doctor's office because she wanted to test him for "cerebral fibrosis". Her husband was furious because "his son isn't stupid". So when she brings up her son's frequent infections, breathing problems, digestive and weight gain issues -- I tell her about out our child's cf diagnosis, symptoms, medications.... Denial...


New member
I'm sorry but parents that are too in denial to allow proper medical testing or treatment for their kids should have them taken away. And I take that back, I'm not sorry.


New member
I'm sorry but parents that are too in denial to allow proper medical testing or treatment for their kids should have them taken away. And I take that back, I'm not sorry.


New member
I'm sorry but parents that are too in denial to allow proper medical testing or treatment for their kids should have them taken away. And I take that back, I'm not sorry.


Staff member
What can I say, I'm surrounded by morons... I've flat out said, the test is painless. Why not have the test to rule it out?


Staff member
What can I say, I'm surrounded by morons... I've flat out said, the test is painless. Why not have the test to rule it out?


Staff member
What can I say, I'm surrounded by morons... I've flat out said, the test is painless. Why not have the test to rule it out?


New member
That guy never should've been allowed to have children... even kids with cerebral palsy aren't stupid. That guy will deserve it if someday he gets partially paralyzed and people automatically think he's "stupid."


New member
That guy never should've been allowed to have children... even kids with cerebral palsy aren't stupid. That guy will deserve it if someday he gets partially paralyzed and people automatically think he's "stupid."