I was babysitting my 6 month old nephew a few days ago and my son was playing with him on the floor. He loves his baby cousin and started to massage his back and then he started to do CPT on the baby. I told him that his cousin doesn't need CPT because he does not have CF. He got pretty upset and wanted to know why he was the only one with a disease. I think it was the first time he has ever seen himself as different. We have always been open with him about CF and answered any question he may have, but I wasn't prepared for that one. I tried to get scientific (pretty basic because he is almost six) and explain why his friends and most kids don't have CF, but he was looking for a better answer. It broke my heart to see him crying and wishing his cousin had it too. He doesn't want his cousin to get sick, he just wants to "share" it with someone. I have never seen a child look more alone and confused. Did I do the right thing? It was such a profound moment for him and I pray that I didn't say the wrong thing, or maybe I told him too much. Has anybody experienced this? Should I talk to him again?